Just wanted to say, I feel really good today..so am j... - NRAS


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Just wanted to say, I feel really good today..so am just off for a bit of hand gliding then a couple of hours windsurfing..followed by a

Trulyfedup profile image
56 Replies

jaunty horse ride through local woods all this done ending up in pub for two pints of Baileys. Maryx

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Trulyfedup profile image

Ok. I agree although I did think to save me having to climb on horse if I did hand gliding just before I could actually just land on the horse! It's a funny old complaint isn't it...a horrendous week and now today I'm a different person. I.ll join you in woods...I'm on a huge cart horse preferable piebald with long mane and lovely chunky legs..(a bit like me then!) x

To keep with the horse theme, I will be being pulled along in a cart by a lovely old girl called Rosie - the cart is hand painted and has well padded seats and Rosie can cope with my arms not working as she knows the route to the pub really well! It's so cold and damp today that despite the drugs onboard I will have to have a medicinal mulled wine:-}

Cece x

dtech profile image

I would love to join you but I'm in Norway on the piste. And no this isn't a spelling mistake. Just done a couple of black runs. I've done the bobsleigh track before in Lillehammer so may try the luge next. All the best. Enjoy the donkey scouser :-)

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to dtech

I went on the piste many years ago and this is a spelling mistake. Maryx

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to dtech

Are you really doing this? Maryx

in reply to dtech

Cannot blame you being piste on holiday,

Have one for me


Hope you're fully thermalled-up dtech, wouldn't want you risking frost bite! x

dtech profile image

I have my long johns on Cece :-)

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to dtech


Well, that's a relief!!! x

I'd definitely join you in the woods, but I'm busy practicing for my high wire act at the circus tomorrow night. I suppose I could borrow one of the elephants to come for a jaunt out.

in reply to

Oooh yes, an elephant - yes please! And I really want to see your high wire act, that spangly costume looks fab:-}

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to

I think I saw you yesterday...high wiring it over the sea where I was windsurfing....was it you that dropped that on my head...you should have gone before hand honey...that would have saved me having to wash my hair!!! If it wasn't you...next time I see that albatross ,!!!!!

Don't forget to come to the disco (showing my age) next week. I'm going as a very, young, attractive tart..not been one before so off to the library to get some info. Take care. Maryx

Trulyfedup profile image

Just got in.

Hand gliding I hit a tree

Windsurfing I hit a boat....no I mean ship

Horse riding I hit a ditch

I'm off now to hit the Baileys!!


Pour me one too please Mary, mine's the pint mug! x

Trulyfedup profile image

I took took Chicken hand gliding. She didn't want to dg...she said I was only doing it to ruffle up her feathers.....would I do that!!!! She swore a lot a the man who you fly with, kept telling her off. She said if fer high flyer cousins want to meet all they had to drop in on her. I screamed continusly good job I had on......something that the. bowels would catch, someone said to me that it was the most wonderful feeling.....(stupid girl). I.ll you about the windsurfing tomorrow. I alo want to hear about the Elephany and the tile rope walking. Mary,x

in reply to Trulyfedup

A hand- gliding Chicken, now that I would like to see!! :)

Trulyfedup profile image

It would have to be a silent video because her language was appalling . She was singing "I'm all shook up". She loves Elvis ..I took her really to punish yer afte r our arrests.maryx

in reply to Trulyfedup

Oh Mary that's hilarious....keep em coming!!! Can't wait till you take her windsurfing, take care not to drown her though, has she got a life jacket? :)

Trulyfedup profile image

She will be wearing a life jacket hers I a new one out it's made if lead x

in reply to Trulyfedup

Ha ha.....I know ypu don't mean that ;)))))

Trulyfedup profile image

Yes I do love her even if she doesn't give me any eggs. She has a partner now called "cock" short for cockerel. He is very badly behaved and I don't like him much...but you can't choose for them can you. I think you all will meet him on disco night..you.ll know him...he will be the one looking up your drees! My morphine is starting to work so my posts will be confusing, so I'm going to call it a day tonight. Chicken steals so of my morphine so I'm just going to put it in a safe place......my stomach lol. Marx

Hahahahaha well you be careful Mary, you've cheered me up, Sleep well and give Chicken a hug from me xxx

Dandan profile image

Thank you all for the giggle xx

Trulyfedup profile image

You are welcome Dandan why not join in next time. Thank you.maryx

Trulyfedup profile image

How's your bum today after a day on a donkey? I love donkeys as I PM you about...I hope it was you I sent it to!!!!!! But Saturday, as you well know is my morphine day so I could have ended up sending it to anyone. X

Sorry Trulyfedup, it wasn't me but the elephant. She would only take me for a ride in the woods if I took her onto the high wire. She was a bit tiddly too, as she'd pinched all my Vodka and blackcurrant!! It's a bit too cold for the spangly costume, I'm practicing in my fake fur onesie today. xx

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to

Blimey...how much vodka does a elephant drink????

Meet my elephant, Dorcas.

She works with me in the circus.

She glides with ease

on the flying trapeze

but on the high wire she will perk us.

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to

That's great...you are very clever with your words. Maryx

Dorcas drinks about 6 pints, but only at the weekend. She sticks to Newcastle Brown in the week.

Thanks Mary - I do my best to entertain. xx No easy task in a faux fur onesie!!

Trulyfedup profile image

Well, u certainly do entertain..keep it up thank you maryx

Loving your new photo Mary. xxx

Trulyfedup profile image

Thank you...oh how the camera lies!!!!! X

Trulyfedup profile image

Thank you...as I said to poems galore...oh how the camera lies.x

I wish mine did :-O

BTW my name is Kathleen or Kath (can't remember which).

Trulyfedup profile image

Hello Kath.x

Trulyfedup profile image

How are you doing? Love pic if dog...my mum has Annie our German Shepherd. She has always had that breed. Annie is eleven now and her back legs are starting to go but she is so funny..it's best not to make eye contact with her in the evenings, if you do you get her toy box thrown over floor...I'm going to spend a few days with mum this week and I'm looking forward to spending time with Annie...I hope you are faring ok at the moment...I seem to be going through a really good time...fourth day without nausea, without pain, without the dreadful feeling of illness...I hope it lasts. Maryx

How are you today Mary? xx

Trulyfedup profile image

Hello Kath. Thank yOu for asking...I'm stil quite good although energy level is diminishing. I was buzzing Saturday I felt so good but no nausea so still happy. How are you today? I've been studying today so just having an Earl Grey and getting ready to pack, I'm off to my mums tomorrow for a few days...just to help her with Christmas shopping...also I shall go and visit my twin sister (she is mentally and physically disabled and lives in a place where there are nurses etc...she can be very difficult!!!!). I love your poetry you are very talented...keep them coming. Let me know how you are? Maryx

I'm fine thanks Mary. Earl Grey is one of my favourite teas, so have one for me please :-)

I hope you have a good time at your mums, and that your sister is feeling reasonably well too. Does she have Cerebral Palsy? I used to work at a school with children who were CP affected. They were - mainly - lovely.

I wrote this poem for my son's wedding in August 2011. I read it at the end of the ceremony. My photo is from the same wedding.

A Celebration

Let's have a celebration

for the marriage here today

of Jonathan and Rachel,

for their love and harmony.

We've heard them make their promises,

full of joy and pride,

we see them look so happy,

our son and his new bride.

Welcome, Rachel, to our family.

Welcome to our hearts.

Take our best wishes with you

as your life together starts.

You've made plans for your future,

a lifetime filled with laughter.

Today we share your pleasure,

and wish you 'Happy Ever After'.

Kath xx

Trulyfedup profile image

Oh what a lovely poem and how lovely to be able to say that at their wedding...no my sister has something called Homoscysterneria ( wrong spelling I believe) when we were born they hadn't come across it so by the time she was eleven she had had a stroke and had her left eye removed due to severe claucoma....(can't spell that either, I better study more)....she has been extremely poorly all her life...unfortunately the complaint causes severe mental troubles..she has no idea how to reason with anyone so she can be quite unkind at times....if she hadn't been I'll she would have been the better twin, she is very canny and doesn't suffer fools...I believe she makes the staff upset at times, so she is very hard work but she can be very funny. She spent a lot of time at boarding school for the blind when we were young and I missed her terribly..she was the one taking care of me...I am apt to being a little scatty...although I prefer to call it...creative!!! But life goes on and like everyone else we adjust to the highs and lows with Fiona. We come from a strong Scottish family! Thank you for showing an interest I very rarely talk about her. Maryx

Trulyfedup profile image

And it's glaucoma..come on Mary.x

Trulyfedup profile image

Thank you..I shall probably come back a little stressed but I'm sure my family feel that way about me...my wonderful three days has come to an end in the last hour..nausea and pain in big way but I did have three lovely days...funny old complaint isn't it.x

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to Trulyfedup

I love your term "Rainbow bridge"

I'm so sorry to hear that Mary. It must have been very difficult for you to adjust to life with her being away from home.

My sister is 7 years younger than I am, and by far the more sensible one. I too am considered a bit scatty (creative does sound better).

I'm already fed up of this profile pic, so I'm going to replace it if I can find a decent one - no, my best photo is a back view!!

Ok, done it. I expect I will be mistaken for a man again....lol. Kath xx

Trulyfedup profile image

Your photo is fine...yes creative sounds so much better! I do write if I ever get brave enough I may put some on...best read after a bottle of Baileys! X

Bring on the Baileys, I'd love to hear what you have written.

Nope, this photo is just not doing it for me!! It's got to come off!!

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to

I.ll prob MP you I'd if I do write one on here!!!!!!!!!!! X

allanah profile image

Hello ladies, skiing men and assorted animals, games and sports! Sorry I am late but just got back from watching comet osrisis project burn up in the sun from the international space station. It was a bit hot up there but we had an easy landing!

Tomorrow I am on a pamper day yeah, with the girls! So will miss you all on the porch, I will read it later tomorrow, have a vodka for me will you!

Trulyfedup profile image

I.ll have a Baileys...I'm just about to land on Hubble!!! X

Trulyfedup profile image

Hi, just posting to see how you are faring? X

Hi Mary,

Things are ok here, wrapped up nice and warm but got to go out tomorrow. How are you?

Trulyfedup profile image

Hi, glad things are ok with you..I'm better than I was Tuesday and Wednesday..I'm out tonight so just having a rest before dinner and dancing this eve.x

OOOOOh, posh. dinner and dance. Have a good time, but don't overdo it. xx

Trulyfedup profile image

Drank tooooooo much...feel awful at the moment but I'm sure it will pass after a Baileys breakfast!!! X

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