Feeling low: Am feeling very low today, try not to... - NRAS


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Feeling low

Crazyjo profile image
21 Replies

Am feeling very low today, try not to dwell on my situation but hard some days.. Any advice welcome on staying positive

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Crazyjo profile image
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21 Replies
allanah profile image

Aw no, it's awful when the depression, fed up ness hits.

I try to distract myself and be kind to myself. Try even though it hurts to maybe go get a coffeeor go to a movie. I do know how hard it is to do but it works for me. Also going for a gentle swim helps. It's the making yourself do it that's hard xx phone a friend too, that sometimes helps xxx

Also remember there's light at the end of the tunnel when the treatment kicks in. X hope you feel better as the day goes on,but action is bet I find.

If it keeps going it's best to see GP, I got antidepressants which I didn't want initially but gosh they helped,took the weight off my mind somehow xx

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to allanah

Thanks for the quick reply. I been on anti depressants for a while myself now. I been playing in the garden with my dog Harry which normal helps but today just can't seem to get out my head that I have lost my home and now living with my parents and also lost job because of this awful disease...just wish the meds would work a little better for

Jo x

allanah profile image

Yes I happened to me too, but cling onto that hope that it will get sorted and you will get back to work. Getting out and about away from parental beings should help! Glad ur on medications, it doesn't take the problems away but can lighten the load.

Have you asked to see a counsellor ? Mine was fab and was the one that found distraction worked for me and meditation too, work hard at keeping those positive thoughts and look in the mirror and tell yourself what a lovely worthwhile person you are xxxx

allanah profile image

Lol just thinking the other way I do it is to go onto my " cave" keep warm, watch weepies and come out a few days later feeling better lol xxx

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to allanah

Thanks :-) just talking on here sometimes to people who understand helps brighten the day.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Crazyjo

Aw that's good, take it your picture is Harry ?

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to allanah

Yes him and my cat Tilly keep me going as not got any kids they are my babies, hard work but make me get up and about rather then sitting around all the time

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Crazyjo

Yes agreed and being boring but I have seen loads of research on having pets and stroking them helps depression!! Well worth a try ha ha xxxx

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to allanah

Defo helps me most days, can't take him on the walks I like to at mo but he gets plenty of exercise in garden.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Crazyjo

Summer coming up yeah, life will be good ! Xxx

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to allanah

Yea gotta love the summer, got to be careful this year as got burnt bad last year, not clever move lol

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Crazyjo

:) sunblock all the way !!!!

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to allanah

Oh yes, seem to burn easy since been on methotrexate

mistymeana profile image

Hi Crazyjo. My sympathies go out to you - I think we've all been there from time to time. I try to use self-hypnosis, guided meditation and mindfulness whenever I remember and it really does help. I recently read a post on another forum that resonated with me and I've found I draw great strength from it. It's an old Cherokee legend :-

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

“One is Evil – It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

“The other is Good – It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

I now try to remember to always feed the good wolf and that has become my mantra, especially when I start feeling negative. In fact, I'm thinking of having it tattooed on my wrist!

I hope it helps and your good wolf can start winning the battle xx

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to mistymeana

Thats a good way of looking it. Thanks x

sarahjen profile image

I sympathise as I have days when all I want to do is hide in my 'cave' and weep. Having lost our much loved cat 4 months ago we got a dog a month ago and named him Mabon. It is thanks to Mabon and my hubby that I am getting out of the house a bit more. We go to the beach but even though I cant walk far some days I still go and sit on the beach with a mug of tea watching Mabon paddling in the sea with my other half or I have a little read while they go for a walk. It is hard when that black cloud comes it's hard and I find that no one understands as depression and R.A is an invisible illness. But on a positive note I do find my new furry friend helps a lot and taking little positive steps each day. Like allanah I go to see a counsellor now and again I find it helps and I also sometimes go swimming. I used to feel a little 'down' not being able to swim lengths of the pool like I used to but now I enjoy a little dip and a swim and find it helps me to relax and switch off. I also find reading helps especially when you get a good gripping novel. Can I thank mistymeana for her kind words too as that old Cherokee legend will help me too. Take care all. Just reading replies helps and gives me a little strength. xxxx

benjijen profile image

Mistymeana, I think that's a great way of thinking even though it's sometimes difficult. Yesterday was a beautiful day but I didn't get much done. Another lovely day today I've decided to bit the bullet and go into Brighton. I'll drive to the bus stop and go in by bus then I won't have to worry about getting back. I doubt I'll go in for long but it will be a change. I find it's the change that helps the depression and the sun of course. Crazyjo, Just go outside and sit somewhere and watch people go by, it might surprise you.

Crazyjo profile image
Crazyjo in reply to benjijen

Just got the dreaded shopping out the way, relaxing in the garden watching the dog play and chatting to my folks, feeling much brighter today, thanks

Tinae12 profile image

Laugh at something, anything

Under all



Symptoms ease and life returns.

RobbieM profile image

Hi like you I'm also feeling low but you have to believe that this won't be forever and you will have far more good days than bad to enjoy

jinirules profile image

Try watching comdies I feel like that most of the days

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