Day 18: ...and I think I'm going to stop... - No Smoking Day

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Day 18

16 Replies

...and I think I'm going to stop counting the days for my own sanity lol

16 Replies
Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Mmaya.... Never stop counting the days... it really helps to get that minute , hour, day month further...

I am now 12 pm (UCT+2) 3 Months...3 Weeks....0 days...3 hours...34 seconds smoke free..... And LOVE every second of it !!!!!!

in reply to Hercu

I have a plan Hercu, Im going to try to fool myself into not counting the days and see if I can get past week 7 this time. I have a massive mental block against weeks 6,7,8

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Hercu

Mmaya ...OK thanks....Yes if I had a previous quit I would have been very, very afraid to enter week 10 and 11....I really had a nasty experience that time but got through and so happy I did..

Oh my head! It hurts!... Have a massive migraine, temperature, my throat is swollen and sore. My all body aches. On a positive note, I'm still not smoking and the way my throat is...there's no way I'll be smoking anytime soon ;) all good here, still not smoking, struggled a bit in the afternoon with work stress but I managed to just walk away from the situation, I saw me losing control completely and I was able to actually picture myself going out, smoking a cigarette and comeback really annoyed, so I skipped the all process and just walked away. I'm very happy I was able to do it and I'm literally preying that I will be able to continue to do it. No big cravings, in fact no cravings at all, it's just the impulse of grabbing one when I'm stressed. I'll have to learn how to deal with it as they come along. Hope everyone is doing fine.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to

Hope you are feeling better by this time Mmaya...I never had a migraine but my youngest son used to get it and could see it is not nice.... So I am feeling with you and do not want you to suffer... Well done on staying strong..... !!

in reply to

Yeah, a bit better alright, had a lovely cup of tea and loads of paracetamol, I'll be fine

Hercu, I'll comment on week 11 when and if I ever get there lol I think that's going to be around my birthday... The depression of my 40th birthday and the 11th week, can't wait for it hahaha

I'm really not functioning properly today, just noticed I've posted on month 3! Sorry guys! I meant week 3 not month 3!!!

Wishful thinking Mmaya but you'll be at month 3 in no time.:) Hope the headache's gone, sounds like you've caught my cold/virus so hope you're better soon.

I agree with what you said about not having cravings as such but more the impulse to smoke in certain situations. You've described it perfectly. A few deep breaths and counting to 10 usually helps ease the urge but you seem to have the upper hand where your quit is concerned. Still got to keep our guard up but failure's not an option any more.

Your're doing well, keep going :).

Oh big time! It's my main concern, that it's becoming too easy and I'll be caught off guard. I defo got some sort of flu/ cold, you know when you're in and out of the hospital all time like I've been doing, it was going to happen anyways. I'm off work until the 14th, I'm going home to see my family, I'll be better as soon as I get some sunshine.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey mmaya, hope you got on ok in the hospital today. There is alot of bugs / viruses going around at the moment and possibly may have picked something up anyway, everyone I seem to talk to is sick from chest infections, sore throats, sinus infections, ears etc.....

Enjoy your break home, I am sure it will do you the world of good, by the way, where are from and living?

From Portugal and living in Ireland for too long!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Ah, I'm irish and stuck living in Ireland far too long too! Enjoy Portugal!

Hey I thought you were irish alright, just the way you express yourself hahaha...well now, we'll be grand! Lol

Since you're in Ireland as well, do you ever feel really good when you see the poor losers going out on the rain to have a cigarette, they came back inside with the hands and noses purply with the cold and smelling really bad...that is my main motivation to stay quit. I do not want to be one of them. Xxx night, night!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Since I quit, the weather has been lovely in our part of the country, lots of sunshine which I am so thankful for as the weather really affects my mood, dreading the dark evenings coming and always do every year but when the cold miserable weather does come, I will relish on being a non smoker and not having to endure the elements....

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