Hi all, hope every thing is going well with every one.
I have recently moderate to sever pain in my hands especially in the morning after waking up, followed by permanent burning sensation which lasts for ever to the extent that I can't remember when it ever stopped. I also noticed changes in the shape of the small joints joining the fingers with the hand.
I saw my GP who believes I might not have RA and he asked for re-evaluation of the case.
I did all blood tests again and a X-ray on both hands and wrists.
I don't have anemia - GP said its existence is an indicator of RA
My CRP and ESR are normal - GP said they are typically high in RA
my RF is positive and anti-CCP is also positive at 500 - GP said this is not enough evidence for RA
my X-rays showed mild space narrowing in both hands, this did not exist before starting treatment with MTX and plaquinel - hands were absolutely fine.
GP finally suggested seeing another rheumatologist fora second opinion.
Tired of thinking in an endless circle of possibility, after being diagnosed with RA for almost a year.
Any thoughts?