Day 10.....coughing up of tar started - No Smoking Day

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Day 10.....coughing up of tar started

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free
12 Replies

Good morning all, I am now on day 10 and staying strong and doing well, started coughing up the tar this morning, which was a bit frightening to see what I have been putting into my body but I know it is good to see as a sign my lungs are clearing, anyone else experience this and will it last long?

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12 Replies

I didn't this time, I suppose I haven't smoked much this year anyways, I've been trying to quit nearly all year long. Any other time I quit, I do get that, disgusting isn't it? I remember thinking I'm more sick now after quitting than when I was smoking lol keep it going, you are doing great! Stay strong!

By the way, forgot to add, that's good, it's your body cleaning up, drink loads of water, in February I had it very bad, it lasted for about 1 month. I found drinking 1 pint of warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning helped a lot...if you want to try that.I didn't like it very much at the beginning but I have gotten so used to it that I do it religiously every morning since. There are other benefits such as improved intestinal function which gets severely affected by the quit for many people. This usually leads to that feeling of bloated/ tired/ bored which is not great. All sorted with one big glass of warm water and lemon first thing in the morning ;)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Thanks mmaya, used to drink lemon and warm water every morning and then started cranberry juice after a kidney infection, think I read cranberry juice is also good after quitting, will start on the lemon and water again.

As far as you keep drinking, any drink would be fine, I suppose. The purpose is to stay hydrated. I prefer lemon because there's no sugars, although a lot of people in here will not agree with me, I firmly believe if you cut the sugars completely with the quit, you won't have half as many cravings. It is working very well for me, last time I attempted to quit, I allowed myself a bar of chocolate everytime I felt like one.the result was that I was constantly on the edge and craving. A bit of self control and discipline, I only had 1 bar of chocolate since I quit and I'm on day 13. Also stopped the coffee and increased the amount of water and camomile tea. I am not a tea drinker at all, but I have to say I'm delighted with the results, I'm very calm and serene, whereas last time by day 13 I was ready to become a serial killer.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Yeah mmaya, I get what your saying about the sugary things also giving you cravings, luckily I am not a sweet / chocolate person, more savory - like crisps! But avoiding them and any spicy food as tend to give me heartburn and have enough withdrawals to deal with at the moment!

Thanks for your replies, really appreciate it, I thought there would have been alot more activity or be busier on here with people quitting, only really chatting with yourself and Donna,

I think you need alot of support and encouragement when giving up as when I am alone I find it very difficult or if I wake up wide awake after 5 hours sleep but I am doing the breathing and it really does help and I keep telling myself it will not last forever....

My husband is 16 months smoke free and doing great, but unfortunately has put on alot of weight which is in the back of my mind that I will do the same but I have my plan in place with the breathing and drinking water which is something he would not do, maybe a fella thing! My house is also going to be like a new one by the new year with things I want to do outside and inside with the money I am saving so that will keep me busy for next couple of months.

Anyway, glad we both are doing well and keep up the good work and be strong.

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Mmaya know the serial killer bit have had a few of those myself am in 6th week now and cold turkey and other day had a touch of road rage soon got over it I also drink water and lemon but cold and loads of ice it works for me good luck with your quit

its a horrible feeling isn't it?...I know it too well! I'm very calm and serene this time, but only because I am staying away from stress. The worst for me is actually the weekends, today for example there's been fighting all day long because of the stupid PS3, I wish it broke for good. ...One wants to play fifa and the other one wants to play spider man and the other one wants to play minecraft, when one is playing the other 2 are telling and so on...Oh God bring me mondays! I'm going to end up in a mental institution.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I am the same as maya I have been trying to give up all year on and off so I havent experienced the tar this time it's not nice though..... I agree it's very quiet on here but us three can help each other like the three musketeers lol..... Also hot showers or Vicks steaming is good for loosening the phlegm and getting the tar up it will make breathing alot easier xxx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Thanks for the reply Donna, was actually talking about that vicks steaming over the weekend with my Mam, it was an old wives tale my granny swore by!

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Rowens....Old wives tales(remedy's) usually works...(Granny can't be wrong)

Yes it is not nice and some web sites reckons it can continue up to a few months....

I am almost on four months smoke free and still get that once a week coughing up nasty phlegm ....!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Thanks Hercu, will get the vicks vapour and give it a try, also taking exputex which is a great help for lifting it. well done on your 4 months, great achievement:)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey Trem  / Jenny, just bumping up this post at Day 10 of my quit, not many responses from people experiencing the same so you may start or you may get away with it - it is very frightening when you see what we were doing to our bodies.....hope today is going well for you....

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