I’ve just read that there are RA meetings across the country. That’s fantastic 😀 just wondering has anyone attended one?
NRAS meetings: I’ve just read that there are RA... - NRAS
NRAS meetings

I haven’t attended one but I keep wanting to but never get up the courage to do it 😊
Regularly until our group folded. Just a social gathering really with interesting speakers sometimes.
Hello Yes i've attended a few, some interesting talks. Unfortunately it was too far away. Wishing there was one in Nottinghamshire.
Yes, but it was not something that really made me think anything different. Obviously a lot had been friends for a long time but it was dated and a raffle. Of course run by volunteers it is difficult to see how without more imput that that will change. I feel they are let down by lack of support but then again I've only been twice so am jst as guilty as those who do not support the meetings locally. In this age very old fashoned and not attractive, nice people just boring. Sorry x
Mine are too far away. Nearest one is an hour and half drive. Can’t do that.
I think we have the best support group right here! We can attend whenever we want, we get good answers to our questions, along with understanding and encouragement, and we don’t have to travel in bad weather to get here!
Yes, we have a good group, meets every two months in Clifton Hospital Lytham St Annes. Interesting speakers, can be very helpful. Take your courage in both hands and try it!
Definitely would do if we had one
There isn't an RD group near here. I believe the nearest is some 18 miles of difficult driving away. In the very early days I went along to an 'arthritis' support group meeting only to find it for osteo. It was quite old-fashioned (bingo and a raffle) and not particularly friendly in a hall that smelled of dead chips and old grease. I also went to a one off NRAS meeting with interesting speakers and lovely friendly people and would go again in a flash if there was one nearer.
Bingo raffle smelly dead chips n grease, that’s so funny. That’s made me giggle. I’d like to attend one just as you’ve described for the experience xxx
Dead chips made me really laugh 😂

I don’t know about you but my stomach hurts from laughing xxx
Yes and I don’t even know what dead chips are 😂

They're the ones you bought and couldn't finish. They're then forgotten and left in the car for a couple of warm days. Open the door and - voila! - dead chips
I’ve got tears rolling down my face from laughing. You’ve altered my perception of chips forever, I’ll never be able to look at them in the same way xxx
Ah that’s why I don’t know what they are, I’ve never had chips I couldn’t finish 🐷
Just been to the Gwent group this morning! Good get-together - we exchange information, tips and (non-medical) advice of managing our condition.
We spent a bit of time looking at the NRAS website this morning using the laptops from the library, and other sources of reliable information.
We often have a speaker for an hour on various topics - laughter therapy, the occupational therapist, sitting yoga, Tai Chi, eating well, etc.
But the main advantage is meeting others and finding out how they manage their condition. We do have a raffle and we ask for a 50p donation for coffee/tea, - otherwise it's free.
Our main problem is getting the word out there that we exist! We have posters up in the GP surgeries, physio, the hospital clinic, etc. But the clinicians are so busy they forget to mention us. Some people travel many miles (in this rather rural area) to get to the meeting.