Back pain................: Morning everyone it is... - NRAS


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Back pain................

sylvi profile image
56 Replies

Morning everyone it is silly o'clock here and i am downstairs due to my back. I can't stand for long, can't sit comfortable any how i get,either in bed or down here......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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sylvi profile image
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56 Replies
Crusee profile image

Me too sylvi.

Just watching who wants to be a millionaire to keep me occupied..

I slept all evening so no sleep in me tonite but legs hurting and cant lie still .

Oh well tomorrows another day..............

Take care.

Love the flowers.



sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toCrusee

All i seem to be doing is swallowing pain killers that don't seem to touch the pain

Jollygoodglyn profile image

I'm on a post methotrexate night but at least tonight have managed to get a few jobs sorted out. Rheumatologist & GP maintained that lower back is unconnected with RA. After years of pain and a fortune in chiropractor visits, I caught thirty seconds of a documentary on pain free medicine last summer. I ventured to the gym and haven't really looked back. Cutting the gym bit aside, doing plank, side raises and hip raises which work on core strength have transformed my lower back. I was talking to a coach driver last week, a former professional sportsman, who does a minute's plank at the beginning and end of each day.

Now you'll not welcome that news this morning and I appreciate everyone is different, and if you back is currently in spasm mode, don't attempt it (not that you could anyway), but once things ease off and assuming it's not disc related. It could be worth a try. I'd have scoffed if someone told me this last summer.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toJollygoodglyn

It is disc related as i have a compressed disc in my lower back.

Jollygoodglyn profile image
Jollygoodglyn in reply tosylvi

Ignore everything I've written.

in reply toJollygoodglyn

Not necessarily, exercise can push a disc back in place.

I had a slipped disc in 1993 ( had a few since) had to be stretchered off to a&e. Physio got it back in.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I was actually in rehab when mine went 20 odd years ago and they kept me going.

in reply tosylvi

I love your swan photo sylvi and the blossom.

I hope you can find some way to ease your pain. Sending healing hugs 💚

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you darling.xxxxxx

in reply tosylvi

I also have several badly compressed discs in lower back and neck area. I can't have surgery as it's too dangerous, and spinal infusions have failed on me. I find the very best thing for me is hydrotherapy and I have a session every week at local hospital under care of physio. By being weightless in the water I am able to stretch my spine and by doing that it reduces pressure on the nerves causing all the pain. Of course I am still suffering a lot of pain all of the time but I try and do a few stretches every day just to release the nerve pressure. A good one is lie on your side in bed, bring knees up as far as you can and hold the position for as long as you can, it blooming hurts and makes me yell out, but it really does help I promise Sylvi ! Xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you i will try that.xxxx

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply toJollygoodglyn

Hi Jollygoodglyn

Completely agree with the gym thing being the best thing for a bad back,once the disc has been sorted. I've had three major spine ops(2010-2013) where I had an interbody fusion at l4/5,complete with bone graft from my pelvis, unfortunately an accidebt at home meant I had to go back in a few months later and have bone drilled back off,a pin replaced(I have a cage and pins in where discs once were) and the bone graft redone as my accident had completely upset the apple cart on that one - I was back at work on reduced hours within 4 wks of that second op,all going well til my legs started to give way.... back to the surgeon for decompression surgery(basically they dig a moat around your nerve ending so nothing can aggravate it) and once they'd drilled off the bone that had grown across the nerve itself,all was fine,until I got struck down with inflammatory arthritis,and all the other conditions that go hand in hand..... I went from being a 6/7 day gym bunny to being someone that looked three times my size from the waist down pretty much overnight - I had to stop all exercise straight away as everything was so inflamed that it was causing more damage than good,and I'm still trying to get back to a level where I can exercise almost two years later😤 It didn't help that just two weeks after my third/fourth drug regime finally fell into place and I finally felt like the old me again when some idiot rear ended my car,I've since spent the past six months of weekly physio(apart from when I'm too ill to get there) trying to get back to that place I'd enjoyed for just two weeks😝

Oh well,onwards and upwards,I've hit rock bottom so often surely the only way is up now?!


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toNickijk73

Blimey darling you have been through the mill haven't you. It never seems to end for any of us. Hugs to you darling.xxxxx

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply tosylvi

Thanks sylvi ,hugs back to you too xx

in reply toNickijk73

Yes, you've hit rock bottom too many times. Now the only way is up. I'm here cheering you on.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you my darling friend.xxxxx

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to

Thanks Hidden

Yep,I think for someone that should only just be reaching her prime(not long turned 43) that I should be having waaaaaaay more fun than I am doing!! So surely,on the law of averages I've got to have some more fun times due soon?! Actually,now that spring is here,Minnie loves her walks when I'm able to get out for her,failing that she just goes nuts in the garden instead..... can't wait for the day I can finally get the ball pit out and put some water in - it's for our half Maine coons,but I'm sure Minnie will literally have a ball in there too,judging by the way she is indoors..... feels like I'm constantly brushing her super fine hair to avoid it from knotting thanks to the scatty pup lying with her rear legs/end in her water bowl.... and her chest hair(sounds wrong saying that about a girly😂) is always soaking wet from where she's practically turned the cat water fountains into her own private paddling pools..... but between her and my three amazing cats,some days I just get through with them making me laugh out loud... honestly,a good deep belly laugh over a handful of tablets wins every time for me... just a shame they're not performing pets,or who'd need meds,eh?! 😝


in reply toNickijk73

This story of your pets make me smile. My dog hates water. She gets upset when it I end up feeling guilty as if I control the weather!!! :)

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to

Oh,don't get me wrong,Minnie (the Maltese/minx, depending on the relevant hour😝) Doesn't like getting messy,which is why I find it so funny.... she's like the star of our puppy class.... she walks on the lead as if she belongs at top level competition,and that's how she walks down the high street too,but put a bit of mud on the floor/path and all she'll do is bounce up and down at your legs to be picked up,as apparently being the little diva she's turned into,she doesn't like getting her paws muddy😈Seriously, you couldn't make it up !! But yep,the way you describe feeling guilty about the weather is just another way they tug on our heartstrings.... that film

The life of pets

From last year is my house to a T..... Minnie's kennel name is tiny dancer,and if you could see the way she jumps up on her back feet/legs with her ever growing hair flowing in the wind,it's almost like a dancer in a L'Oréal ad...but with a wind machine😂. she has me and mum in stitches most of the time - and I bet you have plenty of side splitting stories of yours too(it is ravin,isn't it?) Esp once her and her little friend from next door get together ??


in reply toNickijk73

Why yes, my dog's name is Ravin and she is always making us laugh. Isn't it amazing how your Minnie & my Ravin full fill our lives? I'd be lost without her.

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to

Yep,that's what keeps me going in my case- I chose not to have kids at a very young age(extremely large extended family,so kids are always around,even now my cousins babies are having babies... I just can't escape😝) and apart from one nephew who's just about to hit 10,my other nephews and nieces are in their early twenties now,so these are my babies(and obv their predecessors too😻)So my every waking moment,and in mog's case,my every single moment,is dedicated to them - mog has to sleep with just the tiniest amount of paw touching me.... even if I'm deep under the covers,if she can't lie with her back end smothering my face(for some reason she still can't figure out why I wake up immediately the moment I get a big fat hairy backside/tail in my mouth🤔😈) so instead she'll creep further down the bed until she can loosen a cover and just get her claws to reach a foot or leg instead.... I look like a self harmer some days from the marks she leaves behind in those attempts😻I wouldn't mind,but since the other side of the bed is empty,you think she'd be happy to sleep on that side next to me,oh no... not quite close enough apparently ... not for her anyway. But then there's the stories of where I've fallen asleep ontop of the covers and I wake up to find her acting like a flattened hot water bottle covering just about as much of me as she can to keep me warm,or when she politely smacks me in the face when I'm asleep during the day and she knows I should be awake,I truly would be lost without them,and as much as I sometimes whinge about her little 'love scratches' I couldn't be without any of them.... they are the ones that have kept me sane when I'm awake in the middle of the night awake AGAIN... and if on cue,I can hear Minnie,or should I say chewbacca,as that's how she sounds when she's moaning at me(she also looks like the white version from the Lego advent calendar last year😝) Because she's realised she's in her crate,and not on the bed where I've spent the best part of a fortnight due to my latest ongoing flare. keeping me asleep pretty much 24/7 - you know it's bad when you answer the door to your mum and say how crap you feel and her response is 'you look it' yep... give me animals over humans any day... they may think those responses.but they don't say them out loud😩😂xx

in reply toNickijk73

My kids are in their early 20's now, so no cuddles from them anymore. lol Ravin is my baby now. When my hubby comes home from work, Ravin is there to greet him

Nickijk73 profile image

I feel your pain - I changed my bedding last night(bloody cheek,I know,right?!) with the help of my mum(it's always great when your pensioner mum is healthier than you😂) and I've literally been awake with the most intense pain in my back,my wrists are on fire,and all along my left leg,knee and ankle aren't great either for about an hr now.... the 'joys' of trying to just do the basic of things and not be ruled by our conditions😤 I know it's going to take me hours,if at all,for me to get to sleep again this late in the day.... think I've had about 4 hrs sleep at most,and that's even with a cocktail of morphine based meds,anti inflammatory and muscle relaxants too.... oh the hilife.... I remember when I used to be coming home from a good night out at this time in the morning,and still get up at 5.30 for a full days work....and it wasn't as long ago as it should be!! Oh well,lets turn the tv on,see what new rubbish I haven't found on the shopping channel yet😝Whilst I wait for the meds,and my hot chocolate and marshmallows to cool down enough to drink.... thank got for those coffee pod machines,as I'd ever be able to make it otherwise 😜

Here's to a better day to all


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toNickijk73

I have a machine that heats my water in seconds so i don't have to stand for long. I am a teapot as i drink so much tea,i like Earl grey tea,xxxx

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply tosylvi

See,that's where I used to drink tea as a kid,then for some reason just stopped as I got older,now it's usually just water with the odd hot chocolate thrown in for good measure 😊 But my partners been saying about getting one of your machines for ages,until he realised ours did the same if you just don't put a pod in😊X

in reply toNickijk73

Oh I too remember coming home from a night on the seems like yesterday...thanks for the memory of my younger years :)

blondie120 profile image

Hi sylvi, im awake too , having stomach issues and neck keeps me awake finding it hard to get in any postion without my arms going numb its so annoying i feel audio book and giving up on sleep is my only option , hope you get some rest xxxxxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toblondie120

We are a poor lot aren't,bless you darling i hope you get some rest soon.xxxxx

Eiram50 profile image

I've been quietly watching location location location and envying all the healthy, physically able people on it !!

Went to bed at 10 and been up since 11.30.

I wish I had magic powers and could grant you some respite from your pain Sylvi.

Take care of yourself.


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toEiram50

Marie it is what it is and i am sure i will sleep tonight when i go to bed. I have taken some pain meds and tried to sleep which was a waste of time,but i think it has taken the edge of the pain.xxxxx

You can always talk to me Sylvi as it is the early evening here.

Such a lovely photo. Is this in your garden?

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

No this is up the village. Thank you for being there for me darling i will remember that in future.xxxxx

in reply tosylvi

lol. you big meanie...what village? I am a

plant- aholic. :) I'm going to ask my daughter to help me post pics of my garden this season. I hope to knock your socks off Sylvi... :)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

The village i live in is called Bulkington and the challenge is on darling. LOL.xxxxxxx

in reply tosylvi

Oh Sylvi...I don't think you know what kind of Dahlia freak I am.... I live in Surrey and I am known to over take my neighbours gardens with my extra dahlias....

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

You wait until we get ours going i have seen dahlias the size of a big dinner plate.xxxx

in reply tosylvi

lol...Dinner plate dahlias are the only ones I have. We have had an absurd winter this year, half of my dahlias didn't survive....I only have about 40 to plant now....

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

ur tubers are all in the garage ready to come out and be separated and planted out,but it is too chilly at the moment,probally another month as with the gladiolas.xxxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply tosylvi

I have just had some begonia corms come and i have potted them and they are in the conservatory ready to grow and go out later on.xxxx

in reply tosylvi

I hope this chilly rainy weather ends soon. Last March was so warm over here that my poppies where in full bloom. I live in planting zone 8b what zone do you live in?

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I live in the midland in the UK.xxxx

in reply tosylvi

Googled your area and I'm impressed that you are a zone 9. Our planting seasons are very close.

in reply to

I naively thought the UK was a colder area like a zone 5.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

WHat are these zones you talk about darling?

KSee profile image

Aww..Sylvi. If I had a magic wand I'd magic us all back to health ! So it's just hugs and love 🤗💞💐

weathervane profile image

My sister swears by camomile tea an hour before bed to help her sleep although if its pain keeping you awake it may not help . I hope your doc can suggest a different treatment- big warm hugs xx

popsmith1874 profile image

Sending you Gus Sylvi hope you get better soon pet xxx

donnabrain profile image

I take anti spasmodics for back pain

heated chair cover also good

and if you can exercise,do

Gnarli profile image

Great big gentle hugs Sylvi. Hope you feel better very soon


I too suffer from low back pain. My doctors blew me off too. I know for a fact that mine is from RA. I don't understand why doctors wouldn't listen. They also give my Tylenol for pain. Does nothing

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Mine is a compressed disc causing me all my problems and this morning is particually bad.xxxx

bradfordjoanna profile image

I realised I dread the nights. Unconfortable / pain etc. Waiting for the day. So sad for you but it seems that is where we all are.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply tobradfordjoanna

Your not wrong there darling,even on a good day we suffer don't we. Yesterday was a good one for me,but by just after lunch i started to flag with the damn fatigue. I can cope with the pain if i can carry on,but the fatigue i find is my worst enemy as it saps my energy so much.xxxxxx

I have just had my 6 monthly caudel epidural steroid injection, today 03/04/17, it always starts wearing off in 5 :(. They got the local anesthetic slightly wrong, I had the dentist syndrome (dibbling mouth) with my left cheek but that also meant I couldn't feel my hip pain, so a double success :), for a little while anyway. I have a prolapsed disc, S7, which has been giving me even more agony over the past month, can't sit long or stand long, all I can do is lay flat on my back in bed, really productive, helpful and very irritating.

You might want to find out if it is of any assistance to your problem, it stopped my sciatica stone dead, I could walk again, well shuffle along anyway, instead of looking like a piece of theatrical street art, a living statue, not very mobile either.

Jasmine36 profile image

HI everyone i joined group reacently have serveare back problems ulserated legs i live in westen supermare with my husband and dog we live in a speacial designed flat for disabled and elderley i am sat up ib bed waiting for meds to work probley deift off when it is time to get up i am 62 but feel eighty sometimes i walk with a zimmer on a good day haxve ostroarthritouse in back and fluide on my spine thanks for being hear i needed a rant

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toJasmine36

Jasmine you can rant all you want we are all here for you anytime you need us.xxxx

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