I forgot what day it was today and took a folic acid this morning. Due to take mtx tonight. Will it be ok please? Any advice greatly appreciated
Folic acid/mtx: I forgot what day it was today and took... - NRAS
Folic acid/mtx

Morning Shelley. I did this myself a couple of weeks ago & just injected the next day. I've been taking it for 6 years now & have done this on the odd occasion when I needed to ensure I was ok the day after MTX day or if I've forgotten & taken my folic acid. Best to leave it to the time you take it just a day later. Back to your normal day next week if it's just the one day missed.
Hi Shelley, This is such an easy mistake to make, I've done it a few times and ended up buying a day tablet organiser. good advice from nomore heels, just take your mtx tomorrow.

Hi Shelley04
If you are worried, please speak with your GP or rheumatology nurse and they will be able to advise you.
Kind regards
Ring the docs for advice. I believe that the folic acid stops the mtx from working as efficiently so they may suggest delaying your mtx a day. Tablet holders are a great memory jog as it's amazing how the time passes and with my brain fog I hardly remember what the day is anyway !!!!
Your not the first or the last to do this and I've tried lists, diaries, tablet holders, memo boards and now get the family to remind me of drugs and appointments too, not saying your as brain fogged as me of course , just telling you of my individual problems taking meds and keeping appointments, there's SO many of them and now I have insulin added to the mix ...... Help!!!
Hi everyone , I'm new here! But Wow, I took folic acid every day when I was on MTX , even on the day I took the MTX! No one told me not to take it on the day I took MTX! But it still was working fine, I was on it for almost a year before I had to stop because of liver problems. Maybe if I hadn't taken it though it may have worked even better!!???
Hiya gingeq, welcome. I wouldn't dwell too much on it now but I was told it reduced the effectiveness of MTX if taken the same day. I used to take 1 the day before & 1 the day after taking it but to lessen side effects. I now take it every day except MTX day but have to say I have less problems but think it works just as well!
I also had a problematic liver when my dose was upped to 20mg though dropping it back to 15mg seems to suit me as I remain reasonably well controlled on that now going on 5 years. What do you take now?
Thank you so much for asking this question Shelley04 I am regularly forgetting and taking folic acid and sometimes omit folic acid and forget to inject! My memory is dreadful these days. I had a feeling that taking folic acid and mtx on the same day was a bad idea but I never knew why. Incidentally I was advised by a rheum nurse not to inject mtx on same day as a Rituximab infusion.
My h was checking on my behalf after I went to bed feeling rotten after being sick on Saturday (2nd time this has happened in 3 weeks & not a normal reaction to MTX for me) & I've just been looking at what he found & this was on the same info sheet provided by the NHS
"What happens if I forget to take my tablets?
If you miss your methotrexate on your normal day, don’t
worry: you can take it the following day or two. For example,
if your normal day for taking your dose is Tuesday, you can
take it on Wednesday or Thursday. Do not take the dose if
you are three or more days late. A flare-up of the disease
during this time is unlikely. In both cases, take your next dose
on your usual day the following week."
This was written up for tablets but would think it applies to injections too.