Day 39 *La la la I'm not listening* - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 39 *La la la I'm not listening*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
18 Replies


Well he keeps on trying, that's a thing :p

But no Nic, I don't want a fag and won't be having one!!

Got a bit stressy earlier which set a crave off but somehow now, I'm finding it easier to give them the finger, which is definitely progress over how I was last week!!

So, no matter how much he might try wheedling, I'm not going back :D

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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18 Replies
__steve__ profile image

That's the spirit Gemma. Keep it up! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem, if I ever manage to quit for longer than a week, I,m sure it will be because of some of your posts:)


Aww thanks KK!!

I hope you do find your quit :)

But honestly, I'm the last person anyone who knows me would expect to quit, used ot smoke a lot, and have no willpower so, yeah :o

But now something's clicked for me and I'm sure it will for you too :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's the spirit Gemma. Keep it up! :)

YAY!! I will :D :D

That's my girl!:D:D:D Big sis is SOOOOOOOOO proud of you! Honestly, I truly believe that that is THE most important tool in quitting - refusing to let the smelly little oik talk!

Aww thanks hun!!

It's like something has clicked in my brain this time!!

Maybe because I started actually hating smoking while I still did it? Not just disliking it, or wanting to stop but for the first time ever, really not liking every fag I smoked?

And you take a lot of the credit for that with your very clever comments on Yahoo :p

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

and have no willpower

I beg to differ, Gemma. You do yourself a disservice. You have GALLONS of will power!! :D Blimey, you quit last year for the best part of 9 months, fell off the waggon, dusted yourself down, got back on and have stayed there despite a terrible tussle with the demon. If that ain't willpower, what is?? :)

(PS: KK hasn't quit?? I thought he was in the penthouse. KK, if you're reading this, I hope you do manage to find your forever quit. And your jokes are funny. :))

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Another day about to be kicked into touch by you :D

One of my neighbours has quit and asked me to get their patches as they can't get out at the moment. I hunted high and low for niquitin 7mg patches but nobody stocked them. Every chemist and shop had step 1 and 2 but no step 3. I found this was the same for every brand. You might be better stocked in your area but just thought I would mention it so you can plan ahead if you find the same problem x x

YAY thanks Karri!!

Oooh that's worth knowing, now you mention it I've seen 21 and 14mg ones everywhere, even the Co Op, but not step 3s.

I tend to buy mine on the net 'cos they're cheaper than in the shops!!

Thanks for the heads up!! xx

I beg to differ, Gemma. You do yourself a disservice. You have GALLONS of will power!! :D Blimey, you quit last year for the best part of 9 months, fell off the waggon, dusted yourself down, got back on and have stayed there despite a terrible tussle with the demon. If that ain't willpower, what is?? :)

(PS: KK hasn't quit?? I thought he was in the penthouse. KK, if you're reading this, I hope you do manage to find your forever quit. And your jokes are funny. :))

Aww thanks!!

Lol, it doesn't feel like it sometimes, but you're right else I'd have caved again weeks ago!! YAY!!

I need dragging by the hair sometimes but woohoo I'll do this :D

Oooh and KK is fab, I hope he finds a forever quit when he can :)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

i was just about to log of when i saw this

and couldnt leave without saying

Miss Gemma you are truly a marvel and have enough willpower determiation to win through any battle dont you ever forget that

just remember to only think and say positive things about youself and if you find your starting to think negative ones find a positive one to replace it

you can and will win this war on the nic demon you have the right mindset and the backing of everyone here

so keep that positive mindset and i want to see your day 40 post tomorrow

i may well be away but i wilbe checking in just to catch up with my online family and you are a part of it

sending love and hugs to you xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Can you tell me the website Gemma and I can get them on there today x

Mine are from eBay, there's a lot of chemists and wholesaler type sellers on there - had a quick look and they've got the Step 3s on buy it now :D

You can get them on Amazon as well, but they're a bit pricier!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

i was just about to log of when i saw this

and couldnt leave without saying

Miss Gemma you are truly a marvel and have enough willpower determiation to win through any battle dont you ever forget that

just remember to only think and say positive things about youself and if you find your starting to think negative ones find a positive one to replace it

you can and will win this war on the nic demon you have the right mindset and the backing of everyone here

so keep that positive mindset and i want to see your day 40 post tomorrow

i may well be away but i wilbe checking in just to catch up with my online family and you are a part of it

sending love and hugs to you xxx

Aww thanks hun, that's lovely!! *Love* the piccies!!

Oooh yes 40 days tomorrow and I'll be celebrating :D :D

Am doing my best to keep the positive and nuke the negative before it starts!! xxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Wow, haven't you moved on Gemma and I couldn't be more proud of you! :D

Of course you have willpower! You had such a rough time last week and got through it, exactly how do you think you did that?

Well done on day 39 and keep up the lalalala ing and I'll check for you day 40 post as well.

Sending hugs

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wow, haven't you moved on Gemma and I couldn't be more proud of you! :D

Of course you have willpower! You had such a rough time last week and got through it, exactly how do you think you did that?

Well done on day 39 and keep up the lalalala ing and I'll check for you day 40 post as well.

Sending hugs

Molly x

Aww thanks hun ((hugs))

I'm going to be here for 40, 50, 60 and beyond :D :D Really think this is it for me now!!

Lol, OK I must have willpower, just didn't know before i tried!! xx

That's the way Gemma

Try not to even let him start :):)

And will power you got buckets of it :cool::D xx

Ooooh yes, if i cut him off before he gets his tricks going, it's loads better!!

Smoking is definitely *not* an option :D

How's you today? xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Mixed today not good, but he will not win (the same theory as you today to be fair)

Got to try an be positive feed up of moaning lol xx

Keep that ttitude going and he has n chance at all :D :D xx

Gem i'm really liking the sound of this, you sound so positive.

So pleased you are getting to grips with this now:)

It will so worth it in the end :cool:

Netti x

Aww thanks hun!!

I'm so much better now I've forced the positive! xx

nsd_user663_61248 profile image


Well he keeps on trying, that's a thing :p

But no Nic, I don't want a fag and won't be having one!!

Got a bit stressy earlier which set a crave off but somehow now, I'm finding it easier to give them the finger, which is definitely progress over how I was last week!!

So, no matter how much he might try wheedling, I'm not going back :D

Hey Gemma :)

Spoken like a true quitter! Don't let him get the better of you. I like the defiance, you know you have got this!

Keep up the fight!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma :)

Spoken like a true quitter! Don't let him get the better of you. I like the defiance, you know you have got this!

Keep up the fight!

Thanks Jim :D

Am doing my defiant thing, he has no right to make me feel bad so he can't, end of :D

Ola44 profile image

Sounding positive and determined Gemma, you are doing great :D

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Loving the positivity Gemma:D

That will win the game for you :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sounding positive and determined Gemma, you are doing great :D

Thanks Ola, I'm doing my best!!

How's you?

Loving the positivity Gemma:D

That will win the game for you :D


Got to get the mental part right then it's loads easier!!

We are all proud of you,our Gemma Lou!

We all love you,truly we do! :p

trying your very best every day,

beating Nicdemon,that is the way!

Life as a non smoker is gorgeous and bright

No need to struggle now,no need to fight

And plenty of cash now to spend on good things

For you perhaps perfume,or blouses, or rings

So dig in and tell yourself this is the way!

And use the support of us,every day



Aww thanks Max :)

I just love that poem :D :D

The great thing about this place is that so many people are really supportive and kind and it's saved my quit more than once - hope to have helped others too :D


nsd_user663_52101 profile image
nsd_user663_52101 la. La....:D

You have helped others Gem.....when you struggled real bad and picked your self up not once but showed everyone else that it can be can get through a rough patch and come out ......singing?:D

Have a good weekend and see you Mon for a 6 wk.....YES 6 wk :eek: check in:D:D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
nsd_user663_54332 la. La....:D

You have helped others Gem.....when you struggled real bad and picked your self up not once but showed everyone else that it can be can get through a rough patch and come out ......singing?

Have a good weekend and see you Mon for a 6 wk.....YES 6 wk :eek: check in:D:D

YAY I'm glad I have :D :D

Lol and yes I'm singing - badly :eek: but singing!!

You have a fab weekend too, and wow 6 weeks isn't that amazing?

Hi Gemma,

Love you title :D:D:D:its says everything

You rock girl!



Aww thanks hun ((hugs))

You have a fab holiday!!

Not what you're looking for?