Day 9 & in desperate need of some encou... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 9 & in desperate need of some encouragement!!!

nsd_user663_61148 profile image
12 Replies

Hello everyone...

I quit smoking at the end of 2013, so I'm on day 9. Im feeling super pleased with myself as this is the longest I've been without a cigarette since I started smoking 10 years ago. However now I'm slipping back in to my usual routine after the Xmas/New Year break I'm finding it harder and harder - I thought after a week it would get easier?

I'm most concerned about tomorrow evening when I'm going for a couple of drinks with my friends. I'd normally venture out every half an hour or so for a fag as alcohol and smoking goes hand in hand for me! And pretty much all my friends smoke. Help how am I going to get through it?!?

I'm also new to these forums, does everyone find them helpful?

Fay xxx

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nsd_user663_61148 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_61148 profile image

Thanks both for your responses :)

I am trying my best to keep busy. Quitting smoking is one of a few new year resolutions - I have also taken up running 4 times a week, exercising for 10 minutes at home every morning and eating more healthily (which is actually pretty time consuming - spend longer in the supermarket, spend a good half an hour every evening preparing my lunch for the next day, learning new recipes etc.) I am finding this helps.

I wasn't sure what to do about tomorrow.... I dont want to become a miserable fart who doesnt go out for fear of caving in to the fags. And I feel like the sense of achievement would be un-real if I could manage a night out and steer clear of the fags. I was of the mind-set that I should face my fears...? But then I am totally new to this so if you think it's dangerous territory then I will definitely reconsider!

I am trying my best to read up about the addiction, the phases you go through when quitting, health benefits etc etc. All of that lead me to this forum. And I am finding it all helps :) It's easy to feel like you're the only one finding it so hard so it definitely helps to know thats not the case

Fay xxx

nsd_user663_60839 profile image

Hii Fay

When I was in my first few weeks of my quit, I didnt want to risk not being able to go out with my friends too.

I stuck to soft drinks just for the first few weeks as I find alcohol too tempting to smoke with.

After a few weeks I weaned myself back on to drinking with my pals.

I survived my day 3 sitting outside at a table of smokers by drinking lemonade. If I had a proper drink I dont think i would be on day 23 right now.

Well done for the healthier lifestyle. I joined the gym for mine, its good as its a non smoking place :D

best of luck hun


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hi Fay,

As Princess and Max say, it is difficult at first to cope with quitting and drinking. I'm just starting my second smoke-free month and I'm still virtually on the waggon. If I'm out and on soft drinks I feel in control but I really don't trust myself to drink alcohol in those situations yet.

I should go if I were you, but stick to sparkling mineral water and other soft drinks. Hopefully, your friends will be understanding. And if not, tough. You need to put yourself first at the moment.

Lovely to meet you by the way :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Fay,

Definitely agree with all the above especially in the early days, I find alcohol fine if its just me and hubby at home but get me with the girls on a night out and like you I would be wary... defo try and stick to soft drinks for a few weeks.

Just wondered aswell how u are quitting? Are you cold turkey, patches gum etc? xx

nsd_user663_61148 profile image

Thanks all for your encouragement :D and really great to hear your different experiences.

I am going to take your advice and stick to soft drinks tomorrow night - that way I don't feel like I'm avoiding challenging situations but I'm also putting myself in the best position to fight the cravings head on... & SOBER :p

Thanks so much for your support. I can't wait until I'm on my 23rd day... 2nd month... 2nd year like you lot! Weldone to you all!

Donna I have gone cold turkey :eek: I figured the best thing to do was give it a go using only my willpower. But I'm open to other options if it all gets too difficult... suggestions welcome :)

Fay xxx

nsd_user663_60839 profile image

If you do decide to use other things like patches/gum/lozenges or whatever, They can be quite expensive in the shops.

See where your local NHS stop smoking nurse is and get a prescription. Thats what I do for my patches!

They are about £15 a pack of patches and I get 4 packs for £7.85 :D Soooo much cheaper.

I dont even see the nurse now, she just posts me the prescription when I email her saying Im low on patches :D

nsd_user663_61148 profile image

Hi Jenny

Thanks for your msg and weldone on your quit :)

I'm finding the forum useful already! Just writing down how I'm feeling and seeing how others are getting on has been such a huge help. As much as I wouldnt wish these urges on anyone it's also good to know I'm not alone :o

What is CT? Thats probably a stupid question but I'm new to this quitting malarky!!! I want to avoid getting addicted to the substitutes if possible but at the same time I know that using patches or gum is better than caving in to a ciggie. So I guess I'm just going to see how I go.

Noone seems to mention e-cigs - what's the general consensus where they are concerned?

Nice to hear from you keep up the good work ;) xxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Fay,

CT is cold turkey sorry, :) you won't find too much positivity about e-cigs on here I'm afraid but I will say in my opinion it's still better than real cigarettes a 100 times in fact it's just it's still the hand to mouth action, the blowing out of smoke etc... I thought mine was great lots of different flavours I was vaping tho not a cig look a like, lots of people vape as an alternative to smoking its a lot safer in the end I ditched mind only because it was making my throat really hurt, a lot more than fags did, whatever works for you Hun, good luck xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

By the way hats off to you going CT, I just couldn't do it I tried for 7 weeks lots and lots people do succeed this way tho I'm using patches at the minute I have used them before and failed but this time I using a different brand and can honestly say I feel great but it's still early days, if CT ever gets too much ( I'm sure you will be brilliant tho) then there is always NRT anything to stop u having a bifter, take care xxxx

nsd_user663_61148 profile image

Duhh! That makes sense :o

I feel like if I want to try going CT before anything else. But thanks for your recommendations. I have heard whispers about this stop smoking book - are you supposed to read it when you're still a smoker or could I read it now? Is it the "Be a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life" one?

Totally understand RE e-cigs. I have avoided considering them for the exact same reasons.

Agree any alternative is better than a naughty stick Donna. I take my hat off to anyone who can kick the habit now I know just how tough it is! :eek:

Fay xxx

Hi Fay and welcome!

Congratulations on your decision to quit 😃

I'm on day 59 (I think!) and I wouldn't be here without using an ecig. It got me through that awful first week, some tempting moments on nights out, stressful days at work and some tricky moments over Christmas and NewYear! My only caveat would be that it's a last resort and you MUST be absolutely committed to quitting. Worked for me but as has been said you won't get many positives re ecig s on this forum.

In my view, as a last resort, it's better than smoking and does not deliver a big, drawn out dose of nicotine like a patch. (Just my very personal view and what has worked so far for me) I must reiterate that I'm VERY determined to not smoke again)

Keep up the good work!!


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Fay and welcome!

Congratulations on your decision to quit 😃

I'm on day 59 (I think!) and I wouldn't be here without using an ecig. It got me through that awful first week, some tempting moments on nights out, stressful days at work and some tricky moments over Christmas and NewYear! My only caveat would be that it's a last resort and you MUST be absolutely committed to quitting. Worked for me but as has been said you won't get many positives re ecig s on this forum.

In my view, as a last resort, it's better than smoking and does not deliver a big, drawn out dose of nicotine like a patch. (Just my very personal view and what has worked so far for me) I must reiterate that I'm VERY determined to not smoke again)

Keep up the good work!!


59 days is awesome well done :) xx

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