Hi. I'm.taking 20mg leflunamide and now have. Lots of blood blisters on both arms and a.very large one on the roof of my mouth. Should I be concerned?
Leflunamide: Hi. I'm.taking 20mg leflunamide and now... - NRAS

I think you should definitely speak to your doc or rheumatologist. Always best to check these things out.

Thank you.I've got an appointment with practice nurse this Wednesday.
I think you should certainly let your GP or Rheumy know. Leflunomide can have an effect on your blood cells, could be connected to your blood blisters. Have your new-drug monitoring blood tests been ok?
Hi. I haven't had any results yet. My blood was taken last week. Hopefully I won't hear bad news from rheumy. Thank you. Fingers crossed..
Ah, so it really is a very new med. Even though you're seeing the nurse on Wednesday I'd have the symptom logged as a message to your GP, he may wish to see you. If you leave it til Wednesday you're another couple of days on & being a new med it's better he's aware.
Or, let your Rheumy nurse know, you should have been given a helpline number.