Got to Day 2!: After a really hard day 1, I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Got to Day 2!

nsd_user663_61079 profile image
13 Replies

After a really hard day 1, I have now made it to day 2! So far I have been OK. Have been keeping busy doing my accounts and admin etc which has helped me.

I have tried quitting before and in my experience day 2 and 3 are the worst so am bracing myself for later.

Hope everyone else is keeping strong and sticking with it!

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nsd_user663_61079 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_61055 profile image

hey gruffalo

Well done to you! And great you got some work done too - im kinda

dreading doing some work on laptop as the habit was always there

as a break/reward. I will use your post for motivation

Know what u mean about 2 and 3 being hard

Im on day 3 and hardly slept a ;) last night!

Anyway - day 3 bring it on

We can do this!


nsd_user663_61059 profile image

Well done and good luck. :)

nsd_user663_61079 profile image

Thanks for everyone's advice again. I have managed to to stay very busy today although now I have hit a bit of an energy have been eating lots of chocalate instead :D

On an emotional/psychological level today doesn't seem any worse than yesterday (so far...) but I still feel very irritable and snappy :(

But pleased to announce that I have stayed cigarette free!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Good work gruff! I'm on day 2 also... I have been keeping busy like you cleaning and scrubbing sorting "the drawer" u know the drawer the one we all have with all the cr4p in it... Anyhow going off on a tangent! Brilliant stuff keep it up :) xxx

nsd_user663_61079 profile image

Thanks again for the advice. Keeping busy and taking one day/hour/minute at a time definitely does help - thanks Max, Kat and Donna :)

Just had my dinner and am really struggling :( Not to the extent that I will cave its just hard. Feel proper grumpy and irritable :(

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Stick with it, Gruffalo. Get through the next 24/48 hours and you won't ever have to go through them long as you don't have a disease-inducing stinking fag! Just keep's the only way!


nsd_user663_61079 profile image

Thanks. I think this evening is going to be really difficult. I have had quite a busy day so now I am too shattered to do anything other than crash out on sofa. I feel very tense and irritable. Gonna try deep breathing and eating lots of chocolate to see if that helps....

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

I agree with everything that Debbie anything you can this evening to take your mind off the fags......stay on here all evening if need be. Then you can go to bed proud that you have done another day. Remember also that you are not alone..........there is a huge crowd of people on this forum who are on this journey with you. We all know how hard the first few days can be, but by the same token, the number of people who make it through shows that it is do-able!

Keep plodding along and you will get there. When I think back to my very first day, I could not have imagined myself ever getting through that day....I used to look at the people who were, say, 3 months in and think they had some special powers or something that I didn't have, that had enabled them to succeed! But it isn't special is just a quiet determination and dedication to become a non-smoker. It helps to have a good reason too.....mine was the cost of smoking.....I simply could not afford to have £40+ per week going up in smoke.

We all understand what you are going through....I hope that can give you some comfort....knowing that you are not alone. :) Stay in touch with this makes all the difference in the world!

By the way.....I got through an embarrassing amount of chocolate in my first few weeks. I think I kept the Maltesers production line in business!


nsd_user663_61079 profile image

OK I'm going nuts. I just through half a cup of water across my living room and it has splattered all over my walls and curtains... :eek: Luckily it was just water.

Just feeling very very angry and irritable. Thankfully I don't have anyone else around me at the moment!

nsd_user663_61079 profile image

Thanks Kat for getting back to me. I definitely don't want to have to go through this pain of giving up AGAIN so don't want to get back on the smoking wagon. I have decided that I don't want to smoke but the withdrawal symptoms are so severe that its almost like slow torture that it just grinds you down so that you end up just having one to take the pain away even though you don't want one. I haven't had one though. I feel tired but am also very on edge so am worried that I won't be able to get to sleep. Hopefully I'll start to feel better soon

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Such wise words from the others that there's little I can add, Gruffs, but I just wanted to say that I really do know exactly how you feel at the moment. It's horrible and I would never want to go through it again. However, it really is true that it never gets as bad as that again. I'm nearly a month in now, and the cravings have diminished to nothing more than a background echo. My sleep pattern is returning to normal, I'm no longer irritable or anxious and I feel better than I have felt for years.

You'll get there- I promise you will. Just hang on in there and do whatever you need to do to get through these first few days. Be proud of yourself because you're doing SO fantastically well :)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Gruffalo.....I hope you made it through the night! As Kat said, there is no way around these grotty parts of have to go through them. It can be hard at times, but it is the route to becoming a non-smoker. The first few days can be horrendous, but it is do-able.:cool: If it wasn't do-able, there would be no ex-smokers! Very soon you will start to feel the physical benefits of coughing or wheezing or smelling; you will be able to take huge deep breaths of lovely fresh air (when it stops raining :rolleyes:) without coughing. Plus the money saved, of course.

So, yes there are difficult times, but it is really only the first few days that are this bad. Stick it out. Stuff your face with chocolate. Stay in bed all day. Do whatever it takes to get through today. Come on here for a shout/scream/rant any time you like. We all understand what you are going through, because we've all been there!

It is do-able. Remember that. Get the first few grotty days out of the way and it really will get so much easier.....honestly! I can't stress it enough...........

**************** IT DOES GET EASIER.*****************



nsd_user663_60880 profile image

1 more day and your over the 3 day hump! Stay Strong!

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