Question for NRAS admin. Who can see "locked posts"? - NRAS


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Question for NRAS admin. Who can see "locked posts"?

Mhairi54 profile image
24 Replies

When you lock a post, who gets to see it? Is it just the people who are following you, or is it the whole NRAS Health unlocked community? Thanks.

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Mhairi54 profile image
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24 Replies
Nettac profile image

I was wondering that too.

KatyDid profile image

Good question! Also, how can you tell whether a post is locked? Thanks x

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to KatyDid


You'll see a tiny grey padlock (locked/ closed) 🔒 near top of Post, after word "Reply", KatyDid.

Look for tiny grey padlock 🔒 (in this sample):


Mhairi54 profile image
Mhairi54 in reply to Kai--

I use my mobile phone to post/reply, and can't see a tiny padlock anywhere. Is that on a desktop that you can see a padlock?

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Mhairi54


Just tested & can see 🔒 on my mobile. 📱 👀

Hmm . . . 🤔

See (on your mobile 📲 ) if you can see tiny grey padlock 🔒 on these 2 recent locked posts :


If you can't see the padlock 🔒 on your 📱 (& if anyone around you is also not seeing the padlock), then possibly it's the device? 🤔

If you wish to pursue an answer with HealthUnlocked Help Centre ( ), they may be able to work with you to assess what the issue is. 🤔



Aside: just saw this other related HU article 'How do I change who can see my posts?':


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--


Merely for clarity, ITYFIALMCTT , (to address the reply that just disappeared: " "The "whole NRAS Healthunlocked community" sees your locked 🔒 post — not just your current (8) followers, Mhairi54"

I've just tested this, I can't see locked posts on communities on HU of which I'm not a member. I'd have to follow that community to see the post beyond the opening words. " ):



"The "whole NRAS Healthunlocked community" sees your locked 🔒 post — not just your current (8) followers, Mhairi54."


'NRAS' appears to be the overlooked 👀 key word.


• The "whole Healthunlocked community" CANNOT see Mhairi54's locked 🔒 posts nor any NRAS member's locked posts.

• Any member of the NRAS community (which is a subset of Healthunlocked communities) CAN see any other NRAS member's locked posts, including Mhairi54's.


Hope 🤞 this is clearer. 🙏 😌


If not, this may clarify: 'Abbott & Costello Who's On First' 🤗 🤣 🙃 :



ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to Kai--

Kai - I find it quite tricky to read your posts because of the decorations and fonts so I realised on re-reading that you had mentioned NRAS.

Consequently, I deleted my response to you so that it wouldn't confuse matters. However, it seems that that wasn't sufficient.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to ITYFIALMCTT


😂 😂 😂

All too, too funny . . . 🤣

Good for happy giggle!!! 😆


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Kai--


Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Mhairi54

Mhairi, I use my mobile too and the bottom, centre of page it says unlocked post, with a question mark next to it. When you click it, it has a pop up which gives the option if locking it. However, it appears to need locked with every post and if I’m replying to a post ( as now) there doesn’t appear to be any option of locking the reply?

All in all, I’m not clear about it myself?!!


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Eiram50


Kindly, see if either of these directions help clarify 'how to lock a post', Eiram50/ Mhairi54:

How do I edit a post or reply?

How do I change who can see my posts?


If an originating poster creates a source post (from scratch) or edits one of their already existing posts, they can follow either of these directions to lock 🔒 their post.


If it's not working from your mobile 📱 & if you've another device (tablet , laptop 💻 , desktop 🖥 , etc.) to try from, that other device might be easier to try from? 🤔


Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Kai--

Thank you Kai

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Eiram50

No, replies can't be locked in either case, locked or unlocked post Marie. Only the originator of the post has the option to lock it but of course if it is your reply will then only be visible to members of HU NRAS of any other HU community you're a member of.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to nomoreheels

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Eiram50

You're welcome. How's things?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to nomoreheels

Up and down really but thank you for asking. I began the leflunomide (2 Nd week) and I’m having a bit pain in stomach and the oldest pins and needle type sensation in all my fingers . It becomes very annoying when in the office and needing to write reports- so distracting! Lots of headaches too but I’m going to run with it all for the next few weeks and see where it takes me!

I hope things are as well as can be for you and your husband.

I’m lying here in bed with a gale force wind blowing outside but consider myself extremely lucky as I have the electric blanket on- bliss!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Eiram50

I hope things improve for you, although do keep a check on the pins & needles-type sensation, this is why I had to come off it. My Rheumy referred me to Neurology for similar problems, I felt it could be carpal tunnel related but I also had the oddest sensation in my legs too. It confirmed peripheral neuropathy & CT in both hands. I stopped LEF last month & have repeat tests next week.

The weather's turned hasn't it? It's that horrible half-light here, rainy & windy, lovely. H has just left for physio, next week he has CT scans booked plus endoscopy & colonoscopy, poor thing, as if he needs further investigations but if it solves why he's having troubles it will be worth it. Thanks for asking & I hope you turn a corner soon.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you. The pins and needles thing isn’t at all painful, just uncomfortable and very very distracting. I’ve also noted, over the past day or two being unexpectedly lightheaded and a dull, tight pain in my chest?

I go to have my bloods and blood pressure done tomorrow so I’ll mention it to the nurse then.

That’s not so good for your husband- it’s so tiring, all the exploratory stuff but you’re right, if they get to the bottom of things then the hope will be to move forward to a better place. I genuinely hope that comes sooner rather than later for you both.

Take care

Marie x

ITYFIALMCTT profile image

When a post is locked, only members of that HU community can see it (e.g., if this were locked, only members of NRAS and no other forum on HU could see it).

When you write a post, there's a section at the bottom where you can select Everyone or Community and if you pick 'Community' there's a padlock icon:


If there's a padlock, both the post and the comments can not be seen by anyone who is not a member of the forum/community.

Kai-- profile image


The "whole NRAS Healthunlocked community" sees your locked 🔒 post — not just your current (8) followers, Mhairi54. 🤔


Supplemental info:

• If you'd like to communicate with just your current 8 followers, you can do that via PM (Private Message: ).

• Bit more on locking 🔒 & privacy ✋ (toward bottom of post), if interested:

• If ever you've queries about HealthUnlocked forums or 'HOW to do something', the Help Centre is a handy jumping off point 🤗 :


Merely opinion: Whether locked 🔒 or unlocked 🔓, for privacy/ security, you may wish to consider 🤔 (as a general rule of thumb 👍 ) "keeping private things private":


Mhairi54 profile image

Thank you for clarifying that. Have to admit, I hadn't realised that the content of my questions/posts would be available to people outwith NRAS Health unlocked, and will be locking my posts from now on!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Mhairi54

Good call, I always do too. I don't see why anyone other than those with the same conditions should be party to our conversations despite others thoughts. If anyone needs help, advice or info they can make the effort to join, I don't think that's unreasonable.

nomoreheels profile image

All the people who are members of that community, so in our case the NRAS community. If you wish to communicate only with those who follow you it's possible on a PM, even have conference-style chat by selecting each member's username you wish to be included in your chat.

You'll notice if you go on another HU community & if you go onto a post the avatar is grey, 'Hidden' instead of a username, only the title & the first few lines visible & 'The author has hidden this post. You need to follow this community to read and reply' is at the bottom of the text then that post is locked to that community. To view that post you would need to join & become a member of that community.

Many of us were concerned when the 'Share this' (Facebook & Twitter) at the rh bottom of each post was introduced too when HU last updated the sites. I was one of those invited to test it out in beta mode whilst the creases were ironed out & along with others expressed my concern that if a post was left unlocked not only would the world & his wife have access to our unlocked posts but also anyone on either social media site would be able to access them too. We were also invited to suggest improvements, I was among many who requested that 'Only followers in my community' became the default but it remained on 'Everyone' unfortunately.

Mhairi54 profile image

Thanks for that NMH. I for one will be locking all my posts in future.

People share some pretty personal stuff on here, because they know that others on here can relate to their issues in a way a lot of family/friends find difficult.

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