Hi all
I wrote a while back, about my worries about taking meds or at least having another med added on so soon.
As I don't feel my RA is that bad.,just one flare up.
I was advised to speak to someone at rheumatology, which I did. I had run out of meds, tried to get a prescription from the GP surgery....but I had to get them from Rheumatology...which I didn't know....or I just failed to remember.
So anyway I was given an appointment to get a prescription,and while there I talked about my concerns over having to take another med. Hydroxychloroquine, and said I didn't feel like I needed another med, and she seemed fine with this.
Next thing I knew....i agreed to upping the methotrexate to 15mg a week....even though I said earlier in the conversation that I was fine on the 10mg.
Now I'm back to square one...it took me a lot to take the drug initially ..managed for just a month...a pretty short time compared to some others I know...but my anxiety really goes on one at times...and taking meds is one of the things that cause it.
I know I seem to be a bit mardy or over thinking stuff...but that's just the nature of anxiety..which I have had for a long time before RA decided to land on me.
I appreciate that RA is a serious condition, but surely it is best for me to be able to gradually work my meds to a higher dose..and not feel rushed into it.
I just feel like I take one step forward then get knocked back again. Because I had to pick up a new prescription I hadn't taken my med for that week and I've not started it again this week. Now I'm worried about that.
I've had low moods alot..feeling weepy and this RA landing on me hasn't exactly helped me... one-minute I'm all positive and feeling stronger..better health wise...the next I'm feeling depressed, fed up and a little more than mixed up. I know this isn't exactly a question... I just needed to get things off my mind, sorry.
Thanx for listening.I'll stop whining now :).