I don't understand this remission because I have not had it yet ,my pain is constant ,yet it can hurt in different joints .my doctor say it will never go away some days my mobility is limited more than other but it progressing fast ,some say you can go into remission and you don't get it for years
remission: I don't understand this remission because I... - NRAS
Like you i don't know what remission is. Hugs.xxx
I have just had my annual appointment with my rheumy and apparently, according to him, I am in drug induced remission!
I still have to take NSAIDS on a daily basis though as still have pain, but not the awful pain I had prior to diagnosis. So I suppose this is what is meant as remission. Although he told me that if I stopped my DMARDS my pain would return.
hi..i have had ra 10yrs now and never been in remission...even when the drugs keep it under control i still have terrible pain...my doc says its from damage already done....strange because my faher had it and he went into remission for about 8yrs...guess it afects us all differently x
Morning June. I don't know if you've missed it but Crashdoll posted the same question the other day. As usual I rambled a reply there if you'd like to have a quick look for it. You're not alone in querying why it's called remission, drug induced or otherwise as what I understand remission to mean is no symptoms, i.e. pain, disease etc & don't think many on here like the term & it certainly hasn't applied in the past to me either. At my last DAS28 I was in the low disease activity range but my Rheumy prefers to call it controlled...work that one out lol!!
Better go or it'll turn into another ramble! Hope you're the better side of rubbish today? x
hi no one seem to tell my any thing about rd I have not been told my das number and had to ask if I was seropositive they just said yes ,call me thick but the more I find out the less I understand .

No, you're anything but thick June & don't think that way! It can be very hard to take in everything at a Rheumy appointment, they tend to rattle on so, especially if you're not used to the medical jargon they're apt to spout. I perhaps have a little more idea of the terminology as I worked in a surgery so some of it must have stuck! How about asking at your next Rheumy appointment to be copied in on the report letter your Rheumy sends to your GP, you're entitled to have a copy so ask for one at the end of the appointment. That way you will have reference to what was discussed, his findings, recommendations for change of meds (if appropriate) & your DAS score. That way you can read it at your leisure & if you don't understand anything you'll be able to ask your GP or, if you prefer to, pop on here, we may be able to decipher something you're unsure of. Some Rheumys still prefer to keep their patients in the dark or assume that they wouldn't understand. I suppose others like mine pick up how much we understand & so are privy to more info. I still like to be cc'd on my GPs letter though & found out of two "suspicions" which need more investigation that weren't mentioned at the consultation, maybe they came to her after reading her notes for dictation but one thing's for sure I wouldn't have known if I didn't have the report! x
Have you seen the NRAS main page of what remission means to people. Its quite inspiring xx
I will take a look thanks
Same here, in pain everyday, some days worse than others xx