First post... 6 months in... Relapse danger... - No Smoking Day

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First post... 6 months in... Relapse danger - help!

DianeWh profile image
8 Replies

So, have just passes the 6 month mark but have two big triggers ahead of me, so thought a little moral support might be in order!

My (once a year) visit to distant family approaches, most of whom are heavy smokers, & the occasion for a previous relapse after reaching a similar 6-7 month quit... Also a looming music festival with friends ( ditto heavy smokers) and at which my OH (who has also quit, with a couple lapses) will no doubt lapse again, so no support there :rolleyes:

I realise it's up to me to stick to it & not blame others / situations for my smoking... But still - any tips to stay sane & off the weed?

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DianeWh profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Welcome Diane, and huge congratulations from me on passing the 6 month milestone. :)

Well, forwarned is forearmed. You recognise the danger, which is the first hurdle overcome, and now you just (;)) need a plan to deal with the situations when they arise. Firsly, I should plan out all possible scenarios in your mind and decide how you will deal with them: what you will say if someone offers you a fag, what you will do when everyone is smoking around you, how much you will drink, what your 'get away from the situation completely' excuses will be, etc. Secondly, I think if I were you I should carry an 'emergency fix' with me just in case things reach the point where it is either that or lose the quit. Even if you have been completely nic-free for months it wouldn't hurt to have some lozenges/an inhaler or whatever else floats your boat on you at all times. Thirdly, form a mantra that you can repeat (either out loud or in your head) whenever it feels appropriate. Keep telling yourself over & over how far you have come and how many battles you have fought and won. Who cares what the people you are with are doing? They'll all envy you really even if they can't bring themselves to tell you that.

I'm sure there will be plenty of other suggestions. You can do it Diane and we will be here for moral support as & when you need it.

All the best from me :)

DianeWh profile image

Thank you

For the encouraging words & the advice - I can do it!

I had a previous 2 year quit & blew it with 'just one' - as you do :( so I've just got to keep that in mind, and keep an eye on alcohol consumption... It's amazing what can seem like a good idea after a couple... :rolleyes:

Thanks again!

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...if you have been completely nic-free for months it wouldn't hurt to have some lozenges/an inhaler or whatever else floats your boat on you at all times...

Sorry but I have to say that to me this is a very dangerous suggestion. If you've been free of a drug for a long period of time, then taking some with you, in what ever form, 'just in case' seems like a really bad idea. If I started dosing myself with nicotine now, I have a horrible feeling I know exactly where it would end.:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

You have just got to battle though Diane, after being 2 yrs and 6 months now do you really want to start it all yet again? Just hang string no matter who's around you as you self confessed it only takes one, if you can get by while you family and mates smoke for just 2 occasions you should never really smoke again.

Don't do it, if you have gave up for so long and start again all the symptoms of day 1 will be back and your health will go down the pan and you'll be feeling like sh@t.

Good Luck.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Sorry but I have to say that to me this is a very dangerous suggestion. If you've been free of a drug for a long period of time, then taking some with you, in what ever form, 'just in case' seems like a really bad idea. If I started dosing myself with nicotine now, I have a horrible feeling I know exactly where it would end.:eek::eek:

I see your point Egg, but I think if I knew I was going to potentially be put under that degree of temptation I would prefer to have an emergency aid with me just in case, rather than risk it. The analogy I was thinking of was Nytol- if I know I have a stock at hand when things are stressful or I am going to be sleeping in a strange bed I can sleep without needing to take any (if you see what I mean). I still carry some lozenges with me in my bag though I haven't taken any since New Years Eve (I shall probably dispose of them soon but knowing they are there is a sort of talisman if that makes any sense.)

Horses for courses I suppose. I must admit I overlooked the fact that the OP quitted CT whereas I didn't, which changes things rather.

DianeWh profile image

One hurdle down, one to go...

Well that's the family gathering done & dusted, and aside from a few twinges when sitting outside at the barbecue, all went well. Helped enormously by 2 of my sisters also still on their quit, & using e-cigs. Just the festival to do now:)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Dianne :D

I think you'll be fine. Have a wonderful time and I will hope the sun shines on you. :)

DianeWh profile image

Wow I was just looking at this to try and remember how long it’s been since I quit - and it’s 8 years! 🙂

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