Juat been diagnosed with carpel tunnel syndrome, help, what happens next ?
Carpel tunnel syndrome: Juat been diagnosed with carpel... - NRAS
Carpel tunnel syndrome

I bought a n infra red light and treated it every day for a week and no more pain or discomfort. It's really quite amazing how this IR light has helped me with my joints and not only that but gives you new energy.😍
Hiya Wendy. Sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As to what happens next it somewhat depends on how severely affected you are. Usually initially you're supplied with wrist splint(s) & sometimes either a steroid injection or, if you're not prescribed one already, an NSAID to work on the inflammation causing your median nerve to be trapped. If neither of these help & your pain extends to your elbow or even your shoulder & has become more troublesome you'll be referred to Neurology again (I take it you've have nerve conduction studies to diagnose CTS?) to discuss having Carpal Tunnel release. This is a small op, usually done under local anaesthetic, I had 3 injections around where they incision was. It only takes 20-30 minutes so it's a day case surgery.
If you'd like any further info just ask. x
Yes i am 😊
I had my CT release op in Spain. Were you referred to Neurology by your GP? I ask as my Rheumy referred me so my Neurologist wrote to her with the results. Anyway, it took around 3 months after diagnosis for my op appointment to come through, don't know how long it would be presently as I had mine done in 2013. If you want any more info just ask. x
I had carpal op 2014. Totally successful, huge relief. I still have flares in the fingers of the hand but no problems with the wrist.
It depends . Have you been nerve tested ? Do you have SEVERE pins/needles/numbness in your fingers ? I had this treatment , followed by cortisone injection but when the pains were keeping me awake and the numbness would turn my fingers dark purple my option was the operation and I grabbed it . Small incisions on lower palm , quick snip ,stitch and it’s done . I entered theatre , got prepared, op took exactly 6 minutes ,bandages applied and I left theatre ,22 minutes in all . And OMG the relief . Slight twinge now & then but I’m not awake for 3-4 hours every night with pain that reduced this tough old bird to tears . 😘
Back again, just had my visit to see the consultant and he is going to operate in 5--6 weeks, do i need to stop any meds does anyone know ??