Hi all, so i love fruit and veg and never have any trouble eating it. Just been eating melon like i have done 100s of times and have had what seems an allergic reaction! Tongue stinging and itching, little red dots all over it and swollen. Have taken an anti hystamine. Never happened before so slightly confused.
Strangest reaction!: Hi all, so i love fruit and veg... - NRAS
Strangest reaction!

I once had a bad reaction to strawberries like you had eaten them loads n loads of times before. My reaction was so severe that I've never touched them since. Strange isn't it. x
My son had this with peaches. It is a very common reaction and has a name that I have forgotten (sorry) apricots and apples do it to him too. It is not dangerous but you may want to experiment which fruits do it and avoid them.
I've had that happen when I have been outside in the sun - the combination of sun plus first big dose of a seasonal fruit can do it for me. Luckily antihistamines deal with it, and it isn't a consistent reaction but seems to need another trigger along with it (like sun in this case, but I think there can be other triggers for this kind of reaction too).
Strange, I would keep a bit of a food diary and get a check up if u don't settle! And avoid melon maybe !
My brother has this! But he has had it since childhood, he can eat melon but tends to give it a miss now because of the tingling and slight swelling on his lips (not inside his mouth).
I developed a severe shellfish allergy after giving birth to my first child, since then I have also developed an allergy to bananas and garlic of all things. Makes eating out a real challenge, garlic is in so many dishes these days!
Maybe the melon was grown in a different area, was a slightly different variety, was grown in different conditions, different pesticides...? One year, both a friend and myself both came out in massive hives from eating strawberries - she was so bad that she went to hospital. Apparently the way they are grown can influence the balance of chemicals in them and we both reacted badly, I do eat them now, but am very careful about it!! x