Tiredness and fatigue with RA : Hey , I have RA and I... - NRAS


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Tiredness and fatigue with RA

liliah profile image
18 Replies

Hey ,

I have RA and I'm on methotrexate and Hydroxychloroquine but lately I feel tired everyday . Is this normal with RA ? even with the medication?



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liliah profile image
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18 Replies
JacquiThomas999 profile image

Unfortunately it is part of the disease. It isn't the meds. NRAS have a leaflet on fatigue.


Moomin8 profile image

Hi- the more I do the more I get tired- makes sense I suppose. I get as much fresh air as I can and rest. Work tires me out as it's non-stop (I work in a primary school) and I collapse in a heap when I get home 😁

liliah profile image

Thanks JacquiThomas999 & Moomin8

It's just that I'm tired of feeling this way , I miss feeling energitic ...

Matilda_1922 profile image

I've just finished a shift in hospital as a specialist nurse. I'm not hands on but going up and down stairs and sorting out problematic problems re diabetes.

I'm on 3 DMARD s but continue to have high disease activity although slightly better this week as had a steroid injection last week plus warmer weather.

Now I'm ready for bed hands and wrists are painful. So a nice warm shower as I can't get in and out of bath pjs and bed.

Tara26186 profile image

Hi, I posted same thing to see if anyone had any tips. Am newly diagnosed so still waiting for the meds to kick in but tiredness and fatigue is over powering. A few people said to try exercise as can help. Diet seems to be key too have started eating red and blue fruits and have noticed a slight increase in energy. I asked the RA consultant too and he basically said when tablets start to work should get better. So just a case of persevering unfortunately :(

mart1972 profile image

Try gentle swimming or walking in the day (if you find walking a bit boring or need motivation wear headphones). At night before bed eat bananas or/and some turkey, they both help sleep. A warm bath may help relax and wind down for sleep, as can sex/masturbation can too. I dont think pills are the answer, but if pain is keeping you awake or you get restless legs then sometimes painkiller are needed. But try not to make it habit I hope it improves :)

helixhelix profile image

It does improve as the disease gets better controlled, but it is always a factor. For me a good diet and daily exercise helps. Another thing to think about is to get your vitamin D and B12 checked, as having good levels helps. Also consider whether you are a bit depressed - that can make you feel completely lacking in energy - and whether it would be a good idea to seek some help for that as some GPs still do provide access to counselling. If you're fairly newly diagnosed coming to terms with having a chronic disease can be a difficult, and depressing, process.

AudreyJ profile image
AudreyJ in reply to helixhelix

I take MTX and Hydroxychloroquine. I was really tired and achy, and it depressed me, thinking was this how I would feel for ever? It turned out I was deficient in vit D, (well done the nurse who thought of that). I now take prescribed vit D capsules daily and feel a lot better. I also take folic acid 5 days a week and this also helps with the fatigue. Good luck.

Fra22-57 profile image

Yes unfortunately it's part of the package but it's worth getting your thyroid levels checked

sylvi profile image

I am afraid so,i have RA/Fibro?cfs and i have to say the fatigue is the worst of my symptoms.I don't have a answer to how to make things better as i don't think there is any medication out there that cures the fatigue,if there was the person would make a fortune.xxx

chook profile image

Yes, it's a major problem for me tol

Simba1992 profile image

I wonder.🤔. If the RA is under control, then you shouldn't have fatigue, logically thinking. Still most of those on this forum that are controlling their RA with meds are complaining about fatigue. I am controlling my RA with other treatment methods and I do not have fatigue, pain yes some but not fatigue.

MargaretStirling profile image

Yes don't fight it just relax take it easy for a couple of days it will pass by and you will get back tonormal

petalnumber2 profile image

Hello liliah, I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 8 years and during this time I have had a big problem with tiredness. It is a problem for some RA sufferers it is known as Chronic Fatigue or Overwhelming Fatigue. The key to helping yourself is pacing. Whatever your plans are for each day, try to pace yourself. If it's housework you have planned just do a bit then rest a while and so on....... At first I found it frustrating as I've always had a lot of energy to get things done. But, I cope better by pacing myself. it's important to listen to your body, like I and lots of RA sufferers have learned to do. Unfortunately there is no treatment (so I've been told) for Overwhelming Fatigue. Unless anyone else has found some miracle that helps !!

liliah profile image

Hey Petal

sometimes, my job doesn't allow me to take it slow but I'm trying to cope as much as I can.

I've noticed when the doctor increases my dose of cortisone it goes away but unfortunately I can't take high doses all the time because of the side effects.


alghamdimanal profile image

Yes fatigue and tiredness is part of the disease; but once the medication works and you have the right dose, then, you will get better and feel energetic again

alghamdimanal profile image

I used to have the same thing though I was on Methotrexate; however, after two injection of Humera I started to feel much better and could start do some walking and very soft sports just to strengthen the muscles as the became very weak. After tiring day, I use this what i call it magic cream “DMSO” cream with Aloe Vera before I go to sleep. When I wake up in the morning, there is no pain in my joints and feel energetic

liliah profile image

I know sport is very important in our case but I do very little ...

I never heard aboud this DMSO cream I will check it on the internet

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