I know many people know about the short abbreviation of some tablets and medications for which l put my hands up l’m not ,to sure about. My question is on the same lines in that after having my last rummy appointment he said that l have a very aggressive form of ra l am sero positive but l was under the impression all ra hurts like hell no matter what form it is in if someone can tell a bit about it l would be greatfull l feel a fool as after so many years on this curse l still do not know the basics it could also be bury ones head in the sand and hope for the best
Degree of pain: I know many people know about the short... - NRAS
Degree of pain

I think that we all get pain whether the Rheumatoid Disease is aggressive or mild. But by 'aggressive' I think that the medics usually mean that the joints get damaged more quickly by erosions? Or perhaps that it is more difficult to control by medication? They aren't looking at it in the same way as someone who has to cope with the pain, fatigue and difficulties with daily living.
If you look to the right of your screen you'll find Pinned Posts. Tap on Common abbreviations and acronyms on this community, you should find all of them there.
Aggressive form really could mean it's been predicted you have a more erosive form, maybe they've found a specific enzyme called PAD4, it's an antibody found in the blood. Usually if you have an aggressive you're treated more aggressively, which meds are you taking?
Thank you to all three of you for your reply’s l will look on the side now to check abbreviations easy when you know if l do any other post you will know if l have overdone the abbreviations if it sounds more like morse code. With regard aggressive l must admit l did not know about PAD4 l thought my rummy was going to beat me up in his rooms once again thank you all for your reply’s
NMH now I’m baffled what is PAD4 how many pads are there does it determine the disease I’m curious ? I know when I was diagnosed nurse told me my outlook isn’t great and is aggressive, I'm sero postive and in fact now I’m in loads of pain, I need a steroid jab again I think or is it this weather,we got all the season in one day, hate it with a passion
PAD4, peptidylarginine deiminase 4, is an enzyme which increases in inflamed joints. This explains medicaldaily.com/marker-agg...
I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope you can arrange to have a steroid injection, or the weather calms down, whichever. 😒
I was diagnosed with seronegative RD 31 years ago but my status changed about 5-6 years ago to seropositive. I had a lot of joint damage whilst still negative (toes, knees and elbows) not sure if that means my RD has always been aggressive. I suspect it does. The only real difference now is that I also have Rheumatoid Vasculitis (a serious complication of RD) and I can be given drugs they wouldn't consider when seronegative.
My interpretation of what you wrote is that you have an “aggressive double positive RA”, and that you don;t have severe pain.
I was diagnosed with the same thing, must have been during a flare.
If I compare myself to others on here, my pain is not significant, and I have a high degree of functionality.
Is this what you’re speaking about?
Anyways, it’s all horrible anyway, just takes on different formats
Not always so straight forward. When I was diagnosed I had all the markings for an aggressive RA and the pain and the symptoms to go with it. However, I did not take the offered aggressive med protocol, tried other things. After nearly three years I have minimal erosion, very little pain most of the time. So predictions are not always correct.
Once again thank you for your reply’s l think l will try to answer your points which are l must admit are very good double aggressive pain l have never heard of but that is not to say you are wrong l can function as best as possible but it is still very painful it could be we have the same symptoms but we are not all the same. With regard to rv this is a new one but your symptoms are the same as mine toes knees elbows so your post was very close to how l feel as to the drugs l feel like taking no more as at this moment l feel like a test dummy. With regard minimal erosion l cannot answer that one but one thing l can say is l now take oxygen at home starting up to 16 hours a day now l find l have to leave it on at night so that l can get so sleep l feel as my prediction was not correct and l am now paying the price the oxygen tube is 15 metres long so it feels like a rope holding me back but l cannot do without it once again thank you for your reply’s and the advice it gives me food for thought
Gameo I hope and prey your ok you have struggles I shouldn’t complain about myself when I read your story.
Thank you for your reply we all have problems no matter how severe it is if you feel the need to complain about your condition then do so get it off your chest you never know someone may have the same symptoms as you good luck for the future