So massively grateful for this forum...and ... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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So massively grateful for this forum...and all who sail in her.

Incy_Wincy profile image
10 Replies

Woohoo! I'm in a new room :) Just checking the larder...oooh, vegetable sticks AND cake - something for everyone!

I'm so pleased with myself I am actually patting myself on the back right now. 3 WEEKS DONE!!! :D:D:D

BUT this weekend is going to be a challenge - I'm going to be on my own from Saturday afternoon till Monday. That's my biggest weak spot, I know. But, thanks to this forum I've got somewhere I can look back on my Lists, be inspired by other people's successes, and just...hide!

My mission for yesterday was to think about The Worst Thing I ever did in order to smoke. I never did anything really rank, but the saddest thing ever was during one of my many quit attempts, when I'd been smokefree for a few days, and caved in (most likely after a day on my own) and bought tobacco. I chain smoked a few, then got really angry and filled the pouch with water and chucked it in the bin. Sure enough, later that night I was dragging it back out and drying it in the oven. Isn't that pitiful? I'm just telling this story - which shames me hugely - just to remind myself how terrible, how controlling, how degrading and how utterly gross smoking is. Feel free to confess your greatest yuck-stories so I don't feel like the only minger in the world :)

Today my mission is to sign a contract stating I will never smoke again. I must be feeling less positive than normal because that seems really hard. BUT in for a penny, in for a pound, soooo...

I, Incy-Wincy, do solemnly promise never to take another puff as long as I live. NOPE, ever!

Can someone just witness that for me please? xxx

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Incy_Wincy profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_63114 profile image

having given birth and asking where the smoking room was - think i've outbeaten anyone

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_63114

Caroline, one of my best friends gave me fags instead of flowers when I had my daughter. I was delighted. It's good to acknowledge these things though, and not try and forget them, I think. And at least it's all behind us now, eh? And you get to leave it even further behind you when you start your new job :)

nsd_user663_63114 profile image
nsd_user663_63114 in reply to nsd_user663_63114

never going back to smoking, it's like it had me in a spell justifying everything i was doing.

my best defence was,' well, it's my only vice.' oh dear! shame.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_63114

Yep, me too Caroline! But hey, not any more :D NOPE!

nsd_user663_63741 profile image

i was supposed to be confined to bed after the birth of my son, but I almost crawled to the loo opened the window and smoked a couple of fags.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_63741

Spanish - isn't it great that we wouldn't need to do these things now?

AnnMarie74 profile image

Hi Incy

I am out at a show today but I will be thinking about you staying strong today and will pop in to check on you where I can 😉 I have no doubt you will. Any cupboards left to attack? Month1 is soooooo good. X

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to AnnMarie74

Now I'm intrigued - what kind of show? Thank you :)


That's good guys!

I can subscribe to any of the horrible statements above...and I am really not proud, now that I am thinking about it.

Me too..I kept saying ...but sure..I don't go out, I don't drink, I don't gamble, it's my only pleasure! Bahhhhh! It is not a pleasure, I smoked on tuesday and my skin broke up straight after, I have spots all over my face. I had to wash my hair very well that night because i couldn't fall asleep with the smell...thinking now I would have smelled like that every day!

I smoked during my pregancy(s) as a secret smoker!!! OMG! Having a fag is more important than my babies?! Really?!

Very ashamed right now.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to

I hope you found it useful to think about as well as shaming mmaya! And we all need to bear in mind that we totally weren't acting as ourselves when we did all these things - we were puppets. (I smoked now and then through my pregnancy, too, mmaya. I imagine more of us did than didn't)

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