Paracetamol : Did anyone hear on BBC Breakfast that... - NRAS


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fastball profile image
12 Replies

Did anyone hear on BBC Breakfast that research for arthritis has found that paracetamol does not el with back pain or osteoarthritis. Or did I hear things . Could it have been an April Fools prank.

Sending all hugs XXXX


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12 Replies

I did not see his but have heard somewhere else today, but I fully can see where there coming from, when my back goes paracetamol does not even hit the sides re the pain, it was only ibrufen that would kill it. Over the years have taken so much of the stuff that now I am unable to take it, it causes an effect on my stomach, have tried others that come under this heading with the same effect, advised now to stay well clear.

Angela123 profile image

Hi Chris. I just caught the back end of this report. I started to listen when they said Paracetamol causes liver problems over time. I will discuss this with my Rheumy at the next appointment as I do use it every day (the soluble type) and am on MTX.

Oh yes was forgetting about the fool's day - but I heard it too.

hatshepsut profile image

It's been on the news too, apparently some Australian researchers have published this....think might be in the Lancet. They say exercise works better, and did also suggest liver damage from prolonged use. Apparently NICE are going to reassess use of paracetamol in view of this report.

I use it in conjunction with dihydrocodeine, and find the combination more effective than use of one only......and I'm anxious not to use too much dihydrocodeine!

Of course, the report is only talking about OA. I don't know if use in RD will be affected. The liver damage issue has been known for many years, I don't think it's worth worrying too much at this stage. M x

in reply to hatshepsut

My mother took it for decades and now she is in stage 4 liver disease..

she never drank alcohol a day in her life and it's not fatty liver..

It's paracetamol damage and every doctor agrees.. A healthy woman

now is sick. God Bless my mother.

I could have told them paracetamol does not work for osteoarthritis pain as I have been telling my GPs this for the last 5 years. It has never helped with my pain but then not much does help. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

I'd ask your GP for a pain med review Joolz. Whilst exercise can help it's important to have appropriate pain relief too. Without it exercise is damn near impossible I've found. If you have access to another GP in your Practice it may be an idea to try a different one if you normally see the same one each time. x

fastball profile image

Yes I find paracetamol doeset help with back pain, also take gabapentin for that. Will have to see GP about using it. I have codine also but don't take it unless really need it, it makes me constipated even though I have Crohns. I tend to use codine if I have bad stomach. So it looks like I will be going GP for different pain relief lol.

I thought I was the only one who heard it but it's also on F B .

Thanks everyone for replying, sending you all hugs..XXXX


Someonesmother profile image

Yes was all over the news but I don;t think it was a April fools prank it has been in the news here a couple of times

PJsorefeet profile image

Hi ya

this new story has been floating about since Aug last year in various places and forms. Some stating it causes gastro problems, others siting liver damage etc. I pulled the original research data and what a surprise, not as simple as the papers like to say. The liver damage was measured in a study looking at the use of paracetamol in the pain management of chronic liver damage patients! The gastro problems were recorded in a massive piece of research looking at long term use our paracetamol OR nsaids, curiously the word OR was left out of new articles, after all don't we all know nsaids are bad for our gastro system.

I would just say that this does allow a ţ time to reflect on how we use paracetamol, it's still a drug after all, so making sure you use it as directed, don't overdose (even mildly) etc is all very important and if you know you have a certain pain that it doesn't work for don't take it, but I feel scare mongering in the media and not showing the full context of research can be very irresponsible.

beauty96 profile image

One week it is eat lettuces and the next don't. I get fed up with the media. All drugs can cause complications. After all even all foods are chemicals. Some agree and some don't. Point is it is a case of looking after your own body aided by other advisors on here for example, friends, family, docs therapists etc but at the end of the day it is your responsibility to look after yourself. Prescriptions can be given but you still have a choice of whether to take them or not unless you are unconscious. Have a think about this and you will understand what I am saying. Even painkillers only muffle the pain. It is still there, we may feel more comfortable and hey ho great. If we use the joints too much they will scream when the painkiller stops working.

Tai chi is great can't recommend it more. But find a good teacher.

Just like you, I could have told them that. I t never worked on my backache.

Too bad that they add that to most pain medicine. It means

that we can't take something with the pain pill that actually works..

You can add ibuprofen but not for 4 hours and by then the pain pill is

done working.. I always wanted to take over the counter ibuprofen and

then supercharge the action of it killing pain with a prescription but I

couldn't because of the paracetamol. (sad face) It will be interesting now

what they pair together for severe back pain.. I have oxycodone for bed time.

It doesn't have any paracetamol ......finally as a result of that news. Yes, In the

USA it broke news that tylenol doesn't work...same as your paracetamol...and

my own statement meant that they can keep Ultram doesn't work.

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