Day 6, struggling!! :(: Well I made it to day... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6, struggling!! :(

nsd_user663_61093 profile image
9 Replies

Well I made it to day 6 but this my hardest day so far!

Had a bad morning, either my alarm didn't go off or I slept right through it.

Managed to get my son to school on time but it was such a rush, I hate rushing. Had to pop into town for a few bits, way to much temptation! Smokers all around me! I walked into my usual newsagents and the man knows me and knows which ciggys I usually have, he reached up for a pack and it took LOADS of willpower to say "not today thank you" and I grabbed a packet of sweets instead. But I did go in for the fags! :0 so came very very close!!

I'm so tired!! I've stopped the ecig altogether because it's making me cough so much so I'm basically cold turkey now, maybe I should try a patch or something because the cravings are BAD today, the weekend is going to be hard :(

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nsd_user663_61093 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_59777 profile image

You are struggling (at the moment) it will pass-I promise! I went through all of this, I'm now onto month 5 and I can tell you it is such a lovely place to be-and you will be here one day.

Its' not a walk in the park-the craves can be a bugger sometimes-but get angry with them or laugh in their face! This will not beat only takes ONE fag..thats it, back to a full pack a day, and then you WILL be struggling...struggling to pay for the dam things, struggling to breath, struggling to find time for your fix.....its alot worse being a smoke than being an ex-smoker :)

You did great today-not buying them, which proves you can do this, hey! you're a non-smoker now well done-let it remain that way xxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Awww Rosey, so sorry you are having a rough time :( that took loooads of willpower to not buy the fags so good on ya! Agree with Deb the patches seem to take the edge off, perhaps give one a try, dont struggle with CT unecessarily it doesnt work for everyone, theres all sorts of NRT you can try, hope you feel better soon x

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Oh Rosie I am so happy you posted :D. I feel like we are going through this journey together. I was exhausted this morning too which is why I've locked myself away safely at home. Do think about something to help you through the weekend. I'm still holding on to the Ecig in low moments. You can do this! :D

nsd_user663_61153 profile image

Keep going it will pass

Well I made it to day 6 but this my hardest day so far!

Had a bad morning, either my alarm didn't go off or I slept right through it.

Managed to get my son to school on time but it was such a rush, I hate rushing. Had to pop into town for a few bits, way to much temptation! Smokers all around me! I walked into my usual newsagents and the man knows me and knows which ciggys I usually have, he reached up for a pack and it took LOADS of willpower to say "not today thank you" and I grabbed a packet of sweets instead. But I did go in for the fags! :0 so came very very close!!

I'm so tired!! I've stopped the ecig altogether because it's making me cough so much so I'm basically cold turkey now, maybe I should try a patch or something because the cravings are BAD today, the weekend is going to be hard :(

You're just being tested by the nicodemon, the stronger you stay the weaker he gets. Trust me the feeling does pass. I found it helped to not give cigs any head space at all, as soon as the thoughts start stop them by doing something that needs to focused on. Say your times tables, sing a song, (in your head if you have a voice like mine, lol) read a book, count, do anything but focus on it. This usually helps the thoughts go away for me.

It will pass, stay strong x

nsd_user663_4025 profile image

As everybody has said, you have done great to not buy the cigs, that takes lots of will power - I could not have done that then, I avoided any shop that sold cigs for about a month :)

There will be bad times but they will become less frequent and you need to have a plan of what to do if they come - sweets, distractions or even NRT if that will help.

Keep on going and the best of luck!

nsd_user663_61093 profile image

Thank you everyone :D

I can't believe how much this forum is helping me!!!

Your words of encouragement really mean a lot.

The one thing that stopped me buying those nasty,smelly, expensive sticks

This morning was the though of you lot on here!! Before this forum I would have smoked my way through half the packet by now :0

But I couldn't face logging on here back at day one!! Haha.

So thank you!!!

I've used the ecig a little bit (about 10 puffs in total) today but so worried

It's going to start my coughing again, I'm going to get some patches or gum over the weekend.

Still feel a bit rubbish but I'm not giving in, I brought a new book as the one I got last week is rubbish and can't get into it.

So hopefully that will keep me busy for a while, plann

nsd_user663_61093 profile image

Posted before I was ready! Lol

The last bit should have said

Planning a big clean up and de clutter aswel over the weekend

So that might help :-)

This is hard!!! Wishing you all well and proud if you all :-)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Rosey- that's the spirit. Keep as busy as possible and do whatever you need to do to control the cravings.

Declutterig and cleaning can be most therapeutic I have found. Our house has never looked so clean. :) Cooking is good too. I'm going to make marmalade on Sunday (so I will be taking the pith :D but definitely won't be smoking!!)

nsd_user663_61136 profile image

It flippin' is hard, Rosey. More or less the hardest thing anyone can do. Aren't we amazing?

Not what you're looking for?