Hi. I've just joined and have had RA and OA for over 40 years, (I started at 14!). Have been on Methotrexate but it does not seem to be working as I have active disease. The Consultant has recommended I start Leflunomide along with the Methotrexate.....I do not qualify for the newer drugs - Biologics or Biosimilars etc.... I have recently started with tendonitis of the left achilles which is quite painful... any advice for dealing with this from anyone please? Thanks.
I'm new here: Hi. I've just joined and have had RA and... - NRAS
I'm new here

Welcome to our hell hole of pain, help and friendship.
Firstly sorry to hear you don’t qualify for biologics/similars. I would not loose hope on that one. I would suggest you take a look at the Leflunomide info on NRAS website you may have already done so. For me it would be a cross between benefit and side effects. Rather than being squashed into a corner to take it. Take your time to weigh it up even if it means more discussion with Rheumatology team. Sorry I can’t be more detailed
Good luck
Hi also re tendinitis. My physio (private) has been using ultrasound on my hips to reduce inflammation and that has been helpful for me. Ice packs and Deep Relief gel I can also recommend You should try and get a physio referral from your Rheumatology team asap
Ask also for a referral to a podiatrist - tho' waiting times can be long so you may have to go privately. They can help work out how best to take pressure off your achilles. And as others have said, rest, ice and heat do help. Especially rest!
Welcome, I am fairly new to the site to but everyone here is helpful and friendly and I am sure you are going to love being here. This site has really helped me and has kept me sane LOL!
I was on MXT but had a really bad time on it, mainly stomache issues, excema and hair loss, eventually I had to be stopped when they realised I have G.O.R.D.
I am currently on Leflunomide which has been okay so far and I will be having a Ritixumab infusion tomorrow. It's a shame you currently don't qualify for the bio's but they'll probably change their mind in time. Give Leflunomide a chance, I didn't have allergic reactions to it in the beginning but it did settle down, so far, so good.
Thanks for that info....I haven't started the Lef yet but know I will probably have to as full of aches and pains and the Methotraxate obviously is not working! Unfortunately, a lot of my problems are feet related, nodules etc but when they do the scoring for the biologics they don't take foot pain into consideration which is crazy in my opinion. Anyway, will probably start the Lef next weekend when I have a couple of days off work in case of side effects.