Dying here!: Wow since I got home all I have... - No Smoking Day

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Dying here!

nsd_user663_61866 profile image
12 Replies

Wow since I got home all I have wanted to is smoke, when my OH went to the shops i nearly took one from her pack and smoked it!

Sitting her more than once i have nearly said **** it give me a smoke,

My lord where the **** did these craves come from **** it s taking ALL my Will power not to smoke

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nsd_user663_61866 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Deep breaths and relax. You can beat this.

Just remember smoking is not an option. The crave is worse because you let it back in by thinking I could steal one and nobody would know. Can you imagine how much worse it would be tomorrow if you actually smoked.

Hang in there you've come too far to blow this now.

nsd_user663_61866 profile image

I have been fighting it since Thursday but damn it when I saw the pack on the table, from there it has been down hill normally when I wake up her smokes are in the kitchen and it doesn't worry me - but god I will be surprised if I make it through tonight plus I supposed the bottle of Merlot me and the mrs shared isn't helping

I can't even type properly !!!!

nsd_user663_61866 profile image

If I smoked now what would the effects be? Would I have to go through all the withdrawals again or would I be able to carry on no smoking tomorrow ? Damn it I can't stop thinking of smoking!!!!

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Don't do it - if you smoke now, you give in to the lie that just one doesn't count, that just the one is fine and tomorrow, you say to yourself, you will be back on track.

The next time the craves come, you'll be that little bit weaker and it will be one more, and then another and then a pack.........been there myself, done that, got the t-shirt.....it doesn't work!

Be strong and don't do it, you so know you don't want to smoke, so just don't

Rooting for you Dude


nsd_user663_61866 profile image

It's 9pm, I am going to coward out by taking a sleeping tablet and jumping in a hot bath, once I am feeling adequately drowsy enough it's into bed and woosy my way through this !!!

Damn I thought I was better than this!!!!! I can't believe how weak I am tonight!!

Dunsmokin profile image

Surely it's bedtime in SA.

Off to bed - and when you wake up you'll have notched up another day.

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

If I smoked now what would the effects be? Would I have to go through all the withdrawals again or would I be able to carry on no smoking tomorrow ? Damn it I can't stop thinking of smoking!!!!


Pleeeeasssee don't smoke. What will one do, I'll tell you, without the shadow of doubt......it'll make you have another, and another and then a packet, and another packet and you'll kick yourself!

I PROMISE this feeling will pass.

Fi x

nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Hope you got through it and you;re tucked up in bed.

Might I suggest that your OH puts stuff that might tempt you in a draw out of sight.

This is hard enough without a visual cue to start the cravings off.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hope you managed to get through it!! I'm sure the craves will pass soon - I struggled around the 3 week mark too but DONT GIVE IN NOW IT WILL ONLU GET WORSE IF YOU DO!!


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hi Dude,

You are not a coward, you are always honest about how you feel and I admire that about you.

You can make it Dude.

Enjoy the good days so you can survive the bad. You know a good day is coming back because you have lived it already. And there will be more good days than bad and suddently, just bad hours....moments...


Very wise words from Helene, Dude :)

Really hope you made it through the night and are feeling better today. My heart really went out to you when I read your post as it is a horrible, horrible feeling. It does pass though. It really does.

nsd_user663_61866 profile image

Sorry for the late reply, thanks so much for the support :)

Had an early night last night , woke up this morning still craving slightly but once i was at work and got busy the craving went away, hope it stays gone for a while yesterday has to be the worst day since i quit!

STILL Smoke free !

nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Well done you. Glad to see you're still smoke free. :D

Totally agree with TG every battle won now is a step closer to freedom.

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