Hi all,
I'm 50 year old male I smoked for aprox. 35 years, for the last 10 years or so was hitting 30+ cigs a day easily, I used champix as my quit method and the quit from the start has been so easy I can hardly believe it, having tried and failed with every other method I really didn't want to try champix having read some real horror stories, but was getting to the point where years of smoking was taking its toll, my girlfriend says it was like sleeping next to an accordion the wheezing was that bad I have quite an active job involving a lot of stairs and I was really conscious of how out of breath I was at times.
I can honestly say that now I'm only in my second month of being smoke free the difference is remarkable the wheezing that was so apparent disappeared within 10 day blood pressure is normal and stable so much more energy I never expected to feel so good just goes to show what we have been doing to ourselves by smoking..... Oh and fellas a big difference downstairs if you know what I mean wink wink put it this way I'll never roll out of bed in my sleep like am 20 again ha ha ok enough of that but in all honesy yeah massive all over improvement, and now down to cash I was spending over 70 quid a week on smokes wow.... I decided whatever my little no smoking calculator said I saved a week was exactly how much I'd stuff in my underwear draw ( at the back out of sight lol) I have well over £600 in cash so all in all the best thing anyone can do for themselves on all fronts is to stop smoking and stay stopped.
PS: would like to point out champix was not a great experience in fact quite awful however it works I only take half a tablet at night going to stop it alltogether in a week or so.