Has anyone tried a holistic approach with supplements rather than medication ? A family member suggested I try that rather than go on medication with the side effects
Confused: Has anyone tried a holistic approach with... - NRAS
I love these posts would your relative suggest the holidtic approach if you had a broken leg? RA is a complex disease and medication does have side effects but so does paractamol etc. RA does not just affect the joints it may affect the lungs, blood and untreated will cause permanant damage and just might take your mobility and energy. Are you willing to ignore treatment and risk lifelong harm ? No responsible doctor will prescribe medication that you don't need and side effects if 10% get them then 90% don't. I wish you well whatever you decide but please listen to your consulatnat and don't believe that over the counter bought supplements will help, if they did the NHS would save millions and tell us all to just pop to Holland and Barrett.
I do strongly agree with Medway-lady's reply .RD can be a very aggressive disease ...needs to be treated appropriately , and many times , aggressively to prevent long term damage to joints and internal organs. I do however think there is a place for alternative /supplementary therapies. They can be used together , just ensure your specialist is aware of any supplements you are using.
Hi there, I think the bottom line is no-one ever wants to be on medication. I was really apprehensive about it till someone who suffered with RA for 10 years before their diagnosis just told me straight, "Don't think for a minute you can do this any other way than medication, you can alleviate symptoms with a healthier lifestyle, weight loss and other remedies but it's a disease and it needs to be suppressed." She also said the early stages are the most difficult and it can take months to find the right meds but it WILL settle. I'm in the early stages, only a few weeks but so far I reckon my first steroid injection has made the most immediate difference. I was able to stop the codine which was making me really tired. I haven't noticed adverse affects from methotrexate as yet, I opted for injection even though I'm squeamish and it's easy. The most important lesson I've learned is not to overdo it, that's more likely to make you tired than long-term meds. I've just had to get used to asking for some help, little things make a big difference. I'm still adjusting to the new definition of 'overdoing it'. Best of luck, yes it is your decision of course but please be cautious about taking advice from non-sufferers with no medical knowledge. Be wary of supplements without professional advice because they're sold as harmless but active ingredients in 'natural remedies' can be just as powerful as any manufactured drug.
Good luck wishing you well.
Thank you for your advice that makes me feel a lot better. Nobody wants to take medication especially me because I do have side effect sensitivity
Thank you for your advice that makes me feel a lot better. Nobody wants to take medication especially me because I do have side effect sensitivity
You are welcome ,
I must say , I very reluctantly started on my Methotrexate. I was fearful , worried , and felt nauseous at even the thought of putting that poison into my mouth ....... but then I totally changed my attitude , and started to feel more positive about the medication ... I realised I needed to think more positively towards the methotrexate , it was going to help me , and my RD.....
I started on meds immediately 6 months ago when I was first diagnosed. I was apprehensive but more concerned about losing function of my hands so I decided the only option was treatment. Interestingly, I met up again with a client I hadn't seen for 5 years. She had been diagnosed with RA 3 years prior. As a woman of 40 with a VERY healthy and natural lifestyle she and her husband opted for supplements. She came to see me because she was experiencing SO much pain and debilitation. She was now on regular infusions and heavy pain meds since her hands and ankles were deformed. This woman left me feeling certain that medication was the only way to manage RA. I do take Turmeric, Fish Oil and vitamin supplements too. Please be encouraged, the literature on meds is scary...but we do need them! Hugs!!!
The problem is that this disease is so variable, and people's reactions to it and to the drugs are also so variable. So there isn't a one size fits all solution.
A few people (some on this site too) report that they have kept the disease under control without drugs - but they are a lucky minority. For the vast majority of us, without drugs we just get joint damage as well as risking other long term damage to our organs. Yes drugs are scary, but so is the disease!
What I did was start on the drugs in parallel with making big lifestyle changes. And not just diet, but complete lifestyle change so exercise, weight loss, sleep, stress reduction - the lot! I believe that that really helped me tolerate the drugs and get my disease into remission. So I'm about 95% normal now. I have since tried to come off the drugs, and immediately flare. But some people can manage to taper off the drugs once things have got controlled.
It's a personal choice, but I'm happy with the choice I made. However, you will constantly have well-meaning friends and family who know nothing about the disease offering you solutions for cures. I've learnt to nod and smile, and basically ignore them.
I just wish SOMEONE would find a foolproof way of explaining RA isn't OA!
My friend's husband recently said to me " I don't remember you being sporty enough to get arthritis....are you sure that's what you've got"?
I just smiled!
I agree. I have just been with someone who when I told her I have rheumatoid arthritis said 'I've got that too, I've had new knees and a new shoulder' she said the drugs have ruined my stomach so be careful. She'd been taking NSAIDS and no DMARDS so obviously has O A . She looked at me blankly when I said I took immune suppressant drugs........
Lol I had that today. I was in the library in my mobility scooter and a Lady told me she had the 'same' as me ( but she could walk without a stick and was carrying heavy shopping bags). Turned out she has OA in one knee. She said fish oil would sort me out. I told her I'm a vegan (gave up explaining about PSA) and she said that would be the cause of it all lol. I smiled and thanked her And then p***ed myself laughing x
Like I said - I just wish some journalist could get an article published in a .national newspaper EXPLAINING the difference!
A certain Daily newspaper frequently emblazons headlines announcing Cure forArthritis...it's always OA they are writing about & they never even mention that it won't help RA.
So next time why don't we all email the paper asking them to alter their headline to Cure for OA?
Even though it's usually not true....& will take 20 years to become available! Lol!
I know the paper you're referring to, it's the one my f-i-l used to get. When we lived in Spain & they visited he used to present me with a big envelope full of clippings. One day I took the time to explain what I have & once he understood the next time he brought just the one clipping, which actually related to RD!
I have exactly the same, people say, " well, you must expect things like that at your age ". Have given up telling them it is nothing to do with age but I guess unless it happens to them they won`t understand. I certainly wouldn`t wish it on anyone that`s for sure
I have tried many things now I rub Arnika on my joints it gives my relief for a while x
Have you never tried Rheumatoid Disease or RD Kathy, adding if questioned it's an autoimmune disease, your immune system mistakenly attacks your joints. I have very successfully, even my Rheumy team use it.
There are some people (most of them I find) who you could tell you have The Plague& they'd have a cure!
To be perfectly honest these days I don't give a stuff what people thing I've got......for now I seem to be in a good place, so they can all diagnose away & I'll just smile........
Hope everyone reaches this plateau one day!
I used diet modification and acupuncture for many years, starting from becoming pregnant and not wanting to be on any drugs.
I was diagnosed almost 3yrs ago and have opted against the drugs. (I do take Advil)- but the side effects just wasn't worth the risk (again: each of us are different and our paths don't look the same, and that's ok). We had a personal chef in CO this passed Feb. who I was so grateful to talk to. He, too, has RA but has tried so many different approaches to this disease. He tried a holistic approach and didn't have success, and then went the western medicine route and after 2yrs found wjat worked best for him. He suppressed his immune system and he developed shingles, and had just got over the flu 2wks prior to working for us. Hearing the different meds he had tried and the side effects, it confirmed to my heart that *for myself*... at this stage of my life, the meds aren't something I'm willing to introduce at this point. The fear of suppressing my immune system are far greater at this point for me personally. Not to say I won't reconsider up the road, but they are a last resort for me. I take a lot of supplements + amp my body with fresh ginger green juice + tumeric and a modified diet to help control the inflammation as much as possibly, naturally. This is working for the time being, and though I'm scared to death of immuno-suppressants- I will re-evaluate as I go on. Everybody is different and what may work for one, may not be the same path for another. My rheumatologist suggested a really aggressive treatment right off the bat (infusions of the methotrexate) and another pill and after I went home and researched, I knew I had to give my body the oppourtunity to try an all natural approach first before I just dived in. Best of luck in finding wjay works best for your body and what you feel comfortable doing.
Hi SC!
I'm always interested in reading about anecdotal success stories in hopes (as futile as it sounds) to see if there are any similarities with labs or types of RA between those who manage without traditional meds.
You mentioned that your Rheumatologist wanted to start you on aggressive therapy with MTX Infusions but I suppose what you meant was subcutaneous injections as for RA you may use those or pills.
Did you have a high positive anti CCP? Did you have any imaging done (MRI or ultra sound?)
Thanks! And I'm happy to see something is working for you at the moment! I'm sure they are keeping an eye on you with imaging, etc. as I'm sure you're aware that damage can occur even if you don't appear to have inflammation.
Yes I think I am on the same path as you. There are so many different forms of RA and knowing your individual situation at the beginning is often impossible. For some the RA goes into remission after a couple of years without medication. For some it is very slowly advancing not always with erosions and so on. Controlling inflammation seems to be the main thing. This can be done as I have understood, eather by an aggressive approach ( which works for 60%) or a immunesystem supportive and normalizing approach or a combination of the two. Your individual situation should should be the determening factor.
Starting aggressive meds at the beginning may not be the best option for many who can control the disease with lifestyle modifications and diets. It may be that you will need meds in the future but by getting hooked early on also has its downsides. The meds only work for a limited time and when you've gone through the arsenal you probably have ill effects of the longterm use of meds and are left in quite a vulnerable situation with no plan B.
The followup of ones disease is probably the most important thing, whichever treatment route you choose. You need to see that what you are doing is making a difference.
But unfortunately fact is fact...if you have RA it will affect your joints unless you take Dmards- especially if your Rheumy has recommended Methotrexare as a first line treatment.
18 years ago I decided that was the path I was going to take...I was walking on sticks & in constant pan.
Here I am- 2017, no damaged joints, have ups & downs, but can still walk, climb stairs , travel overseas & live a very satisfying life.
Not sure that would be the case on just anti inflammatories or analgesics.......my Rheumy tells me I'd have been in a wheelchair by now.
Of course there is a downside.....chronic tiredness caused by the meds, but not all the time, so I'm satisfied with the decision I took.
Do discuss your options with your Rheumy nurses......OK there are some nasty reactions to some Dmards...but not for everybody....but deciding to take them 20 years down isn't really going to help!
Let's hope you are one of the lucky ones & go into spontaneous remission!
Also wanted to add that in addition toy rhuemotologist, I was seeing a functional
Medicine dr. She helped me know the foods that are RA triggers for me which has helped so, so much. Extensive blood work (and stool sample). But if I cross over and have a food on the "forbidden" list, I always pay for it. Knowing what my triggers are has helped me try to control the inflammation as much as possible
With diet and supplements.
This is a great forum for advice but use your own judgment and research I suggest you look into low dose naltrexone which is not at all toxic I am looking into it it sounds very promising but as I said do your own research
Since I was just diagnosed I don't have a lot of personal experience but my Moms had RA for 30 years. Even with treatments and medication she has two feet that are just balls of toes with heels. She's had her right wrist fused. And a total shoulder done a few years ago. That's with medication. You need to make up your own mind and maybe some people have a very mild form of the disease? But just keep in mind, once you do damage, you have damage. The best we have is preventing damage. Going a route with diet, exercise, alternative therapies and supplements is wonderful, alongside western medicines pharmaceuticals. Just my own opinion.
Have you head that CBD (NOW TOTALLY LEGAL IN THE UK AND EU) has many glowing reports for helping the awful pain and inflammation? There are two Facebook sites worth looking at, CDB CONSUMERS UK/EU and CBD USERS UK. There is also a wealth of information on this natural alternative on the Internet xxxxxxx
helixhelix Has the best approach to treating RA in my opinion...
RA is a nasty, aggressive disease that will do damage if left untreated. Holistic approaches are effective, medications are effective, but a combination of both are the best solution.
Your main goal should be to slow down RA and stop it from doing damage. Medication is currently the best way to do that but medication will not heal the underlying reasons that cause your body to produce Anti CCP or RF Factor antibodies. If you have sero negative RA, this just means that Science hasn't discovered the antibodies your body is producing yet. Anti CCP was only discovered in 1995, so they will find the sero negative antibody one day and be able to test for it.
Medications for RA are very primitive. If we're being brutally honest, Rheumatologists don't really know what they are doing when it comes to RA. In my opinion I believe Immunologists are much better equipped at treating RA, but that's a whole other can of worms that I shouldn't open.
All I want to say in this post is please, please, please don't put your blind faith in the NHS. I spent a week in hospital this month next to a man that had Diverticulitis and watched in horror as the nurses and Orthopaedic surgeons let him eat Curry and drink Coffee. A quick Google search will let you know how much of a disaster to this man's health that was.
NHS Healthcare is exactly that. They are caring for people, but they are not healing them. If they can't suppress it, blast it with radiation, cut it out or stitch it up they don't really have a solution.
It's also extremely important to recognise that organizations like the NHS are not agile and quick thinking. In large organizations it can take decades to drive change. If a cure was found for RA tomorrow, it might not hit the NHS for another 10 - 20 years.
Science has pretty much proven what the underlying causes of RA are and all of them can be healed naturally. But it takes time to heal them and time is something you don't have with RA because it is a destructive disease.
Take medications to control the disease, but try to avoid Steroids and NSAIDS wherever possible because they can do a lot more harm than good. I know sometimes it's unavoidable, but just be mindful that they can set you back on your healing journey.
Whilst taking the medications, work on healing all the underlying causes. It's impossible to know what the underlying cause is for any individual because we're all different, but the answers lie out there.
Go to pubmed.gov and start your own healing journey through research.
Please don't make the mistake of thinking "Joe Bloggs was healthy and got RA and tried healing it naturally and it never worked for him, so I'm just going to stick with the meds"
A lot of people try to heal RA naturally, but do they REALLY attack it at the root cause and try to heal it in the correct way?
Did they buy normal Turmeric from Holland and Barratt or Tesco which has been proven to get destroyed by Stomach acids and do absolutely nothing to reduce inflammation in the body. Or did they buy the Bioavailable BCM-95 Turmeric formula that has been scientifically proven to be a more powerful Anti inflammatory than Naproxen [Aleve] with none of the nasty side effects?
Did they use a high quality, liquid Vitamin D spray, which has been proven to have a bigger impact on reducing RA symptoms over a 6 month period than Methotrexate. Or did they take the crap Doctors prescribe in tablet form that get destroyed by Stomach acids?
Did they switch to an all natural, completely Paleo Diet. Or did they still have some aspects of Sugar, Gluten, Grains and Dairy in their diet? Even trace amounts of these foods have been proven to be highly inflammatory for people with Autoimmune Diseases.
So my question is... When people say they've tried to heal RA naturally and failed, how deep did they really go with it? How much self experimentation did they do? How much Science did they attack the RA with?
Please don't dismiss the potential to heal RA naturally just because someone else has failed. Their underlying cause may be different to yours and they may not have been attacking it in the right way with the correct diet, supplements, anti virals, anti bacterials and in some cases surgery if the RA is caused by dental issues.
Think back over your life and consider big health milestones that have taken place. Ask yourself these questions...
Were you born by C Section?
Has there been a time in your life where you have taken long term antibiotics? [Sulfasalazine included]
How does your tummy feel when I eat Gluten, Nightshades, Red Meat, Grains, Legumes, Lectins, Sugary foods?
Have you ever had Root Canal Surgery?
Have you got metal fillings in your mouth?
Have you ever suffered from a serious virus like Meningitis, Shingles, Hepatitis, Herpes etc etc?
Are my teeth in good condition? [Google the link between Gingivitis / Periodontis Disease and RA... Anti CCP is a very unique type of Antibody that is highly specific to RA. The only other time the body ever produces an Antibody like this is when someone develops Gingivitis or Periodontis Diseases - fascinating right?]
What other Autoimmune Diseases do you have? How are they linked to RA?
Do you have digestive issues? What are the symptoms?
And there are many, many, many more questions you can answer to figure out the underlying causes of your RA. Heal them and your RA symptoms will dramatically reduce. It won't happen over night, but it will happen if you stick to your gameplan.
Right now the NHS treats RA in one of the following ways:
Low Dose Methotrexate: Was discovered during World War 2 by Scientists who discovered it was effective at preventing tumours from forming in people who were exposed to Mustard Gas. How did it become an RA treatment? Well it surpresses the Immune system, so what harm could it do right? Lets give it a try!
Sulfasalazine: Sulfasalazine is perhaps the most harmful drug that is prescribed for RA, but talk to your Rheumatologist and he'll probably say something like "I don't know why you're so worried about this, it's the Methotrexate and Biologics that you should be more concerned about"...
Sulfasalazine was first prescribed for treatment of RA in the 1930's but nobody knows why. The American College of Rheumatology can be quoted on their website as saying:
"It is not entirely clear how this medication works for RA"
Your Rheumatologist may tell you that Sulfasalazine is a blood thinner like Aspirin, but that's only half the story. Sulfasalazine is actually a strong antibiotic. Google long term antibiotic use and you'll start to learn why the odds might be stacked against anyone trying to heal RA naturally who has taken this drug for any prolonged period of time.
More worryingly. A scientific study recently showed that Sulfasalazine has no significant impact on reducing RA symptoms. Science has however proven that long term antibiotic use will worsen RA symptoms...
Then we have Hydroxychloroquine, an anti malarial drug and again no one knows why it gets prescribed for RA.
Then we have the new Golden Child... Biologics that turn off super important parts of the immune system that are probably just doing their job by creating antibodies like Anti CCP and RF Factor to protect us from things that shouldn't be in the body. If we don't attack these foreign invaders, who knows what the long term impact will be?
I didn't post any of that with the intention of scaring anyone, I posted it because I wanted to empower you...
You CAN heal yourself from RA, but you need to go on your own healing journey and find out the root cause of your health issues. It's not easy and it will take time, but it's worth it because you can be well again.
Use the medications to buy yourself time to heal the underlying causes of RA, but please don't accept that the NHS and Rheumatologists are doing their best to help you. They are doing their best within their means, but they are just putting a bandage on the problem, they are not trying to make you well again because they have no tools to do so.
The NHS do not have the time or money needed to create an infrastructure for the type of care that helps people heal from Autoimmune Diseases. It's cheaper and easier to prescribe you Methotrexate, Steroids and even Biologics to put a bandage on things.
I know that this type of post upsets a lot of people, but if I can just persuade one person to not accept RA and go do research and start their own healing journey then it's worth it.
Use medications to buy yourself the time you need to heal the underlying causes of RA. Science has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that Autoimmune Diseases are just complex allergies.
Fight to the end of the earth to find your triggers, remove them and then watch your symptoms gradually disappear over time.
Your body is producing Anti CCP, RF Factor or undiscovered antibodies [if you're sero negative RA] to something that you come into contact with every day, it could be a dormant Virus in your body, it could be an overgrowth of certain strains of Bacteria, it could be eating certain foods or coming into contact with certain chemicals in Cosmetics, Shampoos, Soaps etc. Hell it could even be bad teeth or dodgy metal fillings and Root Canal surgery.
Go find your trigger, correct it and remove it.
I don't have time to post sources for all the information in this post, but everything I have said has been proven by Scienctific research. You can find the information yourself at:
I'm currently in the process of developing a website where I'll write about all this stuff in a lot more detail with all the Scientific research papers attached to it to back it up. I have so much to say and I want to help as many people as possible and I promise I'm working really hard to get this valuable information out there.
Scientists have ripped RA apart and they understand all the different aspects of it very well, but nobody is connecting all the dots. Each piece of research is too separate.
Research has shown that there is never going to be a cure for RA because there's nothing wrong with someone who suffers from this disease. Your body is doing it's job. Treatment needs to focus on removing triggers so that the immune system does not have to mount an immune response to what it perceives to be a threat.
Please don't sit and wait for something to happen. The NHS are not going to heal the underlying causes of your RA. No one is going to develop a magic bullet that will cure RA, because THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Your body is producing antibodies to defend you from something that should not be in your body. Your immune system is doing it's job. Find your triggers and remove them. Your symptoms will then gradually start to disappear.
pubmed.gov is a website that holds the answers to how you can heal your RA. You just need to find them.
Good luck! I really, really hope that you can solve your RA puzzle! You will if you keep digging! There is nothing in this world that we can't figure out if we try hard enough.
A very comprehensive reply and I salute you for the research you have done. I have researched too often making my eyes sore lol. I'm doing a combination of dietary changes, supplements as well as the mtx st the moment
Dr Michael Moseley is convinced that lots of illnesses/diseases are influenced by gut bacteria i.e. correct the imbalance of good to bad bacteria & you could be on the way to curing your condition. Alsopp, agree with the above; seek & ye will find;(enzymes, prebiotics & probiotics plus minor dietary changes might possibly be the answer) My R.A. started after a flu jab. Like Bio- available Curcumin and other effective supplements
I was once advised to eat more parsley to cure my RA. I think family & friends mean well when then advise you to try a holistic approach as drugs are scary....but are you willing to be wheelchair bound and in chronic pain just because your family member thinks the "holistic" approach is the best ?
RA is a lonely disease, people around us don't understand it. Welcome to this site, you will find this site your "safe" place to talk.
Hi Suzanne. Hope you're having a good day! I recently read that correcting some dental surgery helped ease your RA symptoms. Are your symptoms still a lot better?
Hello Allsoop. Yes my symptoms are better. I am up & about now, and I am working part time . I still have some swollen joints, but they are not large, painful & "rock hard" as they once were. My rheumy said these swellings have nothing to do with Ra & it is now "just fluid in my tissues". I was seropositive before the dental surgery & seronegative about 1 moonth after the dental surgery. As of the begining of April, my diagnose has changed to "undetermined polyarthropy" or "undetermined inflammatory arthritis"
Hi Hidden Do you mind me asking what kind of dental surgery you had - was it cavities? And were you CCP positive or RF? Thank you π
Hi cappygal. I was seropositive in 2014 with a high CCP & then after my dental extraction & redo root canal, my rheumy wanted to "start all over" with the bloodwork & assesment of me. So the same blood tests I had in 2014, I did all over again, This time my CCP was normal, and I was told I was seronegative RA. Around April or May 2017 my diagnosis changed again to "undetermined inflammatory arthritis" .
My background
Nov 2006 I had a root canal.
Jan 2008 I had another root canal.
My rheumy is waiting to see how I will be in September....such a long wait..He thinks & I am hoping I had something that mimicked RA.
The scientists need to find away to cure RA.
Thanks for explaining. That sounds like it's been really stressful over the years for you. That is really interesting as I have seen a lot of research about anti-CCP in periodontal disease. Did you have all the symptoms of RA too? Bacterial infections seem to be heavily involved and there has to be a scientific breakthrough in this respect.
Very stressful. I neglected to say the root canals that my dentist did were done wrong. My dentist did not remove all of the infected roots in booth of my teeth. She placed crowns on top of UNcompleted root canals. Thus these left over roots turned gangrene & the bacteria entered my blood stream & flowed throughout my body.
I had all the symptoms of RA :
deformed painful feet with the "daylight" sign
swollen hands & wrists
swollen joints
no sleep
pain running rampid throughout my body
There is a debate about peridontal disease & RA, my rheumatologists says it's like the chicken & the egg.
I will let the scientist debate the link between root canals & RA. In my case, my inept dentist played a major role.
That's really interesting. You must have had a severe overload of bacteria. Have you altered/reduced your medications since? There are lots of studies linking CCP to periodontal disease. Thanks for sharing π