My mental health: Suicidal - NRAS


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My mental health

40 Replies


40 Replies
allanah profile image

Please ring the Samaritans. Really it would be good for you to talk to someone. You know we ate here for you too. Sending love and good internet wishes down the line to you.

Please talk to somebody xx xx

Please do call, as allanah has said, the Samaritans and talk to someone who can help you on 116 123. It’s free to call. X

allanah profile image

Julia many of us have had this feeling at times. I'm glad I didn't act on it as my life is so much better now. Thinking of you

Mmrr profile image

Julia do ring the samaritans and contact the NRAS helpline in Monday. There us lots of help out there for you.

Come on line anytime, there us usually someone else online.

Hopefulfuture profile image

Please take care as others have said. I'm new here and just reading others posts has helped me so much to not feel alone. Please call someone, my thoughts and best wishes are with you.

Nessa28 profile image

Deep breath , please call someone samaritans , crisis team any family or friends . You are very special as the posts below show . You're a sparkle in someone's life . Please talk to someone . Sending you strength and courage to speak to someone 💐🤗🤗

Victoria-NRAS profile image

Hi Julia

As others have said, we are all here for you. Please call the NRAS helpline on Monday: 0800 298 7650. Hopefully we can talk through whatever's making you feel this way. Thank you for taking the time to reach out on this forum.

The Samaritans are also very good and can be a much needed listening ear.



rab1874 profile image

Please call someone or NRAS, don’t feel alone, we’re all here for you xxx

nomoreheels profile image

Talk to us Julia. There are plenty of compassionate people here who won't judge. You've made the first big step reaching out so if you feel able talk to us, you needn't feel alone, it can affect all of us the black dog, it's not selective.

You've already had some lovely messages, try to reply, we're all here ready to listen. Alternatively as already mentioned if you're in the UK call the Samaritans, 116123.

Please Julia, call the Samaritans.

Please don't suffer in silence, we can't hear you, you need to be heard. xx

VeronicaF profile image

Hi Julia, is how your feeling because of the pain your in? or because of what your going through? or has something happened that you can't cope with?

All though you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment, it is there, you just got to hang in there

just as caterpillar thought it was the end, it turned into a buttlerfly.

life goes round and round, like a feers wheel at a fun fair, it goes round and round, when you reached rock bottom there is only one way ,that is back up, so hang in there

there is nothing that your going through that someone on here has or is going through

your not alone, you are cared about

you do matter, how your feeling matters

talk to us please

sending you all the love in the world, let us know your okay please, and you wont do anything silly

love Vxxx

scotslass333 profile image

Julia, I've been where you are, several times. You MUST talk to someone, anyone - Samaritans are great .

Depression is a curse, but there IS help. Please get back in touch, just pour it all out.

I'm praying for you sweetheart.

PinkLamb profile image

Hi julia3

We are all in the same boat love, we all totally understand, and this is such a brilliant forum to be in, because we are all suffering, and all understand each other,,

Love pinklamb


VeronicaF profile image

still thinking of you Julia's, let us know your okay please, sending you all my love xxxx

mccaffs2014 profile image

Please talk to us

HappykindaGal profile image

Julia, please answer us xx

benjijen profile image

Please let us know you're ok. x

The post is a little vague? May I ask what kind of 'Suicidal' are you? Without more info, it's hard to comment...

Yogi-bear123 profile image

I remember feeling like u because of the pain but three years later and it’s not perfect but manageable and I have my life back and live and laugh. Go see your doctor on Monday or call out of hours now, if they know how u are feeling mentally they can help u. Whether it’s new meds for your arthritis or meds to help u for depression..Be strong and pick up your phone... u WILL be ok but u HAVE to ask for help. Thinking of you Xxx

Floralqueens profile image

Love to you and please call a friend, family member or the Samaritans. Xxxxxx

RADOONE profile image

I went through exactly the same emotional turmoil please book to see gp ASAP I have been on antidepressants now for 6 months it has really helped I can deal with the flare days much better as well . Please please Julia seek help ASAP x

VeronicaF profile image

or even talk to us, sometimes the light of day makes you feel so much better, and I am hoping that is the case for you too, much love to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Gnarli profile image

You've got a support army behind you, supporting you Julia. You don't need to struggle on alone. You've already made that hard first step, reaching out for help. I truly hope you are ok and sending warm wishes and warmer hugs

Maeve31 profile image

Hi Julia, hold in there. In the worst of times it seems as if things will never improve. But life moves on and can slowly one step at a time change and improve. Give the Samaratins a call. Take it one hour at a time.

Lots of people here worrying about you so drop us a line to let us know you're ok. Xx

Please talk to us Julia, we are all so worried about you and are thinking of you. I was where you are in 2002. I just couldn't see any future and it was the blackest time of my life. I somehow hung in there and I am so glad that I did because I would have missed so much, new members of the family, my son growing up and doing good things, lovely holidays etc. I am in constant pain and it seems never ending, I can no longer go out for a walk, need help to get dressed etc and I have over 30 different conditions and sometimes I think I am beginning to get depressed again, but somehow I pull through it and I take anti-depressants long term.

Please reach out for help and my thoughts and prayers are winging their way to you. xxx

Julia has replied she’s ok (ish) to another group, if you check her posts on her profile.

Mish-da profile image
Mish-da in reply to

Julie please respond on here too at least so we know you are ok ( ish) and can also provide some support. I see by you most recent post on another group which I can’t respond to as not a member that you were asking further advice. Do you live in the UK as this depends on the signposting?

in reply to Mish-da

I have had a message from her now and I have asked her to respond here so we all know she’s ok.

Mish-da profile image
Mish-da in reply to

Ok it’s good to know she is on another group too that primarily focuses on such issues.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Good stuff x

in reply to Mish-da

Yes I


allanah profile image

Hi sweetie . You can see the love above. Chat whenever you are up to it Xx Xx hugs

in reply to allanah

From the bottom of my heart thank you for your kind and thoughtful wishes xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Been there ... mine is better. Hang on in there xxx hugs

ilovemyhubby profile image
ilovemyhubby in reply to

So, so happy to hear from you. Please know we are praying for you in the US. I try to remembe that in life we’re either just coming out of a trial or just going into a trial, with a span in between where life seems to be ok. It’s like mountains and valleys. But we couldn’t enjoy the mountaintops nearly as much if we didn’t have the valleys. Much love. You have a whole army of people in your corner!

lornaisobel profile image

I was where you are a few months ago - people on this site helped - I made an emergency appointment at Drs and to cut a long story short Im now on 'pills' which are good and awaiting an appointment with a counsellor from an organisation called first steps - Its not all rosy but its a start a different option so Ill give it a try - suicide is now on the back burner - please try there are other options out there - if someone had said this to me months ago I would have said that they didnt understand - I do XXX

in reply to lornaisobel

So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better lornaisobel and that suicide is on the back burner. Very proud of you for taking those steps and hope that counselling helps you even more x

lornaisobel profile image
lornaisobel in reply to


VeronicaF profile image

its fantastic to hear your feeling better and getting help

sending you lots of love xxxxxxxx

lornaisobel profile image
lornaisobel in reply to VeronicaF


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