Day 4 newbie to the site here :): Hi everyone... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 4 newbie to the site here :)

nsd_user663_61237 profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone! I found this site last night while on the height of riding the crave wave!!! What a wonderful supportive site and it's a great comfort to know other people are going thru the exact same thing.

Well I am on day 4 and it just seems to be getting harder :( all I think about are cigarettes and wanting to smoke cigarettes but I will persevere. Its such a mental challenge. I have an e cig and I am puffing away like a trooper, just want the real thing!!!!!!

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nsd_user663_61237 profile image
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9 Replies
__steve__ profile image

Hi everyone! I found this site last night while on the height of riding the crave wave!!! What a wonderful supportive site and it's a great comfort to know other people are going thru the exact same thing.

Well I am on day 4 and it just seems to be getting harder :( all I think about are cigarettes and wanting to smoke cigarettes but I will persevere. Its such a mental challenge. I have an e cig and I am puffing away like a trooper, just want the real thing!!!!!!

Hey, welcome Jojo :D

You're off to a GREAT start!

Totally agreed, it is a mental try and keep a smile on your face and ENJOY the challenge!

I'm 11 days in, and...quite honestly, it's ten times easier today than it was on my day 4 (which was my worst day, by the way).

Get through today, and tomorrow will be better. Get through tomorrow, and the day after will be better. Rinse and repeat :)

Best wishes,


Doofus_Overload profile image

Welcome Jojo,

As Steve said, you have made a great choice in joining up, I found it a real help just to know there were loads of people going through exactly what I was. Whatever time of day, just log on, and do whatever it takes to ride that crave wave (rant, sigh, sit and read the other posts or just stare blankly at the screen). You will find loads of tips on here so i'll not bore you with mine, just a good ol' pat in the back for doing a GREAT job so far, keep at it, you WILL do this!

nsd_user663_61227 profile image

Hi Jojo,

I know the feeling, I'm also currently on day 4 and the biggest problem is definitely the thinking about smoking!! I'm using patches which is helping with the physical cravings but the constant thought of, "I would normal smoke now", "I wonder when I will feel the benefits", "When will I stop thinking about smoking" and on and on is driving me crazy. I'm taking great comfort from hear and reading the stories from people further into the quit, it really does sound like a lot to look forward to.

Stay strong :)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Jojo and Anabelle, welcome to the forum and to the very best thing you could do for yourselves.

It is hard at the beginning but, as Steve said, it does get better every single day. To prove it to yourselves, write down exactly how you are feeling today and do the same tomorrow and the next day etc. Then in a week or so look back at what you have written and you'll see a huge change. It is such a motivator that, you can see how far you have come in terms of how strong you feel and that just makes you feel all the stronger.

Please hang in there and keep posting. It really does help, everyone here knows just how you are feeling.

Also, why don't you join the social club that Debbie has set up, The Freedom Fighters I think they are called. Everyone who has quit in January are on there and it's an additional place to chat with people who are very close to the same quit time as you two.

Stay strong folks and its good to have you here

Molly :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Big welcome to Jojo and Annabel, you've made a great choice joining here :D

Am sure that you'll both feel better soon, just remember you're not giving up a nice treat, you're freeing yourself from a stinky, harmful, expensive and antisocial habit that at the very least will knock years off your life!!

Good luck both of you :)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Welcome girls. You are doing the best thing you could ever do for you! My advice on the "thinking" bit is distraction - say if you normally have a coffee and a fag at eleven, have a glass of juice and do a crossword, the urge comes over you during the ironing - go away and water the plants before coming back. My personal favourites are fast jumping jacks, 30 seconds of those and not only are you getting a little bit of exercise but by the time you get your breath back all thoughts of a cig have gone. Keep going, you can do this ;)

nsd_user663_61237 profile image

Aww thanks guys, I almost cried when I read all your replies lol thank you so much for the kind words of support!

It just seems to be getting harder each day although saying that nothing compares to days 1 & 2. When does it start to get easier? I literally use every piece of energy fighting temptation every day, I am so drained and tired all the time then when it's bed time thinking about cigarettes keeps me awake!

If I knew then what I know now, I would have never ever of touched the things. There's a little voice in my brain saying "just have one, that's not so bad" and I'm currently fighting this naughty person to go away constantly. Is it just me or am I going crazy haha.

Off to an exercise class now and have told myself I will feel better after the class. Here's hoping! Xx

nsd_user663_61237 profile image

Hi Jojo,

I know the feeling, I'm also currently on day 4 and the biggest problem is definitely the thinking about smoking!! I'm using patches which is helping with the physical cravings but the constant thought of, "I would normal smoke now", "I wonder when I will feel the benefits", "When will I stop thinking about smoking" and on and on is driving me crazy. I'm taking great comfort from hear and reading the stories from people further into the quit, it really does sound like a lot to look forward to.

Stay strong :)

Annabell,I feel your pain girl!! We can do this! Must soldier on xx

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Girls.

Im on day 5 using patches and an inhaler, its been a battle

But a battle im going to win:mad:


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