The DAS score: Whenever my nurse checks my joints she... - NRAS


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The DAS score

Tawney profile image
11 Replies

Whenever my nurse checks my joints she always does so silently and records the result. She has never once told me what she has found or why she does it. She asks if she may check my joints, but it's on

Y from this website that I know why. Shouldn't she be telling me what she is doing, and telling me about th DAS score, what it is and what it means and what my score is? I'd be interested to know how much information other speciality nurses share?

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Tawney profile image
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11 Replies

Mine was the same till I ask what my daz score was

lainee profile image

So annoying, yes I definitely think she should share it after all its about you!!. I would ask next time and record it yourself. I had one nurse who was similar but as I got to know more about it I make a point of asking. xx

nomoreheels profile image

Some do some don't. Just ask what it is & ask her to explain what it all means in regard to the score. My Rheumy always tells me mine but the locum I saw last didn't & I have one nurse who I need to ask as she doesn't offer, in fact she once told me it's complicated & I wouldn't understand it! Also you might find it helpful if you're copied in on the report letter which your Rheumy/nurses send to your GP following your appointment. Again just ask. :)

Tawney profile image

Thanks Nomoreheels. I am down to have letters copied, but I'm not sure it always happens, well, not after a nurses appointment. The medics are a bit better. This nurse and I don't get on so well these days. I think she came in for some criticism after some treatment she gave me ended very badly for me. These days there are no smiles and it's all a bit chilly. But I will ask next time.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Tawney

Was that when you needed to be hospitalised Jen? Terrible time you had.

I've not received my report copy before now, twice it's been missed (by Registrars) & also the results following my last DEXA scan but I just ask the Practice nurse to check on her screen when I have my bloods taken & if they've received it she prints a copy off for me.

The nurse I mentioned I've not gelled with, she was the first I saw after my first appointment here in the UK. It was a regular 3 month appointment & as normal I was doing well & to be honest I didn't really have need for an appointment but as it was my first I thought I'd keep it to become acquainted as it was at my local hospital, not where I see my Rheumy. As I was back on my meds I was ok & her first comment as "well, I don't know why you've come" but she grudgingly took my DAS, & it was the best it's ever been since I came back. We were in & out in 10 minutes. The others I've seen are fine.

Tawney profile image
Tawney in reply to nomoreheels

Hi. Yes, thank s when I got admitted to A&E, a few hours after being sent home, unchecked, with an antibiotic! When she first was in contact and helping teach the methotrexate jab, she seemed really nice. Both encouraging and smiley. She's still efficient, but I'm reminded of what a medical secretary once said to me about medical people who don't inform you about your treAtment. She said, " knowledge is power, and they're not going to share any of that with you,". I alwAys take someone with me to appointments now. It's really useful. It's good if I miss anything, and it's good to have an Ali if I feel bullied, which I did on my last unaccompanied appointment. I leRned from my last ct scan that I now have part of a known deny that doesn't work anymore. Thus nurse always said that methotrexate was safe because blood tests ensured if something was wrong it was stopped immediately, and all damage was reversible. Not so for me! O well. I shall do my best to get a working relationship, because I need to have one! Difficult though. You do well to persevere with the nurse you didn't gel with. It's disappointing, because a good relationship would mean a lot. This nurse has few interpersonal skills.

Tawney profile image

Sorry, those words that read rubbish should say, " part of a kidney that doesn't work anymore". Typing too fast!

helixhelix profile image

It took a while to build up a relationship with my nurses, but I got there in the end. And she now always seems pleased to chat about what's going on. It does seem that if you show interest and ask questions they'll respond, but don't volunteer information. I guess some people don't want to know, so they've learnt not to waste time trying to inform people unless they're asked.

Tawney profile image

I'll keep going helix helix. I thought it was a good relationship, but then it changed dramatically, as tho by being so unwell I'd done something terribly wrong, and it went downhill from there. I think there was reprimand involved! Anyway, I shall try in the hope of getting something better. I think it would hav helped to have had a meeting with both she and consultant at the time, and to uncritically assessed a process that had gone terribly wrong somewhere, but I wSnt feeling strong enough to ask, and an impromptu and unplanned meeting with both was weird and unapologetic and my concerns went unanswered . I was really upset for a long time afterwRds. Now I just wan damage limitation and a work g relationship.nalthough now no one comes near me with a needle or any treatment without my asking who is that for and what is it for and what are the pros and cons. That stood me on good stead as an inpatient, when a nurse came with a needle. I asked her what I was for, she said because I was diabetic. I replied that I was not! Now I do it for everything!

Scottishlad profile image

One thing to remember is that the blood test taken at the time the examination forms part of DAS score. The nurse cannot give you the result on the day. In my case I generally have a low level in the blood test but can have quite a few swollen / tender joints. Others may have fewer joints affected but higher blood tests giving them a similar DAS score to me.

Tawney profile image

Morning Scottishlad. My organised nurse always makes sure I have my blood test se teal days before I go to see her, or the consultant . So they have all the information when I'm there, I will try to start up a discussion next time and an explanation of the result.

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