What do I do if I have an allergic reaction to Sulfasalizine?
Reaction: What do I do if I have an allergic reaction... - NRAS

Stop taking it and call GP surgery for emergency appointment. That’s what I did when I had a reaction to it. I was given antihistamine and steroids to get rid if symptoms. If it is like threatening ie affects your breathing go straight to A&E.
Why do you think you will have a reaction to it ?
Stop taking it and call GP. I had a nasty reaction to it...but you might not!
Stop taking it immediately and contact your RH dept and speak to one of the specialist nurses. I was given a card with telephone numbers to ring if I was worried about anything or contact your local surgery. I would try the hospital first. Hope you get sorted x
I had an allergic reaction to sulphasalazine (itchy rash and swollen cheeks). GP was no help so I asked a pharmacist. She said stop taking it and take antihistamine (which I had already done) but she said to take antihistamine for 14 days as it can stay in your system that long. She also gave me cream to relieve the itch and rash.
Stop taking it & if you have any feelings of it affecting your breathing ...... contact your medical team /GP immediately.
STOP Taking it. I had severe reaction after 3 tablets. Took 3 months to clear up. VeRyan painful itchy rash all over my body. It a dangerous drug if you get allergic reaction.
Stop taking it at once.
Speak to the Rheumatology nurse as you will need something to take its place in dealing with your RA. Plus they need to know that you are allergic.
Once you stop taking it the symptoms should wear off quite quickly. An oral antihistamine will help.
I totally understand as this happened to me. Horrible experience.
Good luck.
It needs determining if it's a side effect or an allergic reaction. Are you new to sulfasalazine or have you been taking it a while? You've checked the Patient Information Leaflet? If it is a side effect, particularly a common one, then ask the Pharmacist at the chemists where you get your script filled, this will be the quickest way to get advice. He or she should be able to determine if it a side effect which may settle or an allergic reaction & you need medical attention. If the PIL says it is an allergic reaction then don't take any more until you've spoken to your Rheumy nurse, you should have a helpline number to use in such circumstances.
I had a horrible reaction within the hour of taking the first pill Felt really hot and developed horrible rash. . Started to develop dry cough too. Can't give advice but if you have doubts listen to your body. I phoned help line and got answerphone. They phoned me back the next day and said "stop taking it" . I so wanted to say "well, you don't say ! " I guess sometimes they can't do anymore than state the bloody obvious.
If your reaction is severe, go to A&E. Otherwise, stop the sulphasalazine and tell your rheumatologist ASAP.