Day 12 - icky!!: Well it's day 12 and I feel... - No Smoking Day

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Day 12 - icky!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
25 Replies

Well it's day 12 and I feel pretty poo - not specially for not smoking, but my mouth ulcers from hell are dragging me down.

Thing looks like someone gave me a tongue stud but in the wrong place:eek::eek:

But this is what smoking does to you I guess. Or chewing NRT gum?

Am feeling grumpy, and stressy, but know that if I did have a fag, the good feeling would only last an hour, so that's not on and I'd be gutted to lose another quit.

Still it's Friday and it's nearly 2 weeks so there's some good.

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Friday and nearly 2 weeks some free is definitely something to smile about :D

I think all these side effects are part of Nics plan to demotivate us and trick us back to smoking. But we ARE stronger than that ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Friday and nearly 2 weeks some free is definitely something to smile about :D

I think all these side effects are part of Nics plan to demotivate us and trick us back to smoking. But we ARE stronger than that ;)

Oooh you're right there!!

He uses all kinds of tricks 'cos he's an evil git :mad::mad:

But it won't work on us!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Well it's day 12 and I feel pretty poo - not specially for not smoking, but my mouth ulcers from hell are dragging me down.

Thing looks like someone gave me a tongue stud but in the wrong place:eek::eek:

But this is what smoking does to you I guess. Or chewing NRT gum?

Am feeling grumpy, and stressy, but know that if I did have a fag, the good feeling would only last an hour, so that's not on and I'd be gutted to lose another quit.

Still it's Friday and it's nearly 2 weeks so there's some good.

Aww you poor thing :(

Mouth ulcers suck at the best of times, when they are linked to this it is even worse. As far as being grumpy and stressy, just roll with it. If you have to be quiet and not talk to anyone cos your grumpy, then so be it. If you are getting stressed just remember all the hard work that you have done to get this far. You know all this already Gemma, you know it is temporary and you will get through the other side and be flying high :)

Focus on getting to week 2 and I will see you there (tomorrow for me) :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww you poor thing :(

Mouth ulcers suck at the best of times, when they are linked to this it is even worse. As far as being grumpy and stressy, just roll with it. If you have to be quiet and not talk to anyone cos your grumpy, then so be it. If you are getting stressed just remember all the hard work that you have done to get this far. You know all this already Gemma, you know it is temporary and you will get through the other side and be flying high :)

Focus on getting to week 2 and I will see you there (tomorrow for me) :)

YAY you're doing fab :D

Yeah it's a pain - literally!! Used to get them a lot when I smoked, am a bit anaemic (maybe 'cos of smoking?) which causes them and now with the gum I bit my tongue a couple of times so it's ulcer-tastic!!

Am being as quiet as poss, people on the phone probably think I'm either drunk or just got my tongue pierced :eek: cos I'm talking odd!!

If anything though it makes me more glad I quit 'cos it's obviously put a hell of a lot of poisons into me!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And now I feel like total crap, nothing is going right and I'm getting in a worse mood :(:mad::(:o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I hear you! You should see it my end of the county! Ok, do what I'm doing, focus on the thing you CAN fix and keep on doing that, one at a time.

Should we have a raging howl session together?

Sort of primal scream therapy but with hammers

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Soooooo not fun petal! Just hit those multi-vitamins, the fruit and veg and the water good and hard and they'll ease off. In the meantime, keep rinsing your mouth with either salt solution or a medicated mouthwash and use bonjela if you have it. And this evening, we will numb it with copious amounts of the fruit of the vine!:D

Definitely not!!

Lol well wine is antiseptic soooooo

Am all vitamined and salted up!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Chin up Gemma! You are doing so well and you know there will be huge ups and downs in this process - just think about the next "up" and how great you will feel for having managed to get through this difficult phase. Wish is could join you guys for a glass or 2 later!!

Sending big hugs from soggy Surrey xxx

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

Just to let you know, Gem, we're all rooting for you xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well, we could, but given just how much my head is aching and the state of my eyes it's not my preferred option!

Aww not good hun


I'm liking the idea of hammers, how about a Dangerous Dave and Brutal Bob challenge, see who can whack him the furthest?:D

Ooooh good plan!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Chin up Gemma! You are doing so well and you know there will be huge ups and downs in this process - just think about the next "up" and how great you will feel for having managed to get through this difficult phase. Wish is could join you guys for a glass or 2 later!!

Sending big hugs from soggy Surrey xxx

Aww thanks hun :)

know it'll get better and the feeling pooey is just temporary but it is vil!!


You can petal! Me and Gem are at opposite ends of the county, we've never actually met up, we just hang out online so if you want to grab a glass and join us then you are more than welcome!:)

What she said!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just to let you know, Gem, we're all rooting for you xxxxxxx

Aww thanks SugarPuff, that means a lot!! xxx

Spanishverbs profile image

Hi Gem sorry you are not feeling good. Mouth ulcers are horrible hope they soon get better.

I have been complaining here all day about how I feel but I am lucky as yet not had physical ailments only mental ones

Hope you feel brighter later xxxxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gem sorry you are not feeling good. Mouth ulcers are horrible hope they soon get better.

I have been complaining here all day about how I feel but I am lucky as yet not had physical ailments only mental ones

Hope you feel brighter later xxxxxx

Aww thanks hun :)

Last time i was feeling pooey with craves, this time it's been loads worse physically - it's a funny thing quitting!!

Can't fail this time or I'd get both next quit :eek::eek:

Hope you feel better too xxx

Oh no way are you losing your quit because I said so :p have you gone and got something for the ulcers? I had terrible ones in one quit and the doc gave me these lozenge's and bingo they went really quickly, I demanded them at the time in a nicotine starved crazy fashion, I said if you don't give me something right now I will smoke, never seen a doc write out a prescription so quick :p he had been nagging me to quit for ages :rolleyes:

Ooooh yeah I'm not failing this time!!

Am using ibupurofen and salt mouthwashed, it's tempting to bite the ulcer off :eek: or my whole tongue :eek:

Sorry you suffer too!! I'll give the mini lozenges a go thanks 'cos the big ones give me a sore throat *is a total mess*

Oooh and LOL at you and your doc, I can imagine that!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Steady as she goes Gemma ..:p

I see a few icebergs ahead but nothing that will sink your quit maybe nudge you off course a little that is all. Keep steaming ahead and believing that this is the RIGHT thing to do and in no time we will be in clear blue sea :cool:


Yeah I'm keeping on, looking forward to drowning the ulcer later :p x

nsd_user663_61228 profile image

Hey Gem!

I'm still right here with you! Technology has been majorly letting me down communications wise this week with phone-down-toilet-gate and a rubbish laptop but I'm still here.

Sorry to hear about your ulcers they can be really painful, I used to get them a lot as a kid (I was a thumb sucker!) Bonjella is a god send, stings like hell but worth it. Get lots.

I'm still going with the Champix which is great but I do get a little bit dizzy every now and then and a bit cotton-wool-headed. Day 12 though!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gem!

I'm still right here with you! Technology has been majorly letting me down communications wise this week with phone-down-toilet-gate and a rubbish laptop but I'm still here.

Sorry to hear about your ulcers they can be really painful, I used to get them a lot as a kid (I was a thumb sucker!) Bonjella is a god send, stings like hell but worth it. Get lots.

I'm still going with the Champix which is great but I do get a little bit dizzy every now and then and a bit cotton-wool-headed. Day 12 though!!!

Hiya :) Glad you're still with us but what a pain with your techy stuff :(

Bonjela is fab, and it tastes nice too - used to have a heap of ulcers when i was little too and that was kind of a consolation :p

Will stock right up on it, thanks!!

Glad the Champix is still doing it;s thing, but like Kat says if you think it's a bit odd ask the doctor 'cos it's best to make sure everything's going right :)

we're so close to 2 weeks woo :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

You can petal! Me and Gem are at opposite ends of the county, we've never actually met up, we just hang out online so if you want to grab a glass and join us then you are more than welcome!:)

So it's a virtual party but with real wine. Sounds good to me!

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Day 12

Shame about the ulcers Gem I know how painful they can be :(

But you got through,we both did :)even when things got we are stronger than smoking.keep looking forward to the 2 wk milestone.

# feeling proud :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So it's a virtual party but with real wine. Sounds good to me!

Yep that's it :D

Like Kat's Penthouse party!!

Shame about the ulcers Gem I know how painful they can be :(

But you got through,we both did :)even when things got we are stronger than smoking.keep looking forward to the 2 wk milestone.

# feeling proud :D

Yeah they're not fun :( Sorry you're a sufferer too!!

Yeah we'll pull through, it's only temporary - soon we'll be happy non-smokers :D :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I hope you are feeling better Gemma and you enjoy your weekend.xx:)

__steve__ profile image

Just wanted to stop by and give you your daily round of applause :D

Ulcers + wine = no ulcers, probbers.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem I'm so sorry I've not been supportive. So busy with work and kids. Sorry today started badly. You are doing great hun we will beat this addiction! Hugs xx

Aww you're fine hun, honestly!!

Yesterday wasn't fun, but today's better :D And despite the lies from Old Nic, I didn't smoke!!

Lol and it ended with me spark out on the sofa stupidly early - but the wine helped :p

How's you?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I hope you are feeling better Gemma and you enjoy your weekend.xx:)

Aww thanks hun, I'm feeling heaps better now thanksstill sore but on the mend and not going to smoke :D

Massive well done on your 2 years too!!


Biting your tongue off? :eek: eeeew no go and get some ulcer lozenges! :o I think you can get them over the counter, you can get this other stuff as well, it's like slug slime and coats it, sounds gross but it really works and almost instantly x

Lol it was tempting!!

Have used a lot of salt, wine and painkillers (not all at once :eek:) and today it's a load better!!

Going to have a look out for some other treatments too


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just wanted to stop by and give you your daily round of applause :D

Ulcers + wine = no ulcers, probbers.

Aww thanks!!

Lol, wine makes everything better :D :D

Or you don't care any more? Whichever :p

Not what you're looking for?