8 weeks in, can't stop crying.Normal? - No Smoking Day

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8 weeks in, can't stop crying.Normal?

nsd_user663_63999 profile image

Hi, I'm new here and just wondered if anyone else has had this. I gave up after 40 years about 8 weeks ago and I keep bursting into tears at the slightest thing. I feel as though I'm in mourning for a close friend (fags) is that weird or common?

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nsd_user663_63999 profile image
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27 Replies

Hello Sharon , great to have you with us.

8 weeks amazing, just brilliant.

It can be a common factor in quitting, it's going to take a while to feel comfy in your quit and the tears will stop,

40 years of being a addict, takes determination to over come, doing really well, please post and read often it helps, you know for every crave that happens , the next will become weaker.

All is quite normal, are you using anything to help your quit.?

Doing a fab job

Thanks for replying Tracey. I had a hypnotherapy session to start me off, other than that it's cold turkey. Glad to know I'm not too weird then:D

WOW amazing, all that nicotine has gone now, so it's just mentally, it does indeed take while to adjust but you will your coming through the worst.

And of course if quitting was easy no one would smoke would they? Erm do you want a nicotine boiled sweet, would never have one would we?

Just keep going, please post if any issues arise,

8 weeks is marvellous and yes it's normal to mourn the loss of our so called friend. Good riddance to him celebrate his demise big time. You are over the worst now I am just in front of you and I miss him less and less. Keep posting we want to know how your doing

Oh Sharon x my heart goes out to you. I think it is very normal to feel emotional when you quit. What I recognise is that if I ever had an emotion I didn't know how to deal with, I would smoke, and so now when I have an emotion I don't like I have to find a different way to deal with it. I feel so much more in touch with my emotions. And sometimes that is really hard. I suppose that is why we stay hooked. ..

Hopefully, it gets better xx

Thank you everyone. I've never tried to give up before and I've been quite surprised at how relatively easy it has been compared to what I had imagined. I think this may be because this was the first time in my life that I felt that I wanted to give up as opposed to giving up because I knew I should.

Incy_Wincy profile image

If this is your first try, Sharon, then even bigger congratulations! Many of us here have had squillions of practice runs and kind of knew where our weak points were - you're doing REALLY well!

Feeling emotional is definitely normal - you're adjusting to life lived without a buffer. I think Allen Carr said something about how nicotine dulls reactions/emotions (or did I make that up?) and that without cigarettes your 'normal' feelings feel more intense at first. You're basically learning how to be you again.

And it's hard, and a sort of grieving process is common, I think. And after 40 years of addiction...wow. I totally take my hat off to you Sharon. Stick with us, please? You're doing so well, and reading and posting here really helps :) Nice to 'meet' you x

Thank you, it's nice to 'meet' you too.

The only reason I never tried to give up before was because I knew in my heart that I didn't want to and I thought that it's hard enough to quit when you do want to, so it must be practically impossible if you don't:D

Incy_Wincy profile image

You're doing brilliantly - remind yourself of that next time you feel over-emotional. Try and make 'em happy tears if they really must be cried!

Just to add my two penneth. Welcome Sharon and great going on your right weeks. Marvellous achievement. I reckon also your feeling emotional and grieving, and therefore crying often is understandable. I'm certainly grieving and just a week ahead of you.

I used smoking as an emotional crutch or dampener. And now don't gave that tool. I have also felt quite 'low' at times missing my poisonous friend; but then ce to my senses. Although I haven't cried - grown men don't - my anxiety levels, which I'm susceptible to anyway has increased. I would normally have a cigarette, but there's no room in my new normal for that. Just keep reminding yourself of the good reasons you're doing this and I use NOPE frequently. It's quick, snappy, and triggers positive thoughts for me. Oh and do post on here. That is worth is weight, as are your strategies and support to others. All the best.

nsd_user663_63893 profile image
nsd_user663_63893 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

Walkabout! You're a man!! :) he he I though you were a girl !!

nsd_user663_58050 profile image
nsd_user663_58050 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

I have a feeling quite a few people might think that. Why do you think that is? I'm interested to know. I am a bit heart on my sleeve, which women tend to be more so than men. I tried to post a photo of myself last week but it didn't work. I'll try again later.

nsd_user663_63741 profile image
nsd_user663_63741 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

I thought you were a woman too, don't know why.

nsd_user663_63893 profile image
nsd_user663_63893 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

Humm, yeah that's interesting. I suppose it is a combination of ambiguous name, probably more women than men on the site (she said sweepingly) and as you say your ability to talk about your emotions. Which I must add is a wonderful skill if you ask me.

Speaking as a girl myself I think you should take it as a compliment :)

I have just tried to post a pic too but what you can see is the top left hand side of the picture, I couldn't seem to get my face in!!

Has anyone made a direct reference to you being a gal?

nsd_user663_58050 profile image
nsd_user663_58050 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

Well, I hope it doesn't put people off communicating with me. I feel as if I've conned you! However, of course I took it as a compliment. And actually, early on in my quit I did shed tears and posted that I had in response to a supportive comment on here in relation to my father's passing so that might have sealed my new gender. But no, no one has specifically referred to me as being female.

I better get the photo posted. Hattie - love your new image. Very abstract. I'll have a go again tonight.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_58050

I LOVE this whole conversation :)

It's a shock news day as I also reveal myself - not actually a girl, but a santa's elf... Hattie get yer face out!

nsd_user663_58050 profile image
nsd_user663_58050 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

Oh no...........do elves have genders? I'm not an expert on them.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_58050

We do, but we're too shy to let on except to other elves. I may in fact be in serious trouble with the bearded one for revealing my identity...

nsd_user663_58050 profile image
nsd_user663_58050 in reply to nsd_user663_58050

And what do elves wear when the go running? There's a joke in there somewhere but beyond me !

Welcome Sharon and a massive well done! It's a long time smoking isn't it? I worked the years out this morning and for me too it's 40 years addicted and hooked. Like you, although we are no longer physically addicted, I am finding I am having to work very hard psychologically. Don't be afraid to ask your GP for emotional support too.... you are doing great Sharon!

Talk it through with that wonderful dog of yours? My girl is so very understanding.... :)

nsd_user663_63893 profile image
nsd_user663_63893 in reply to nsd_user663_63964

Love this reply Celestine. I might try talking it out with my dog (although she is quite a heavy smoker herself (haha))!

One of the things I am aiming to do now that I have stopped is to do an agility competition with one of my dogs. It would be nice to have enough breath to run around the course without having a heart attack:eek:

I've seen these sorts of agility training competitions on TV. You have to spend your dog's turn running round accompanying it. That's great exercise.

Wow what incredible people there are on here. I quit ciggies in February and the electric ciggy April 15th

Sharon I so totally understand you, All i wanna do is cry, feel so low etc etc but reading what everyone on here puts just lifts my mood so much 😄.

I think I may spend quite a lot of my next few months on here talking with folk

A very big well done sooooo far to you Sharon you are doing an excellent job

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_64124

Wendy, well done :)

Glad you found us - it is a wonderful place to share all the joys and woes of quitting. Sounds like you're doing a great job - well done! xx

Oh Sharon

Well done on your Quit, we are so proud if you, I am thankful that I havnt been in the situation of feeling low like you,every one has different effects.

I am a bit older than you and this is my my first quit, with a one time blip thus is my 6 weeks so kero it up girl , we are feeling your pain and supporting you x

I do not like the pre emp text :0( hope you can all read what I am typing 😀

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