Girl licks the road in new lung cancer awar... - No Smoking Day

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Girl licks the road in new lung cancer awareness advert

nsd_user663_62141 profile image
16 Replies

Hey guys!

Does this new lung cancer awareness advert make you think about stopping? Thoughts?

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nsd_user663_62141 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Well I think that prior to quitting nothing had any affect on me, no adverts people with breathing difficulties, truly nothing made a difference to me, but now when you look at that video, it just brings home to me how stupid I have been all these years.

nsd_user663_61250 profile image

I agree with Lostie - no deterrent here.

Remember films shown before I started smoking in Oz - had absolutely no effect on my decision to start.

Nice ****, though :)

nsd_user663_62141 profile image

Interesting.. I guess it has a different effect on each person. I don't think any video is powerful enough to persuade smokers to quit, but if it makes you think about it, it's a start.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

I said on a similar thread previously that I think it's time there was a positive quitting advertisement campaign, with the emphasis on things like looking loads younger due to better skin & hair. clothes smelling good, being much more active & fit, having more money, not having to stand out the back in the rain, etc. Something with a carrot rather than being beaten with a big stick and threatened with terrible diseases (which always had the effect on me of sticking two virtual fingers up and lighting a fag).

nsd_user663_61250 profile image

Hey guys!

Does this new lung cancer awareness advert make you think about stopping? Thoughts?

Did you make the video?

nsd_user663_62141 profile image

You got me! I am indeed the director of this video - I wanted to gather some feedback on whether this video is impactful or not and why. I actually contemplated between this idea, and the idea Skiddaw posted below about 'inspiring' smokers to quit. But I chose to make this one to show smoking is like licking a road..

nsd_user663_61250 profile image

The video will appeal to certain people - that's for sure.

But seeing it for the first time, 6 months after I quit and 35 years too late - just doesn't nail it for me.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Lostie, I shall hope fervently that you will never be on oxygen. You've certainly done all in your power to prevent things from getting any worse and who knows? Someone may develop a cure for COPD before too long.

I hope you will have a lovely holiday somewhere nice soon and if you do decide to visit Blighty again, we should have a Forum get-together (as someone else proposed recently) and all have lunch. :)

nsd_user663_61728 profile image

I really agree with Skiddaw that it would be so much better to do an inspiring ad rather than a negative one. The main reason I quit, and this is really shallow of me I know, was because my teeth started to go yellow and I got a wrinkle and it really hit home.

Lostie I'm sorry about your illness. My grandmother had it and she had this crazy four by four buggy thing that she went tramping across the countryside in, like the monster truck of mobility scooters haha.

nsd_user663_62141 profile image

I should of mentioned that the brief was to make an anti-smoking ad targeted at under 25 year olds. As Una mentioned, youths perceive smoking as 'cool'. So my dilemma was whether it was possible to 'inspire' youths to stop smoking.

In my research I concluded the below:

I chose the message 'For more information on lung cancer, keep smoking' since youths like to rebel when they are told not to do something, making them look 'cool' and 'powerful' amongst their peers. Therefore by saying to keep smoking, they cannot rebel against it.

I thought 'inspiring' smokers to look young, have better skin & hair, clothes smelling good, being much more active & fit, and having more money would work better on an older audience than younger.

Do you guys agree/disagree? What are your thoughts?

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

I should of mentioned that the brief was to make an anti-smoking ad targeted at under 25 year olds. As Una mentioned, youths perceive smoking as 'cool'. So my dilemma was whether it was possible to 'inspire' youths to stop smoking.

In my research I concluded the below:

I chose the message 'For more information on lung cancer, keep smoking' since youths like to rebel when they are told not to do something, making them look 'cool' and 'powerful' amongst their peers. Therefore by saying to keep smoking, they cannot rebel against it.

I thought 'inspiring' smokers to look young, have better skin & hair, clothes smelling good, being much more active & fit, and having more money would work better on an older audience than younger.

Do you guys agree/disagree? What are your thoughts?

I believe if there was a picture of a smoker at fifty, and the same person as a non smoker, I may have looked twice, that would be god for me, we need to see the difference smoking makes to us x

nsd_user663_61586 profile image

I fully expected a 44 Ton wagon to come flying down the road behind her, she would stop smoking then !

On a more serious point, I attended a mate's funeral last week, 62 years old bloke, was fit & healthy until 6 months ago when he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

Seeing his wife & children brokenhearted at the funeral is something I will never ever forget.

nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Under 25's are immortal and do not relate smoking to lung cancer. Anything that involves long term health issues is irrelevent to them.

Childen/ young teenagers understand the health risks but usually relate it to grandparents or parents and tend to be very anti-smoking. There are obviously exceptions, I'm talking generally here.

I think the social stigma side of it would have more of an effect. The fact that they smell and have to stand out in the rain/cold. The reality that they are addicts and are burning a small fortune.

Ibiza clubbing for a week or smoke for 6 months?

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

I should of mentioned that the brief was to make an anti-smoking ad targeted at under 25 year olds. As Una mentioned, youths perceive smoking as 'cool'. So my dilemma was whether it was possible to 'inspire' youths to stop smoking.

In my research I concluded the below:

I chose the message 'For more information on lung cancer, keep smoking' since youths like to rebel when they are told not to do something, making them look 'cool' and 'powerful' amongst their peers. Therefore by saying to keep smoking, they cannot rebel against it.

I thought 'inspiring' smokers to look young, have better skin & hair, clothes smelling good, being much more active & fit, and having more money would work better on an older audience than younger.

Do you guys agree/disagree? What are your thoughts?

You need to be absolutely clear who you are targeting - you should be aiming for under 25 non smokers. It's sad to say it, but under 25 smokers are already a lost cause.

nsd_user663_62141 profile image

Thank you for your comments guys, it is really insightful! I definitely think an inspiration video can work since we get a handful of vile videos from the NHS already which desensitises us to this kind of content.

Sorry to hear about that Gus, it was a really emotional comment.. "Seeing his wife & children brokenhearted at the funeral is something I will never ever forget". Thank you for sharing.

Have any of you had experiences at school/college/university where you resisted smoking from your peers? Or influenced your peers to stop? Would be great to hear some stories :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I think ridicule would be the best way to tackle the youth. Making the smoker the butt (pun intended) of the joke would, IMO, make smoking less cool rapidly. All you need is some decent comic writing and be careful that it portrays smokers as "the joke" rather than funny people and people world want out of that peer group ASAP.

Maybe laughing at the smoker not being able to afford to go to Ibiza with their mates or someone getting up off a park bench when a smoker sits down and going to sit next to the bag lady that smells of wee.

Not what you're looking for?