Struggling: Ok so earlier I was ironing... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
13 Replies

Ok so earlier I was ironing, whilst drinking a Voddie and coke, whilst dancing and singing along to Chaka khan ain't nobody :D :D..... And I was a bit tipsy... And it hit me..BAM! I wanted a fag soooo bad... Like SOOOO bad..... I didn't tho.. I dug deep.. So deep in fact I think I could see Australia... This is getting so hard, always the same with me the more time goes on the worse it gets...anyone else like this? When does it really stop bothering you anymore....

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Sorry you're struggling Donna, well done on digging deep and not caving.

This was my Day 25 post.....

Well, I've reached the end of day 25 and I can say hand on heart I've not thought about a fag all day. Down to one Champix a day now as I keep forgetting to take the one in the evening! Well done me and to everyone else out there... we are winning :)

I was on Champix so craves were dulled but I had still been thinking about smoking daily but once that day^ came and went I was motoring....just hang on in there, that day will come to you too :)

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

I can't really answer that yet Donna as this is my first quit really (apart from the half hearted attempt 8 years ago that lasted all of one day).

I do however know you are doing really well. I have had cravings too but no real pattern to them, first one was after dinner one night, I ended up going to bed lol. Then another this weekend as I was surrounded by family smoking. I seem to be able to manage them though. It has been other stuff that's knocked me at times, more health related.

Keep digging deep! You are doing great! Do you think it could be alcohol related? I know many people like to smoke with a drink.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I can't really answer that yet Donna as this is my first quit really (apart from the half hearted attempt 8 years ago that lasted all of one day).

I do however know you are doing really well. I have had cravings too but no real pattern to them, first one was after dinner one night, I ended up going to bed lol. Then another this weekend as I was surrounded by family smoking. I seem to be able to manage them though. It has been other stuff that's knocked me at times, more health related.

Keep digging deep! You are doing great! Do you think it could be alcohol related? I know many people like to smoke with a drink.

Hey Lin,

I'm fine now it's passed, it was sooo intense though and certainly lasted longer than 3 minutes! I have had a drink before no problem, I think it was the combination of the drinking dancing and music that did it :D evidently I am going to have to be a bore and not enjoy myself in a social way for the time being xx

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

hahaha stop those dancing feet :)

Glad it has passed :D:D:D

nsd_user663_61202 profile image

Hey Lin,

I'm fine now it's passed, it was sooo intense though and certainly lasted longer than 3 minutes! I have had a drink before no problem, I think it was the combination of the drinking dancing and music that did it :D evidently I am going to have to be a bore and not enjoy myself in a social way for the time being xx

Well done DonnaJ. That feeling of wanting one so bad - and knowing that it's not rational - but thinking "oh what the hell"... It's so strong and you con yourself into believing it. To have a craving for 3 minutes and bash through it shows how dedicated you are, it's so much harder when you've had a tipple too.

Just think - now you have beaten a craving that big, anything up to that will seem easier in the future! That might be your last ever big craving! (fingers crossed) x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well done DonnaJ. That feeling of wanting one so bad - and knowing that it's not rational - but thinking "oh what the hell"... It's so strong and you con yourself into believing it. To have a craving for 3 minutes and bash through it shows how dedicated you are, it's so much harder when you've had a tipple too.

Just think - now you have beaten a craving that big, anything up to that will seem easier in the future! That might be your last ever big craving! (fingers crossed) x

Thanks Whit for your kind reply, it's the first really bad crave I have had in this quit so it caught me unawares... Totally told Nic to piss off tho :) x

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Donna.

Well done Donna im only on a week, so not in a position to give you advice.

But what a great record to dance to:D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Donna.

Well done Donna im only on a week, so not in a position to give you advice.

But what a great record to dance to:D

Haha it SOOO is Beer... It didn't help that after a few bevvies I thought I could sing like Chaka Khan too... My poor neighbours... :D :D

nsd_user663_61170 profile image


I bet you where just great :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Glad it has passed Donna, the 'craves just get fewer and further between and it is different for everyone. Rest assured you are doing great and it does get easier really it does.:)

nsd_user663_61184 profile image

Well Done....

......for not having that ciggie ......I have found it relatively easy where craves are concerned .....I just think of the last one I tried about a week after I quit and my lungs and throat went into some kind of mad allergic reaction !!.....and I was ill for hours after :(.....anyway its a good put off and I wont be trying that again :D:D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Glad it has passed Donna, the 'craves just get fewer and further between and it is different for everyone. Rest assured you are doing great and it does get easier really it does.:)

Thanks Haze, just aiming for that magic and evasive 9 weeks, 1 goal at a time :) x

......for not having that ciggie ......I have found it relatively easy where craves are concerned .....I just think of the last one I tried about a week after I quit and my lungs and throat went into some kind of mad allergic reaction !!.....and I was ill for hours after :(.....anyway its a good put off and I wont be trying that again :D:D

I have been down that road and for me it's not disgusting so I simply cannot go there....:eek: Thanks for the support Marieann I really do appreciate it xx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Try not to give them thoughts headspace or they will drive you nuts....Your. Doing great :D

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