week 3, oh yeah baby!: Hello all, day 1... - No Smoking Day

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week 3, oh yeah baby!

nsd_user663_61790 profile image
16 Replies

Hello all, day 16 today, i am super pleased. Have been back to work this week and haven't found it nearly as bad as i thought. Still struggling to get much in the way of sleep but tbh i can deal with that. Happy me today and bake off on tonight aswell whoop whoop! Have started 5;2 diet this week so rather than thinking of the fags i am planning what delicious food to eat on saturday! Has anyone else done this diet or currently on it?

C xxxx

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nsd_user663_61790 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Wow doing amazing, well all could think of in the early days was food food food, so not quite on the diet.

So very pleased all s going well keep going, doing great

A huge well done.

Please just post if any probs arise


nsd_user663_63632 profile image

Nice one Chloe , never dieted in my life but I think I just may have to consider one soon:p

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

If it's not too impertinent, you're a bit of a tease Chloe :p

You've kept us waiting nearly 2 days before formally announcing your arrival in Week 3! :)

It's great to hear that it's going well and that you're keeping yourself occupied.

I can't comment on the 5:2 diet as I don't do it, but at the start of this year I started to focus on losing weight steadily, so it wasn't so hard that I'd end up relapsing. All I've done is replace most of my drinks with water, greatly reduced my bread and potato intake and reduced my portion sizes - not too much, but enough to make a difference.

That, combined with swimming 3 times per week, is seeing my weight fall by an average of 1 pound per week since the start of the year, 9 pounds in all as of this morning. I'm losing weight and toning up nicely and I don't feel I'm dieting. I've replaced crisps and those types of snacks with bananas and although I'm still having some chocolate, instead of eating the whole bar at once, I'm having 4-6 squares at a time.

I don't feel I'm missing anything, don't feel hungry and my aim is to lose 2 stones before I go on holiday in July - I've already lost 9 pounds and we aren't out of February yet :)

It will be the lightest I've weighed for years, but smoking has now been replaced with a new habit - getting fit and in shape :)

Keep doing what you are doing, but don't forget, any time you are struggling (if you ever do) come straight here first and let us help you through it :)

nsd_user663_61790 profile image

Thanks everyone and please accept my sincerest apologies capitan to have kept you waiting! Lol. That's amazing 9lb lost. I have started up running again so that should help but i don't think i will ever be the type of person who can limit myself to 4 squares of chocolate. 😋.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I didn't think I could limit myself either, but getting into the sort of shape I was in back in my 20's really has replaced smoking as my new habit.

I haven't felt this good, or more alive, for years!

I love chocolate, so I'll never cut it out completely, but I'm getting used to less and my changing body shape is a massive incentive. :)

Edit: You are forgiven for posting late this time Chloe, but don't do it again! :p

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Err Chloe?

I'm sitting here drumming my fingers, waiting for an update!

nsd_user663_61790 profile image

Evening. All going splendid at the mo, long may it continue. I know a bad day is prob just around the corner but until that day i am actively blowing raspberries at mr nico! After a few days of starving i have opted for curry tomorrow night so that is also keeping me chirpy! How has everyone elses day been? Xxx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

You're doing this late posting thing on purpose aren't you, Mmm? :p

Glad to hear it's going so well so far, just be prepared if a bad day arrives and you'll be fine :)

nsd_user663_63114 profile image

All good here, but only thinking, note thinking ( not doing) a diet. I will but my quit has been hard and I only feel safe to start now. Good to hear you doing so well, and in such a good place :) x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I waited 3 years before seriously tackling my weight gain Caroline, but it's coming off nicely and I've only got that to concentrate on as my quit is solid now.

You did the right thing, consolidate your quit, then work on something else. :)

nsd_user663_61790 profile image

Thanks guys cxx Caroline, start one, we can compare recipes! (can you sense how crazily fun i am! Lol) xx

nsd_user663_63114 profile image

Oh Chloe, ok, I'm going not counting today lol, as had a family sized toffee poppet bag and a family sized yoghurt pot. To get me through the tough times I ate sweets, and have developed a very sweet tooth but not so sweet belly :) x

nsd_user663_61790 profile image

Haha ok well in not counting tomorrow! Monday? Lol cx

Jess9 profile image
Jess91000 Days Smoke Free

Well done I have never been on a diet in my life, I eat what I want when I want, lol, always been lucky my weight never tends to change, is the 5:2 diet, the one where you fast for 2 days and eat for the other 5? A few girls from my work do that, me I get really really grumpy if I don't eat, and need my daily malteaser fix xx

nsd_user663_61790 profile image

Haha. Yes that's the one, it works ok for me as two days of being disciplined is my limit! X

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Still quit Chloe? I hope so :)

If you are you've done 3 weeks and are heading to your first whole month quit!

Not what you're looking for?