Hello Folks. So im now in day 3 (thank you Jesus) once i hit my 72 hours and nicotine free the really healing can begin. Im feeling abit more moody than yesterday but im in control of how im feeling and im not feeling irrational. At the moment i miss having a cigarette but i have to keep reminding myself that:
In order to quit, you actually have to quit.
There wont come a day i dont want to smoke unless i actually stop smoking
And, I will always crave a cigarette so long as I smoke. Craving will only go once my body learns a cigarette wont be coming.
This first week is a pig, the first 3 weeks are annoying and the first 3 months are eye opening. I have been here before and luckily armed with experience. Im trying not to think but just do....so far im working and sleeping. that is it lol going shopping on saturday and going to treat myself xxxx