Frustration with things i can't do very well............ - NRAS


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Frustration with things i can't do very well.............

sylvi profile image
28 Replies

I struggle to hold a pair of scissors,i struggle with pens and pencils are a no no. I struggle to put insoles and i struggle because i can't remember thinks which in turn causes rows. I struggle to do my housework,just can't do much. When i do i pay for it like this morning my back is painful after being in the garden. I struggle to concentrate, hence i can't read anymore and nothing much past a magazine or newspaper(i know audible books,but it is not the same as holding a book. I struggle with the cold,damp,wet weather. I am struggling to get better from whatever this is raging through my body. Yes today i am blooming fed up with life in general. I am sure you can all relate to how i am feeling today. I also know you are all going to add to the list of things you can't do and i will think yee i can't do that either. I am hoping your all going to make me laugh with things you can't

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sylvi profile image
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28 Replies
DC56 profile image

Sweetheart unless you start to relax and get better your going to get more depressed stop doing things you know you shouldn’t be doing ,there are small grips to put on the pencils to help you hold them I’ve got them go on disability aids sending you hugs because you definitely need them ❤️

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to DC56

Your right darling and now it is raining so i can't go up the village either. xx

bencar profile image
bencar in reply to sylvi

Sylvi, Although I don't suffer pain like you do, it doesn't stop me feeling for you. There is no advice I could give you that you haven't had from other sources. Just know that I am thinking of you and hope and pray very much you will feel better soon. Hugs, Cathie

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to bencar

Cathie thank you darling. I am ok, just a bit fed with this flu/virus,chest

Pat9442 profile image

Know how you feel Sylvi. Also got flu/chest infection bug. Mega tantrum just now because the chicken was too heavy for me to put in the oven! And don’t start me on the effort required to spear a few melon pieces to put in my mouth!

But as they say... these things will pass and the sun will shine again. Oh yeah? And I bet blue birds will fly over the white cliffs of Dover too!

Chin up girl

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Pat9442

Thank you Pat i needed that.xxxxx

Izzyowl profile image

Well I keep looking at this swede ( the vegatable !) that has turned up in my vegetable rack. Can you imagine a more difficult vegetable to peel than that ! I swear the blooming thing gives me the evil eye when I walk past it ! From now on it's ready peeled and cut bags of swede/sweet potatoes, and of course the wonderful ready made mash that has become a staple in my shopping trips. With a bit of butter mixed in nobody can tell the difference :-) Hope that's made you smile Sylvi and you are feeling a bit better x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Izzyowl

That is so funny darling.xxxx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Izzyowl

I would probably have opened the back door and booted it down the garden like a football .. Then probably broken my big toe! I will never peel a swede!! 😁😝. I get many ready chopped things but chop on my good days. Ready mashed swede & carrot is in my trolley most weeks!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Who eats Swedes ? Yuk,

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to AgedCrone

I do if they are mashed with carrots.xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to AgedCrone

I know what your going to say,there's always one. pmsl.xxxx

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to AgedCrone

Not me, that's for sure

jeniren profile image
jeniren in reply to Izzyowl

I know a great way to cook a swede/turnip without peeling or chopping it, put the whole thing onto a plate on its end and put in microwave oven cook for 20-30mins depending on size (20 small, 30 large) then turn it over onto other end be careful it may be hot cook for another 20-30mins take out cut down middle and scoop out the flesh. I know it seems a long time to cook but well worth it not having to peel and chop and it tastes better too as all flavour stays within. make sure to put it on a plate as juice can run out of it you wont want to cook it any other way once you've tried it xx

Neonkittie17 profile image

It is terrible I know and even the most patient of people get frustrated so allow yourself to have a rant and a little freak out and feel perfectly justified for doing so then promise to return to zen as you are doing very well considering the two nasty infections and antibiotics you've had. I'm still semi superwoman with many things and busy myself despite the joints being dodgy but I felt like crap last week on the ABs and couldn't do much. Wait till you've got them out of your system and recovered then you will feel much better. It took me a year to get back into reading after ten months of oral steroid madness. I read the same pages over and over again and thought .. Why aren't I processing anything? Mind wasn't ready or able to retain much. I've a massive pile of unread books. I'm sure you have these ... the colouring books were a Godsend to me and as I totally zen'd out and went to a different place .. Just the sound of the pencil gently whooshing across the paper made me feel calm. If you can't hold a pencil firmly what about a paintbrush and some paints? There are also some chunky pencils (Faber Castell lead pencils if you want to sketch or FC ribbed coloured watersoluble pencils. I've got both for when my hands are sore.) What about a gentle painting session? A small watercolour palette? The Works and WHSmith have some very decent ones if you don't want to shell out for the professional ones. I know you like to be creative. I've just bought Fearne Cotton's CALM book for a friend's birthday but I think I might keep it for myself as it's a pretty good job for a non psychologist! She's a smart lady. Think I will be back at Tesco buying my friend another next weekend! I've got time as her birthdays is a few weeks off! I also got her the new Johanna Basford colouring book which is beautiful (yes I want it too!) Hang in there and take care. Gentle hugs. xxxxxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Neonkittie17

I will have to go in Tescos and get me that

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to sylvi

Both are on special offer. xxxx

miss profile image


Lyneal profile image

So sorry you feeling so bad, it’s horrid when you can’t do things, I git tubes to put over pens &pencils so much better writing with these. I used gadgets to open ring pull tins. I also suffer with back wh3n gardening, and just lately my hip and knee are really painful so difficult in walking. Absolute pain, so I do sympathise with you. Hang in there.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Lyneal

My cousin brought me pencils with thingys on them and still i struggle with them because of the pressure i need to use.xxxxx

AgedCrone profile image

Sylvi.....As you know I am a lot older than you & just as stubborn, but my salvation was ...Acceptance!.

Accept that after being so poorly you really do need to rest for longer than 24 hrs.

Having had such nasty infections you need to stay in the warm, keep well hydrated & not try to work in your garden or go walk about to your village.

I know that is boring, but it works. Try it for a will be amazed how much stronger feel after letting nature take its course & start the healing process.

It's like when you only fix half a car won't run smoothly until you fix both halves.,

Think about it.


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to AgedCrone

I will says her who has just got back from going to town in her scooter.LOL.xxxx

theyintaeno profile image

I have had RA for 35 years and I don't concentrate on things I cant do I would be here forever I concentrate on things I can do I belong to a choir and go when i can it mamkes me feel greeaat and also an art group sometimes don't paint anything but the group always cheer me up and there are lots of people in this world who are a lot worse than me so I am thankful for small mercies. Tune in to a radio or television program which makes you laugh that is the best meficine. Hope this helps will think of you.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to theyintaeno

I was having a frustration moment when i wrote this post. I was hoping i was going to get some who have had these sort of moments when they felt like throwing the damn thing they were trying to do across the room and i had hoped we could have a good laugh.xxxxx

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to theyintaeno

My music mistress at school told me to mime...I was short & in the front row of the choir for the school prize giving! But I can't hit the right note to save my life.

Then for O Level Art (that ages me) I was asked to draw either a wheelbarrow or a deck chair from memory. Try it!

It's a wonder I wasn't traumatised for life!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to AgedCrone

No thanks i could draw a straight line if my life depended on it darling. xxxx

Gnarli profile image

The lack of concentration is what bugs me most closely followed by the brain fog which ensures I can't remember a blooming thing. Trying to knit myself a shawl yesterday (as I have been for over a week). It's not been an easy job and there's been lots of cursing. I somehow dropped a stitch and the rotten thing laddered down about four rows. So I threw it across the room, startling the dog, and then howled like a wolf. Usually I concentrate on things I can do rather than those I can't but yesterday it got to me. You're not alone. The frustration gets to us all from time to time I suspect and you have had so much more to deal with than most. Huge gentle hugs


Ps I don't skydive, pothole or pole-vault. But then, I never did x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Gnarli

Ha ha ha ha I too have never done any of those either

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