I'm done: Sorry guys your support has been... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I'm done

nsd_user663_61422 profile image
27 Replies

Sorry guys your support has been great but it's too much, I'm not ready to climb the rest of this withdrawal mountain just now. You have all really helped me though and I am so grateful xx

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nsd_user663_61422 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_52101 profile image

If you feel this isn't your time Val,don't be scared to come back...I did several times.....when it clicks it clicks.....try again soon Hun x

nsd_user663_61375 profile image

ahhhw have you read Allen Carr's Easyway to stop smoking?

I highly recommend it if you are going back to smoking. It encourages you to smoke all the way through the book and at the end you don't want too.

I didn't even experience withdrawal symptoms so it's been a easy climb this far!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Val, if you're still out there, you know what they say- don't make the decision final until you've had at least three responses to your post.

Here's response number three (unless someone else posts before I press the send button. Which they have. It's the lovely Kat speaking words of wisdom as she always does). :)

No one can face an enormous mountain without getting a feeling of total despair (believe me- I go fell walking regularly and many's the time I've looked up and wished I hadn't :o) but we can and do get up there and when we do the view and the sense of achievement are mighty :D. The thing to do is to break it down into bite-sized chunks. The chunks soon mount up and before you know where you are, you're there and you've hardly noticed how far you've come.

You've already come a long way Val- however ropey you're feeling now, I bet if you compare it to how you felt on Day 2 or Hour 3 you'll realise you're a different person now to how you were then.

If it really isn't your time everyone will understand- no one will beat you up for it- but you've posted and that suggests to me that you're not absolutely ready to let your quit go. If so, please, please hold on in there Val and we'll all be here to prop you up, throw you a rope, buy you a chocolate cake or whatever it takes. :)

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Sorry to hear that but we'll be here waiting when you're ready.

Lots of us have taken several attempts to finally kick it and I know that each time I've learnt more about my personal addiction/triggers.

Good luck and hope to see you soon.

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

I actually feel like I'm loosing the plot!! I had to meet with someone important at work today, a situation I would always have had a cigarette before. I didn't this time but felt such panic it terrified me. I feel so emotional, and to be honest, it's just too hard x

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

If you haven't done the deed yet, read some posts quick. You've got through a HUGE trigger, next time it won't be so bad. Read read read.

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Such a shame Val. You have done so well. As suggested please take time to review your posts and why you quit. I know you must be feeling pretty awful to have made such a decision but take an hour to really think it through. Hugs.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Val you have done so well, you are in week three aswell which is hard, REALLY blinking hard, plus even though you felt panicky about meeting the colleague, you got through it, without a fag! That's brilliant! You are stronger than you think! I really hope you don't have a fag, I've been down that road many times as I'm sure lot of others have, if it's absolutely unbearable then you have to do what you need to do but my suggestion if you haven't had one yet, is have a bath and go to bed, sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning... (((big hugs))) it really is hard in the early weeks but you are doing so well x

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

Making a cheesecake (and shedding a tear or two)

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

Oh kat..I don't want to smoke...I feel broken..I can't believe its possible for a grown woman to be sobbing into a cheesecake mix over cigarettes

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh kat..I don't want to smoke...I feel broken..I can't believe its possible for a grown woman to be sobbing into a cheesecake mix over cigarettes

Aww Val I'm sorry you're having such a rubbish time.

First off have a big cyber (((hug)))

Now, Kat's right, we have all been through this. It is really *really* horrible and it does feel overpowering at times. Believe me i know that feeling, you're sounding exactly like I felt last week and the week before and you might not believe me now but if you stick with it it *will* get better.

As you say, you don't want to smoke, you just want all the bad stuff to go away, and it seems at the time that a fag is the only way out. Well it isn't, not boasting but the last week has been so much better for me because I went through what you are and came out the other side.

Whenever you beat a huge trigger like that you feel good for doing it and it makes the smoking monster that bit weaker!!

Have a nice big drink of water, really not sure why but it definitely helps. Have a cry if you want, I have - it's a good way of releasing all that steam!!

Then eat your cheesecake, have a lovely long soak with some music on and relax - maybe go to sleep 'cos some days you have to say "stuff it" and go to bed!!

Remember "I don't want to smoke"

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same :)

Gemma xx

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Stick with it if you can Val - thoughts are with you, be kind to yourself -remember it really isn't easy, if it were I doubt there would be many people still smoking :)

Hoping tomorrow is easier for you hun


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Val you poor thing! Look what this horrible drug does to us!!! I've cried many a tear during my quit and feel very silly most of the time but it's all about drug addiction! We were/are addicted to this horrible, mind-controlling drug. But you are standing up to it and fighting. Don't give in now - you really can get through this and the next time he comes for you, you will be even stronger!!

Good luck!


If you're still quit, Val, listen up.

You've got wonderful and honest and practical advice from others. All I would add is to think about how much closer you are to NOT having those horrible craves. It might be just around the corner.

Read my siggy line because it's so true. Three weeks are hard - horribly hard for most of us - and then things start to look up. If you can get through this overwhelming crave somehow, hanging on by your fingertips, you can make it all the way. Each day that goes by the craves are a little bit easier, and you are a little bit stronger.

If you're still quit, Val, stay the course. You can do it.

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

What a lot of wonderful support :D

Val,Can I have some cheesecake please? :p

Max you are so right!! Thank you so much you are all amazing!! I did not smoke yesterday, althought I don't really know how. I just cried (a lot!!) made cheesecake and went to bed. I even rolled a cigarette last night and then threw it away which was the turning point for me.

I'm still feeling pretty emotional today but best foot forward. I'm going to re read allan Carr this weekend to try and regain my focus, and gather my strength.

Meanwhile, the support you have all given me over the last 3 weeks has been unbelievable and fantastic. People that don't know me, taking time out to help me, in the modern busy world we live in...it's lovely and I thank you all xxxxx

Ps...cheesecake all gone max!! Maybe next time!!:D

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I actually feel like I'm loosing the plot!! I had to meet with someone important at work today, a situation I would always have had a cigarette before. I didn't this time but felt such panic it terrified me. I feel so emotional, and to be honest, it's just too hard x

Oh Val.....this was me,!:(

I though that too with so many external things happening,all I could focus on was I wanted a fag..

But after so many failures I knew.....just knew..I had to see it through this time

I can't anything the other wonderful posters havnt said...but I can say..if you hang on in there or even go back to day 1 we will be behind you and you WILL get there.....

Most posters say if they can quit anyone can..cliche I know...but it's a mind game...who comes out strongest. You or smoking.:) x

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Yayyy Val. Well done for standing strong :D. Be proud :D:D:D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Good for you Val! Proud of ya :) :) x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Max you are so right!! Thank you so much you are all amazing!! I did not smoke yesterday, althought I don't really know how. I just cried (a lot!!) made cheesecake and went to bed. I even rolled a cigarette last night and then threw it away which was the turning point for me.

I'm still feeling pretty emotional today but best foot forward. I'm going to re read allan Carr this weekend to try and regain my focus, and gather my strength.

Meanwhile, the support you have all given me over the last 3 weeks has been unbelievable and fantastic. People that don't know me, taking time out to help me, in the modern busy world we live in...it's lovely and I thank you all xxxxx

Ps...cheesecake all gone max!! Maybe next time!!:D

Oh that's brilliant news Val!!

Have been exactly where you were, and it does feel like you've just rolled over to accept the inevitable *but* you didn't smoke so


That's brilliant, because you've beaten off a huge trigger that a lot of people would have fallen at :D

To roll and bin a fag, well you're a lot, lot stronger than you give yourself credit for :D

*High fives*

nsd_user663_60964 profile image


Was thinking about you last night Val, and hardly dared check the forum this morning to see how it panned out.

Well done girl!! There you are you see- you're heaps stronger than you thought you were. In fact, you're one very brave lady and you have my total admiration. :)

Really, really glad you're still with us. :)

(Pity there's no cheesecake left though...:D)

Ola44 profile image

Huge well done Val. Hope today is a better day for you x

AngryBear profile image

Well done Val, great determination there! And cheesecake obviously ;)

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

You guys are awesome! Felt tall and proud today :D:D 3 week anniversary tomorrow x

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Val - it's you who's awesome, and don't forget it :)

Well done - battle won, be really proud of yourself, you've done amazingly well


nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Oh well done, huge battle fought and won. So pleased for you.

nsd_user663_61429 profile image

A big massive huge well,done val xxx

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Only seeing this now.

WELL DONE Valsy, you have the same quit date as me and I've found a couple of the last few days hard. Pmt doesn't help.

but... can you believe this is the end of three weeks. We kick butt (and will continue to do so)

Not what you're looking for?

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