Where do you get infusions, what's that like? - NRAS


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Where do you get infusions, what's that like?

10 Replies

For those of you that get infusions, where do you get them?

Are you in a room by yourself or are you in a room with others?

Are there people with cancer, other conditions there as well?

What do you usually bring with you or who? I mean what is

there to do? Does everyone talk, have coffee? Lunch?

10 Replies

When I had infusions, I went to my doctors office - just down the hall from

the actual surgery rooms in the hospital. There was one recliner and a

television and nobody else was in the room, it was set up to be

an individual treatment room side by side with others in the other rooms

getting treatment too. It was comfortable enough. They served juice,

fizzy drinks, water whatever and snacks. The nurse went from room to

room to start the IV's and to check them. She served drinks, snacks too.

I went alone.. played on my phone a bit and kept watching the clock.. I

think that I would have rather been with other people to talk..

Next time I am going to read a good book. I'm going to take a light lunch.

4 hours is a long time - they told me that they run the IV that long for

this kind of medicine. X

Ozzy profile image

I have mine in a infusion bay with around 16 others, we all appear to have different types of infusions. I am only there around 2.5 hours, so I may be offered a drink if the timing is right. I always take my kindle to read and a bottle of water. I have had infusions at two hospitals the first was a lot smaller only 5 people, a tv to watch and lunch, coffee offered every hour. So I think they are all different but for me the most important thing is getting my drug, and the nurses are very good in both hospitals, just very busy at the one I go to now.

Sailaway profile image

When I had my infusions there were about 10 big chairs in the ward, all in a long line with a good gap between them. There were people with other conditions, but not cancer as they were in the cancer unit. Different infusions take different lengths of time, and appointments are at various times, so people were coming and going. A couple of people brought friends with them and they were able to pull chairs up and sit beside the person being treated, and visitors were allowed (you'd have to check the policy for your hospital). There was lunch of soup and sandwiches and morning and afternoon cups of tea. Everyone was friendly, there wasn't much chat but I was sleepy from the anti-histamine and didn't really want to chat. Most people had a book or music with them, some made phone calls - it's very relaxed. The bag of medicine is on a wheeled stand so you don't have to sit down all the time, and you can get to the loo. The nursing staff were great, and I was very impressed when I had a problem because they dealt with it very calmly even though it was quite urgent so the problem was over before I knew it and all was well.

I found that the staff on the ward were all very professional, so from the receptionist welcoming me to the doctor appearing to check me out I felt in very safe hands. After the first time there you know how things work and it feels more comfortable.

I hope all goes well.

2plus2 profile image

My infusions are done in the medical day case unit, so there are a mixture of us having different treatment. I Have always been the youngest there and the one that is first in and last out!

They seem to do a lot of blood transfusions and IV antibiotics. My infusion is made up in oncology pharmacy once the go ahead is given so if it they are busy there can be delays starting it.

The room seats five with lovely electric reclining chairs. I take my iPad, phone, kindle and normally friends pop in during the day. Lots of free drinks are offered during the day and a snack at lunchtime.

I find it a relaxing day from work :)

dickfend profile image

I have my Anti-TNF Infusions of Infliximab at the Oncology Department of the local hospital every 6 weeks. The nurses there a fantastic, so nice, friendly and sympathetic . They also serve tea,coffee and biscuits whilst you are plugged in over a couple of hours. The majority of patients in this department are having chemo or blood tests related to cancer treatment so the nurses are obviously trained to deal with some people who have life threatening conditions, so I couldn't ask for a better place to have my relatively menial problem sorted. I think these nurses deserve every penny of their salaries as they work so hard, are really lovely the way they treat people and have really caring attitude. I have been having these infusions now for about ten years and would really miss the help they have given my 40 plus years of RD. I get to talk with some lovely people who are in the lot worse condition than I and are fighting cancer.

I had to have Methylpred infusions. My rheumy clinic has a day case room where all those having infusions (whatever they are) sit together and have a good old natter while having treament. When I had cancer, I had my chemotherapy in the chemo day ward. Similar situation, but a much bigger space.

linbin profile image

Hi Yikes.

After developing a huge flare, I had to attend my Rheumatoid Clinic (Bristol Royal Infirmary) for a set of three 1 gram infusions of Methylprednisolone on three separate days.

The clinic has its own bay of 6 beds all next to one another. The clinic is light, airy and staff can be constantly seen both in the office and in attendance. The whole thing was for me, a not unpleasant experience and I cannot praise the clinic, its staff and consultants enough.

I took my ipad with me and a book and a sandwich and cold drink. Nurses are great about offering tea or coffee regularly too. Some folks had friends/relatives with them, some like myself came alone. I would have no concerns about having to attend again. But I know each area/health authority is different. I am very lucky.

Hope that helps.

Linbin :)

shazbat profile image

I go to Rochdale infirmary. New unit about 10 lovely big leather chairs, it's relaxed they have music on low, get regular tea and coffee, plus if your there at the right time a free lunch of soup and sandwiches. More importantly the staff are fantastic. They get to know you by name, your treated like a friend. Great service.


beeckey profile image

I have mine in the day unit of the hospital.We have morning tea and biscuits then soup and sandwiches for lunch if want all very relaxed

You know what? If a newbie read these replies, they would be so

stress free about what they might encounter when they go in for

the infusion.. Some are terrified that it's a sad and horrible place to

be. I did imagine that people would be devastated with cancer in the

same place as I was getting treated. I thought that people would be

sick from Chemo but after reading these, there is not much or any

of this happening there. Its either social time or "ME" time and they

serve each of you really well. Gosh, I never thought it could be like

what you are telling me. Remember that I sat in a room alone with

a window, a recliner and television. I was given some snacks and a

beverage... I sat alone and eventually figured out that it was MY time

and I could treat myself with undisturbed reading or watch a full

movie - hey I had the remote.. I did get good ideas to bring my kindle

to talk to you during it if I am bored.. In the past, I had 8 doses of

Remicade before Rituxan.

.Thanks all for help on this subject. =)

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