Hi everyone, i am just wondering if anyone has had a lower back problem, which isnt eased by RA meds and painkillers, my back is terribly painful especially after walking or standing for a while, i have had x-rays and my rheumatologist has told me i have a curviture in my spine but said nothing more about it. wondering now if it is something else.x
Ouch my back !: Hi everyone, i am just wondering if... - NRAS
Ouch my back !

I have terrible trouble with my lower back too. I have osteoporosis and a couple of the discs have crumbled. It isn't too bad when sitting down, but standing and walking are agony. I saw the rheumy yesterday and said there's nothing really apart from painkillers that they can do. I've tried all sorts of painkillers including morphine and nothing stops it. The only way to relieve it is by sitting. Just hope and pray this is not what you have got.
I would have thought that when you had X-rays they would have identified if you had this problem, so fingers crossed you haven't got this. I find that a warm wheat bag or hot water helps to ease it when sitting too. Xxx
Hi pip12, I just read your post ,I too have tried everything for the pain including morphine as I get that for fibromyalgia and I'm on RA medication, I was hoping that when I saw the osteoporosis specialist that they might have something else apart from resting as I can only stand for about 5 minutes before the pain is unbearable it's a nightmare just now,
I have lower back pain too but mine go through my butt cheek down my leg and through my foot as well. My pain is from my sciatica nerve. It's been on going for over a year now but has gotten worse over the last few months. My doctor I saw today ordered xrays and is wanting me to go through physical therapy too.
I have suffered from terrible back ache as well, that I thought was due to my RA. However a few months ago I was diagnosed with PMR and since I have been on the steroids it has improved. It hasn't gone completely and if I stand too long or walk too long/far it can play up but has improved for sure.
If you have curvature of the spine (scoliosis) then the rheumy won't be interested as it's not an autoimmune disease. I'd go back to your GP and ask to talk about it. There are things that can help, from injections into the spine, specific exercises to strengthen the weak bits, and braces. Also more targeted pain relief.
Hi, I have been having terrible trouble with my back , I have just had a bone density scan and I have osteoporosis in my lower back and osteopenia in my hips, due to long term use of prednisone, I'm waiting to see a osteoporosis specialist on hopefully it's not that, I have fibromyalgia and just put it down to that so see your go if it doesn't get any better some times you have to be firm to get anyone to listen too you. Good luck I hope you get some help,
Hi Loraine 121. Sorry to hear you are going through this agony with your back. When I saw the rhuemy on Wednesday she said I was to have a bone density scan, not had one since 2013. She also said there is not a lot they can do about it, never mentioned no osteoporosis specialist. When it first started I had steroid injections which where great and did ease the pain. Then they said I couldn't have them anymore due to the osteoporosis as it make the bones thinner. I am at the stage now when I just about accept that I will never be able to walk or stand for long ever again.
Sometimes I feel really down and carnt see the point of anything anymore, but when I see what others are having to put up with I think come on try and fight it.
I am so sorry you are having these problems too but it's nice to be able to talk to somebody who knows exactly what the pain is like, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Hope you are not in too much pain at the moment xxx