Biting the Bullet: Well, I've just given... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Biting the Bullet

nsd_user663_59305 profile image
19 Replies

Well, I've just given myself the biggest fright of my life and just weighed myself In January, once all the goodies have gone, I am going on a proper diet - no booze either then hopefully the belly will take a hike :(

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nsd_user663_59305 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh good luck Jennine!!

You've beaten the fags so you'll lose a couple of extra pounds no problem :D

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Ooh good luck Jennine!!

You've beaten the fags so you'll lose a couple of extra pounds no problem :D

It's got to a couple of stone now - I used to be so skinny, now I look like the dancing chubby in the pic above :o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's got to a couple of stone now - I used to be so skinny, now I look like the dancing chubby in the pic above :o

Aww, I bet your'e not like that!!

I lost loads of weight about 4 years ago now, cut out booze for ages and ate really healthily and it was OK.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I am greedy, I basically eat enough to feed a small country and now that everything tastes much nicer, I just have to have that extra roastie :o I just wish I could feel as confident about it as I can resist everything except booze and food :o

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Me too!

I too felt brave enough to weigh myself and I was shocked and upset so I too am staying off the booze and also trying to make sensible choices now that I have the quit under my belt so to speak (I will never be complacent):eek:

I have gone up 2 dress sizes since I quit and as Karri says, clothes just look so much better on a smaller frame, sooooooo time to do something about it.:)

I will relax those rules over Christmas and then start again in the New Year so we can swap tips and stories Jen:)

hellerscatch profile image

I am one stone and one dress size bigger, although dress size could shortly be two! :eek:

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I am one stone and one dress size bigger, although dress size could shortly be two! :eek:

Great init? Let us get Christmas out of the way and we can all support each other in our efforts to slim:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It is is easy to delude ourselves into believing that we were quite as slim as we like to imagine we were :D

And if cigs were anything they were an aid to keeping weight off,but I would rather look like Fatty Arbuckle and be a non smoker than be some skeleton with black dead lungs :eek:

Something I saw somewhere ages ago:

"Smoking helps you lose weight. One lung at a time"


hellerscatch profile image

Great init? Let us get Christmas out of the way and we can all support each other in our efforts to slim:)

Definitely Haze, I have never in my life been this weight :eek:

Not beating myself up about it, as what I have done is massive, even though the rest of me is getting massive too haha :D

Am going to start seriously with the diet and exercise on January 3rd, one year to the day since my last ciggie :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Something I saw somewhere ages ago:

"Smoking helps you lose weight. One lung at a time"


Oh god! Gemma that kinda puts it in perspective doesn't it? I wont moan anymore:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh god! Gemma that kinda puts it in perspective doesn't it? I wont moan anymore:)

It's a scary thought!!

But I do think that when you've beaten the fags, you can beat anything :D :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Definitely Haze, I have never in my life been this weight :eek:

Not beating myself up about it, as what I have done is massive, even though the rest of me is getting massive too haha :D

Am going to start seriously with the diet and exercise on January 3rd, one year to the day since my last ciggie :D

Oh my god Hellers, 1 year........ almost there now:) ****** brilliant. Eat what you like for the next three weeks, you DESERVE it!:)

hellerscatch profile image

Oh my god Hellers, 1 year........ almost there now:) ****** brilliant. Eat what you like for the next three weeks, you DESERVE it!:)

I would, but got my works christmas do on Friday and am desperately trying to stay in a size 12 till after that, then on Saturday it will be, bring on the food and drink ;);)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Something I saw somewhere ages ago:

"Smoking helps you lose weight. One lung at a time"


That is so true, my dad has had half his left lung removed due to cancer - he is doing well, but still a miserable git LOL

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That is so true, my dad has had half his left lung removed due to cancer - he is doing well, but still a miserable git LOL

Aww i'm sorry, but glad he's doing well :)

It is a huge wake up call too.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

He was pretty much a lifelong smoker up until about 9 months ago when he had an op to remove small tumours from his kidneys, he's since had half a lung removed and is now waiting for prostate and bowel results. It's really frustrating that he's not grabbing life with both hands but just letting it wash over him - grrrrrr:mad:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi all, my quit will be 4 years old on Xmas Day, I weighed 8 stone 3 then and was able to get into all my clothes and was happy I thought, I ate a full tin of quality streets that day and couldnt care less, I just had to have something in my hand to feed the cravings, 3 years later I went to a party and someone took a photo, when I saw it I cried and then got the courage up to weigh my self on the chemists scales, didnt have any at home as never needed them, 11 stone 7 pounds, I have never weighed that even when pregnant, to say I was gutted would be an under statement, I was fat, even OH said he was shocked at my weight gain but darent say anything in case it started me smoking again.

Last year I went on a 1200 cal a day diet, lost about a stone but was miserable so about 4 weeks ago I went on the SW diet, didnt join just got the first week free off there site and then have got the rest of the details from the web or minimins, its great down to 9 stone 6 pounds and able to get in my clothes again and eat loads and I mean loads, dont know how it works just know it does.

I hope you are all happy in your quits and try not to worry about weight till you are really comfy with your quit or after Chriggy x

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hi all, my quit will be 4 years old on Xmas Day, I weighed 8 stone 3 then and was able to get into all my clothes and was happy I thought, I ate a full tin of quality streets that day and couldnt care less, I just had to have something in my hand to feed the cravings, 3 years later I went to a party and someone took a photo, when I saw it I cried and then got the courage up to weigh my self on the chemists scales, didnt have any at home as never needed them, 11 stone 7 pounds, I have never weighed that even when pregnant, to say I was gutted would be an under statement, I was fat, even OH said he was shocked at my weight gain but darent say anything in case it started me smoking again.

Last year I went on a 1200 cal a day diet, lost about a stone but was miserable so about 4 weeks ago I went on the SW diet, didnt join just got the first week free off there site and then have got the rest of the details from the web or minimins, its great down to 9 stone 6 pounds and able to get in my clothes again and eat loads and I mean loads, dont know how it works just know it does.

I hope you are all happy in your quits and try not to worry about weight till you are really comfy with your quit or after Chriggy x

Thank you so much for sharing, my mum goes on a diet every new year and for the first couple of weeks she survives on about 1000 cals a day! I have a huge appetite and there is no way I could do that, so I've been researching different eating plans and the GI Plan has caught my eye, it sounds similar to what you're on because there are no limitations but you "tweak" what you eat - two of my colleagues are doing it, one has lost 36lb in 20 weeks, the other has lost 7lb in a month - and they eat all day!!!! The only thing I will really have to cut out is the plonk, I do like a glass of wine or four :o I am (perhaps foolishly) really confident in my quit and now want to improve my health. :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Don't knock yourself, feeling confident is exactly how you should be feeling, any other emotion would be useless, you are right to want to improve weight/fitness before it becomes a habit to be a sedentary none smoker which is not what quitting smoking is about surely, I think that making changes after quitting can be hard but if you can quit the cigs you can then turn your life around in the right direction, I gave up caffeine as well.

No one said quitting's easy or losing weight but at least we are giving ourselves options to improve our quality of life and life span hopefully.

I know that for me weight gain was inevitable so I just went with it and now feel better for losing some of it, not all yet still a stone to go..

Every little helps so go for it, haven't looked at the GI diet but will have a peak now.

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