Hi: Day 9 of no smoking first post. Smoked... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_61788 profile image
28 Replies

Day 9 of no smoking first post. Smoked since I was 13 and I'm now 50 only 2nd time I have tried to stop, apart from cold/cough starting to feel better


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nsd_user663_61788 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Welcome Suzie and a huge well done from me for reaching Day 9- that's fantastic! :)

I shall be 50 in the summer so we're in a similar boat. Quitting was one of the best decisions I ever made and I am certain it will be the same for you. Sounds like you're storming ahead but if you need support you've come to the right place.

I shall look forward to your posts. :)

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

Hi thanks for the welcome - have gone cold turkey, last time I quit I was pregnant and managed 2 years!!! started smoking again socially and then crept up to around 10 / 15 a day - really determined this time it's very hard and I almost gave in after 3 days but just keeping busy have given up coffee also which was a weakness with a cig. Thought this forum would be good when I feel like giving in.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Susie, nice to **meet** you :) good luck with your quit xxx

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

:) Thank you x

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Welcome Susie

I also gave up coffee/tea when I quit for the same reason and spent the first 3 days with an horrendous headache. Caffeine withdrawal. Now on caffeine free tea and coffee.

We did ourselves a favour because I later read that smoking surpresses caffeine so one reason you feel jittery when you quit is that the caffeine is having a bigger effect on you.

Well done on the 9 days double figures tomorrow:D

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hi and warm welcome, loads of great people on here to help, look forward to reading your posts:)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi there and welcome!!!! Well done on reaching day. 9. It's not easy but we can all do this if we really want to!!


nsd_user663_60772 profile image

Hi Susie.

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on reaching 9 days. :)

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Hi and welcome, sounds like you are doing great :D

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

Day 10

Thanks for all welcomes - big test today off work all week and always enjoyed a reward of a cup of coffee and cig during the day. Got out in the garden went to the pics - don't go and see "under the skin" still trying to work out what the heck it was about. At least no-one smoked in the movie - that's all I seem to see when I'm trying to give up can't believe I have got this far but I'm keeping going so determined this time. x


nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Yeah it took me a couple of weeks to stop thinking...

'Right I'll have a fag and then I'll do the washing, or clean the bathroom and then you can get a smoke.'

Not a crave you just forget you don't smoke. I used to quite like it, I got to remind myself that I was free and that I didn't have to smoke.

Different to craves nobody likes them:mad:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks for all welcomes - big test today off work all week and always enjoyed a reward of a cup of coffee and cig during the day. Got out in the garden went to the pics - don't go and see "under the skin" still trying to work out what the heck it was about. At least no-one smoked in the movie - that's all I seem to see when I'm trying to give up can't believe I have got this far but I'm keeping going so determined this time. x


Hi Susie,

These early stages of a quit are really about taking it one step at a time and not looking too far into the future. There were times when I was literally dealing with each minute as it came, just like a lot of people I'm sure, but it's amazing how quickly those minutes fade into hours, days and then weeks. Soon you'll be months down the line and looking back in disbelief at what you've achieved! :) And just remember, you don't ever have to go through the first week again! x

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Karri : not really different but it's what your brain does with it that makes it a huge difference.

Memory: This is when you get a trigger to smoke but it's sort of 'Last week I would have smoked then but now I don't have to :D' You follow that thought pattern and you really do grin, you're pleased you don't have to smoke. It then drops out of your mind and you're onto other things.

Crave: This is when you get a trigger to smoke and no matter what you say to yourself it just won't go away. You used to smoke now, you used to smoke now, why can't I smoke now. why can't I smoke. I want to smoke, I want a fag.

This used to wear me down til I gave in. NOPE really helped me with that as it stopped my brain doing the next bit which was Shall we go buy some cos I really want one. Once that question was in my brain it put doubt there and slowly eroded my quit. This time I just stamped all over it. Yeah you want to smoke so what, stop being a tantrummy 2 year old and grow a pair. NOPE. remember. It stopped the debate, the rebel teenager in me was told off right royally by the adult me.

Want: Same as above but no definite trigger, usually for me when I'm bored/restless.

Does that sort of help or am i a total nutcase?

Don't answer that:D

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

The good news Karri is that I don't get craves anymore just memories.:D

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

I understand what you mean, I struggled with that in early quits as well though I'd forgotten about it til you mentioned it.

Just because the thought of smoking or a cigarette has passed through your brain does not mean you want one. I'm thinking about it now but I definitely don't want one.

Helps if you can differentiate the two because like I say I really enjoy the 'memory moments' I feel like Kryten in smug mode.

Thanks for ignoring the other question.:D

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

I think you've put it very well Sue and I don't think you're a nutcase either :D

For me, a crave feels like a slap in the face (very intense) and usually seems to come out of nowhere (so you've had no chance to prepare yourself mentally in advance). Thankfully, they are few and far between now.

Hope things are going well with you today Suzie :)

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

Cant believe how much better I feel when I wake up in the morning, going to start swimming again and being more proactive with exercise. Sue think you put across the point very well indeed about "craving" coming on to this forum and reading posts sets me up for the day and not giving in. I've also started a jar which money is going into that I would have spent on fags - which is going towards a weekend away. Thanks for the encouragement feeling good today.

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

excellent, glad to hear you're having a good morning. I kept a list of all the things I bought with my smoking money.

My bathroom has a heated towel radiator. I have light fittings in my living room and dining room. Matching lamp shades in hall and landing. No bare bulbs anywhere thanks to smoking money. (Moved house October)

A new oven and hob though these have yet to be fitted as I have no kitchen yet! A chiminea in my garden oh the list goes on...... deciding between flag stones or a garden bench with my latest savings.:D

Like the tag says health and wealth.

Have a great smoke free healthy day.:D

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

I think you've put it very well Sue and I don't think you're a nutcase either :D

For me, a crave feels like a slap in the face (very intense) and usually seems to come out of nowhere (so you've had no chance to prepare yourself mentally in advance). Thankfully, they are few and far between now.

Hope things are going well with you today Suzie :)

Yes I agree I used to get the slap in the face ones and they were a bit shocking.

Visualisation helps with the ones you can be prepared for, which totally surprised me as I'm a bit of a cynic about stuff like that.

I practice scenarios that I might encounter, the one I'm working on at the moment is sitting in a beer garden with my brother who smokes.

I'm going to see him in a couple of weekends time and it'll be big trigger for me and I suspect my first crave in ages so getting myself prepared.:D

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

Yes I agree I used to get the slap in the face ones and they were a bit shocking.

Visualisation helps with the ones you can be prepared for, which totally surprised me as I'm a bit of a cynic about stuff like that.

I practice scenarios that I might encounter, the one I'm working on at the moment is sitting in a beer garden with my brother who smokes.

I'm going to see him in a couple of weekends time and it'll be big trigger for me and I suspect my first crave in ages so getting myself prepared.:D

That is a hard one. Went out with a friend yesterday for a meal then pub all triggers for a smoke kept telling myself take just one and you have to start all over again is it worth. Really hard have a sore head this morning (that maybe from the drinks I had last night first ones since stopping smoking)' - trying not to do all the things I associate with having a smoke. But I am here this morning still not having had one. Words of encouragement from you Sue really helped and the rest of u guys on this forum. Xx :) :)

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Glad to help Susie,

Hope your head clears soon. You're very brave facing such a huge trigger early on in your quit. I could never have done that and stayed quit. Like Deb said I had to change my routine.

Good luck for today :D

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

Finding tonight really difficult -but not going to give in no way - keep thinking health, don't smell of smoke, money i have saved and meeting a friend tomorrow who has terminal cancer who is so delighted I have given up - do I need any more reasons!!! No but twitchy as......Tomorrow will be better...

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hi Suzie,

Hope you made it through and that today is a better day for you. :)

You're doing really, really well...

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

Made it through today - almost gave in - friend who is going through a bad time and has stopped 3 months now - asked me for one almost cried when I said I had quit - but you know what we didn't have one - I have a pack of ten that I have in my car (just in case), didn't touch them, now in the bin, I don't need them to make me feel better. Thank you for your encouragement. xx

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

I cant believe it still no fags.....big test next week going away with a friend who smokes not sure how to deal with it will be 4 days. So far I have been lucky with the support i have had but next weekend will be a big one, will just take it as it comes. This forum does help - not very good at posts, but good to read what other people do in dealing with not smoking. Thanks again for the encouragement.x

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

I know what you mean. I didn't post at all, just lurked reading all the information. What people were going through and how they were managing.

So pleased you're doing so well.:D

nsd_user663_61788 profile image

:):) another weekend down no smoking Yeehawr even had a wee glass of wine to celebrate. Every time I want one I tell myself I would need to start all over again not worth it

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

yeah that's what kept me going in the beginning.

I never want to do day 1 -3 again. :D

Now we don't have to!

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