Additional meds: Hi everyone, I hope you are all... - NRAS


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Additional meds

Diddydriver profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope you are all keeping warm and feeling somewhat ok. I saw my rheum you nurse yesterday and as my RA is not under control she said that I need to go on triple meds as this usually works with most people. I am already taking 20mg MTX, hydroq, folic acid 3 days a weekand now she has given me Sulfa to take with the usual increase over 4 weeks. Can anyone tell me if there are any serious side effects with taking these 3 dmards ?. Previously she asked me to try to give to stop smoking, after smoking for almost 60 yrs and reaching 40 a day, I have finally managed it and have been smoke free for 7 weeks now. Last week at the GP' S I mentioned it and the only response was " ok but I don't want to hear that you are using the e cig " I left feeling very upset as I had tried very hard and expected some support. Over the years I have tried everything the NHS has thrown at me with no success and the e cig is the only thing that has worked for me. I am so sorry for such a long post but I needed a bit of a rant. Have a good day everyone and thank you for reading. Xxx DD.

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Diddydriver profile image
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8 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Well done on getting this far with giving up! I'm impressed even if doctor isn't. I know how hard it is as I finally managed after 40 years, and haven't looked back since.

I'm on triple therapy of MTX, Hydroxy and Sulpha (+folic acid) and it works for me as am now in remission. The sulpha took several months to get used to, as made my stomach very 'lively' to start with which was a bit embarrassing. But then each drug has taken me a while to get used to. Now the only side effect I have is feeling a bit tired the morning after I take the MTX, and that's worth it for me to have my joints functional again.

Diddydriver profile image
Diddydriver in reply to helixhelix

Thank you for your reply, it has given me hope. I am so fed up of feeling very tired and in constant pain in my joints.

Hi Diddy, first of all great that you stopped smoking! I am on sulfasalasine (4x500mg), hydroxychloroquinem (1x200) prednisolon 15 Mg and metrotrexate by metoject pen 20 ml. No side effects sofar! And the pain is becoming better in control! I wish you all the best!

Warm greetings from the Netherlands,


Diddydriver profile image
Diddydriver in reply to bassiefromholland

Oh thank you for your reply, it is so nice to hear from others in a different country. Can't wait for my RA to be in control. I have just been peeling potatoes for dinner and my wrists are now very painful. Ugh.

Thats true Diddy, I have allready had surgery on both my wrists, you use them a lot. I really hope it is going to work for you!

All the best!


sylvi profile image

Well done on quitting smoking. I am on sulfa and i had no side effects,though some people do,but they work for me.xxxxx

Diddydriver profile image
Diddydriver in reply to sylvi

Thanks Sylvie for the encouragement about my giving up.!!!!

oldtimer profile image

Well done for giving up the cigarettes. Don't stress yourself out about the e-cigs, but your GP is still worried about the effects of nicotine on your body which is why it was mentioned in that way.

But loads of people are on "triple therapy" and do well on these.

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