Does anyone has an experience of some exercise that helping reducing effects of RA.
Regards in advance
Does anyone has an experience of some exercise that helping reducing effects of RA.
Regards in advance
Try anything that you enjoy, and that doesn't hurt!
I swim and cycle and do yoga and walk, and sometimes dance. The main thing is to keep as fit and supple as possible and not to be too competitive, and to listen to your body and not to push it faster or further than it wants to go.
It also helps to eat healthily.
Well I have psoriatic arthritis but when it comes to exercise I think there's not much difference. In a way I think almost any exercise that you can do will help. My knees have been badly affected by my disease and walking, especially in the countryside on uneven ground and uphill has really strengthened the muscles and tendons that support the knee joints. I definitely feel that's the most beneficial thing for me personally.
Swimming is fantastic exercise because of the support provided by water plus it exercises so many muscle groups. I also do Tai Chi. I went to Tai Chi classes before getting ill and wasn't too sure about it, I found it bit boring. But over time I've come to appreciate the subtle but very definite way it loosens me up. And it also helps with balance. Many classes where I live are attended by predominantly older women (nothing wrong with that) but my very fit son has also taken up Tai Chi and takes it very seriously. He does get back pain and finds Tai Chi helps with that.
You've entitled your post 'daily routines' and I think that watching how we move is really important on a day to day basis. For example, in an office job there's usually going to be too much sitting involved, it's usually unavoidable. But when I do stand up after sitting for too long I try to straighten up rather than slouching so that even a short walk to grab a coffee involves some stretching. I don't think we should compartmentalise exercise any more than is necessary .... if there's an opportunity in our busy lives to stretch or walk briskly etc. then it's best to grab it when we can.
Thanks a lot, I very appreciate your detailed reply.
I'd agree with tai chi, it is recommended for people with RA. Anything that keeps you moving, building up the muscles especially around your knees. You might consider seeing a physio to get some specific exercises and support.
I walk a lot, hate swimming but do have a nordic trainer which I love. I think it helps with the knees, and I'm learning to dance! So really do what you want and enjoy it. I do have a bike but its so busy here, I tend to be a fair weather and weekday cycler.
I have been doing gentle aqua aerobics as water really seems to help me move more freely.
I walk a lot most days & it helps.
Thanks a lot, I very appreciate your reply.
Definitely swimming, I have really found this helps me. It is true that it is better to try to keep active but there is a fine balance between that & overdoing it !
Sorry i don't,but i just had to say i love your photo.Where was it taken as it is lovely.xxxx
Hi I do aqua aerobics 2 a week and it's made a big difference to my joints as there's no strain on them, by the way I'm the only man there sometimes but it doesn't bother me because all the women are in the same boat, I also do balance classes and walk every day, take care
I took up Nordic Walking which uses two poles. I have found it the best thing as it takes weight of the joints, helps propel me forward faster and gives stability to my stiff leg joints. It also exercises the upper body and loosens the spine. However it is important to be taught the right technique so see if there is a class near you. From being virtually bed-ridden for three months I am now a rambler, albeit the pensioners group, at at 80 years old walk 2-3 miles every day weather permitting.
I also recommend swimming and Yoga or Pilates. Good luck and keep well xx
I teach Tai chi in Skegness, I have RA OA and osteoporosis and find it absolutely fine. Slow exercise and have fun. However a warning, do make sure you teacher of any activity know what you have wrong. They should then be able to change exercises to suit your body. I do this all the time for those in my club.
Hi Alghwail,
you might find this section on our website useful:
Beverley (NRAS Helpline)
Thank you very much, it's really useful.
Hi Alghwail,
I enjoy yoga, cycling on my bike indoors on a turbo (not outside at present as the wind agrivates an eye condition I have) and I also do range of movement rotations and stretches.
All the best
I hope the correct greeting is Assalamu 'Alaikum,
Ali is short for Alison and my Arabic is almost non existent but your thanks and blessing (I think that is what Baraka Allah feeek is in spirit... please correct me if my understanding is wrong) is welcomed.
On the exercise front I have been looking at light trampolining work as over the past few days I have been enjoying using my young nephew's trampoline... Little and often seems to be the advice on trampolining and no dramatic summersaults! 🤗 Know that my RA is currently very mild but 5 minutes at a time on the trampoline was enough. Over time I am sure that could be built up and if it works for you it might be a fun way of you and your boy working together to help dad stay healthy! (I am guessing that the boy in your photo is your son... again correct me if I have assumed wrong!).
All the best
Yes, Baraka Allah feeek means "May Allah bless you". Sorry for the misunderstanding and thanks for your advice. by the way, the child in my profile is my daughter, Donai, the was taken in Bristol, UK.
Kindest regards,