New here. I am waiting on a referral to a rheumatolog... - NRAS


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New here. I am waiting on a referral to a rheumatologist. My gp diagnosed me based on a blood test that shows a positive rh factor.

whaya profile image
12 Replies

Does anyone know if that test alone means you probably have ra? My gp said it does. Can this test indicate some other problem? I must be having a severe flare because I have felt horribly bad for the past 5 days. My main symptoms are severe hip pain,severe fatigue and dry mouth. I also have had horrible depression. I am feeling very hopeless. Has anyone experienced similar symptoms? I feel so alone.

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whaya profile image
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12 Replies
Beaches2 profile image

Hi Wheya and welcome,

Sorry you are feeling unwell at the moment. My understanding is that a positive rheumatoid factor does not necessarily mean you have Rheumatoid. It can be positive in people without the disease and negative in those with it. The rheumatologist will make a diagnosis on a number of different tests including looking at your symptoms. GPS are being encouraged to refer early to rheumatology as it has been shown that if it is rheumatoid early treatment gives the best results.

Rheumatoid usually presents as pain and swelling in the smaller joints, hands,wrists,feet, but everyone is different and so a referral should help give you some answers.

Good luck x

Sunflower62 profile image

I have had RA since I was in my twenties in am now in my fifties although still tell people I am 49

mgarza01 profile image

Please wait to ask the questions you have when get into to see the Rheumatologist. Each individual's Arthritis is different; I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis but you can't compare it to someone else.Have patience & write all your questions you have for the Rheumatologist. Good luck & take care of yourself.

Singwolf profile image

Hi - my wife was diagnosed with RA about 4 years ago. It started with swelling in the feet and joint pains. over time she started developing vasculitis - reddish pin-prick type marks that would appear on the legs and feet at the same time as the swelling of the feet. And this would typically last for about 5-7 days, and then disappear for about another 3 weeks before reappearing.

She followed through with the specialist a few times, and then stopped because she felt there was no purpose since the condition could not be cured. I tried for the longest time to convince her that the condition needed to be managed - as it would progressively get worse. A message that fell on deaf ears until 2 weeks ago when she developed pains that literally had her bed bound for a few days, and unable to stand on her own steam or walk for another few days. I literally had to carry her from bed to bathroom. The symptoms were these: started with the swelling on her feet, then her right thumb where it forms a joint with the rest of the hand became inflamed, and then her knees started swelling up, finally resulting in her being unable to get off the bed or off a seat. Even now, almost 15 days later, she still is in pain.

The one good thing that has come out of this is that she agreed to go to the hospital where they gave her Predisolene and pain killers. I am guessing that the Specialist (who we will see in about a weeks time) will put her on Plaquenyl.

Get yourself tested. It can be managed IF you follow though with medication.

helixhelix profile image

It's good that your GP has referred you as you do need a rheumatologist to assess you properly. This first blood test for RF is a clue, but not a definitive answer as it's not the most accurate test. There are others that the rheumy will do. And there are also a range of different auto-immune conditions which complicates the diagnosis so you do need a specialist to look at you.

But in the meantime talk to your GP about how you feel and about getting some better pain relief. It is hard especially at the start, and probably all of us have had periods of depression. As well as the dreadful fatigue. So you're not alone.

artyone profile image

Hi hope your feeling better today. I started with fatiqu then muscular hip aches. I now have fluid on the ankles and knees. My finger joints are going bulbous. I've seen specialist for 5 years. To be honest I have been told I have fibro ,then ra,then poss lups then oestio. I'm at a lost to say what I have. I too had pos result, but I think it doesn't mean you have ra. It can be linked to many things or nothing.

Please be positive , tell your Brain it's ok it really helps.

I try to get on and ignore it as much as I can. Accepting I can't do what I used to. I don't label it . I just call it Bert lol take care

beauty96 profile image

I strongly add to all the above to write down any symptoms and questions you want to ask and ask them when there. It is so easy with a person who has met many in your position to forget to answer all the questions you might have.

Rosie_rabbit profile image

There's lots of support on here for you to help you share and not feel so alone. There is also masses of great information about getting diagnosed, treatments etc on the nras website and I really would recommend havinga look there or calling their helpline as they have some fabulous kind, well informed supportive people there who can talk you through what's happening to you. I hope your appointment is soon and that you get some answers. Rx

smokin profile image

With your symtoms and positive ra factor in your blood, i woudn't bet against ra.

good luck to you

Zigzager profile image

Positive factor generally indicates a serious RA, perhaps a more aggressive type, that is my understanding.

Hi whaya,

so sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. Just to reiterate what has already been said by other people here. The blood tests on their own are not enough to make a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. This has to be given by a rheumatology consultant. As beaches2 said, a positive result for rheumatoid factor does not always mean it is RA and vice versa. If you would like to talk more about this you can always ring the NRAS helpline on:

0800 298 7650 mon - fri 9.30am - 4.30pm

Good luck with everything,


Beverley (NRAS Helpline)

Eric18897 profile image

I'm not sure that 'RH Factor' is the same thing as 'RA Factor' ???

Which one did you mean?

Not what you're looking for?

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