Still good :): I have lost count of the weeks... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Still good :)

nsd_user663_57809 profile image
26 Replies

I have lost count of the weeks i have been smoke free lol but im sure its just a little over 2 months now! Cannot believe how easy the whole quitting thing actually was, still getting a few cravings but they don't bother me at all they vanish within a minute! i've actually started to stand outside with my mum while she has a cigarette and it doesn't bother me at all now i actually find the smell revolting. Sooo happy! and i feel a whole lot healthier :D

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nsd_user663_57809 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Wow well done to you! I have done 6 weeks and found it far from easy in fact I have found it utterly horrendous all the way through! Any tips on how to make it a bit easier? Xx

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Really pleased to hear things are going well Lulu. This is the type of post that will encourage some nervous people to take a leap of faith.

Well done you and hope you keep us updated with your progress :)

Absolutely, although I can't say the tough bits have been easy (if that makes sense) I believe my quit has been made easier by my determination to do this for good N.O.P.E works for me ;) I hope newbies can absorb Lulu's positive vibes and embrace their quits too :D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Well done, Lulu! :D Such a lovely post, too.....just the sort of thing to engender a nice positive atmosphere to the forum! Keep up the good work. :)



nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done Lulu, this must have been the perfect time for you to quit. Hope it continues like this for you:)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

To be honest Kat I think Felic is referring to people who have openly said they are smoking and commenting on here.... I must say it does seem to be the same group of posters that pounce on 1 person, it's very uncomfortable to read there's a group of people on first name terms etc which is great but makes all the rest of us feel a bit inferior to be honest, we are quite obviously not in the gang! Such a shame, when I joined in Jan 2008 there was none of this clickiness :((

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well done, Lulu! :D Such a lovely post, too.....just the sort of thing to engender a nice positive atmosphere to the forum! Keep up the good work. :)



Exactly!! We need a nice positive forum :))

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

To be honest Kat I think Felic is referring to people who have openly said they are smoking and commenting on here.... I must say it does seem to be the same group of posters that pounce on 1 person, it's very uncomfortable to read there's a group of people on first name terms etc which is great but makes all the rest of us feel a bit inferior to be honest, we are quite obviously not in the gang! Such a shame, when I joined in Jan 2008 there was none of this clickiness :((

This is an open forum and everyone is welcome to comment, there are moderators to oversee offensive and aggressive posts, one thing that is wonderful about this place is the brilliant sense of community. Perhaps if certain, long time, members stayed around for more than a couple of weeks at a time, they might get to know other individuals. At the end of the day we are all here to quit, not quibble, and this senseless sniping is getting a bit beyond.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

This is an open forum and everyone is welcome to comment, there are moderators to oversee offensive and aggressive posts, one thing that is wonderful about this place is the brilliant sense of community. Perhaps if certain, long time, members stayed around for more than a couple of weeks at a time, they might get to know other individuals. At the end of the day we are all here to quit, not quibble, and this senseless sniping is getting a bit beyond.

The reason I haven't been permanently on this forum is because I have failed so many times and I wouldn't have the audacity to comment on posts if I was still smoking.

I take offence to that post but as stated everybody is entitled to their opinion and mine is that it is a bit clicky on here nowadays, As a member since 2008 I think it justifies absoloutely what Felic has said, I have failed 7 times previously those craves can creep up on you when least expected, however this is Lulus post and well done to her!! Keep up the good work!!

P.s any tips would be greatly received as I am chomping at the bit still. :) xx

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I also think Felic's intention was good and he was merely trying to warn people to be on their guard even when they are feeling their quit is going very well. It's good advice.

There will always be posts or advice we don't personally like or support and I usually take the decision just to ignore it. There is little to be gained by jumping on the poster in numbers, other than to lose the variety of comment a forum like this needs to be effective.

Well said John!

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

The reason I haven't been permanently on this forum is because I have failed so many times and I wouldn't have the audacity to comment on posts if I was still smoking.

I take offence to that post but as stated everybody is entitled to their opinion and mine is that it is a bit clicky on here nowadays, As a member since 2008 I think it justifies absoloutely what Felic has said, I have failed 7 times previously those craves can creep up on you when least expected, however this is Lulus post and well done to her!! Keep up the good work!!

P.s any tips would be greatly received as I am chomping at the bit still. :) xx

Audacious or equipped to offer the next newbie invaluable advice on where not to tread? My point is that we are all here for one reason, that is to quit smoking and offer support to those who need it, not to snipe at those, who even though failed, still have good advice to give. I am a little nonplussed as to why the smoking police have suddenly swooped in and are trying to dictate who can or can't give advice. Perhaps a little "Live and let live" should be applied together with a good dollop of common sense, I don't believe there is a "clique" here, only good people who care about those who are doing their best to quit smoking.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Audacious or equipped to offer the next newbie invaluable advice on where not to tread? My point is that we are all here for one reason, that is to quit smoking and offer support to those who need it, not to snipe at those, who even though failed, still have good advice to give. I am a little nonplussed as to why the smoking police have suddenly swooped in and are trying to dictate who can or can't give advice. Perhaps a little "Live and let live" should be applied together with a good dollop of common sense, I don't believe there is a "clique" here, only good people who care about those who are doing there best to quit smoking.

I'm sorry but I am never going to agree with u on the score of smokers giving advice on a NO SMOKING FORUM... If that makes me and fellow members the smoking police then so be it we will have to agree to disagree.

I wish u well in your quit you've done really well I hope I can carry on with mine


nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I'm really surprised that both of you think its acceptable to tell a poster that because they are happy in their quit failure is around the corner :confused:

I am thinking that wasn't quite what was meant, I think the original comment from John was iterating his and Donna's belief that Felic only meant well and Haze was seconding the fact that there are posts we will all disagree with and perhaps the best way forward is to ignore them and focus only on those we agree with.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I have just about had my fill of this.

If anyone can tell me where I go into threads ADVISING everyone on their quit then please show me.

I congratulate people, I talk to them about their personal problems and I try to encourage people. Why anyone would have an issue with one person being nice to another person is beyond me.

This forum is for people who want to quit and those who have quit. I will not be leaving anytime soon and I certainly won't stop interacting and getting to know other people.

Put me in ignore if my posts annoy you so much.

That is the reason I believe most of us are here, poor Lulu posted in jubilation only to have her achievement overshadowed by us arguing amongst ourselves. I still take umbrage at the cliquey comment, but that's only my opinion.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Felic I just blocked certain people it's easier.....

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

Saying a quit was 'easy' and u cant believe how 'easy' it was is very symptomatic of a fail right round the corner! go back to the section of this forum and read what people post in the first week... then go to your own posts around that time when u first quit and see if u still think it was 'easy'.

Be very careful throwing the word 'easy' and 'quitting' in the same line.

Good for you though getting to 2 months. that was not an 'Easy' thing to do. But the fact alone you think it was is cause for concern - so put up the gaurds and watch out for the serious bad craves cos if u havent been struck yet, trust me, they're coming!

Felic thanks for your comment, but i'm not saying that its easy for everyone i've had my bad days but the majority of it has been good especially now i have been smoke free for over 2 months. As to 'letting my guard down' i haven't or else i wouldn't have gotten this far. I'm still fully aware that it could take a turn for the worse but i am so confident i will not be holding that little white stick again! I'm also aware that your intentions were good and im not offended in anyway, but the truth is i never enjoyed any cigarette that i smoked so why would i get a kick out of doing it again? I was just implying that i have had an easy quit and i know that those who are struggling in kicking that habit can do this and it does get easier!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Felic thanks for your comment, but i'm not saying that its easy for everyone i've had my bad days but the majority of it has been good especially now i have been smoke free for over 2 months. As to 'letting my guard down' i haven't or else i wouldn't have gotten this far. I'm still fully aware that it could take a turn for the worse but i am so confident i will not be holding that little white stick again! I'm also aware that your intentions were good and im not offended in anyway, but the truth is i never enjoyed any cigarette that i smoked so why would i get a kick out of doing it again? I was just implying that i have had an easy quit and i know that those who are struggling in kicking that habit can do this and it does get easier!

Hurray this actually does make me feel better :) it will be 2months for me in 2 weeks hopefully the cloud might lift a bit and I will feel better!

Congrats again on ur quit ur doing brilliantly :)

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

Wow well done to you! I have done 6 weeks and found it far from easy in fact I have found it utterly horrendous all the way through! Any tips on how to make it a bit easier? Xx

Hey hun! like i've said in a previous post i found it hard too at first, but as the months have gone by i'm more determined than ever to get through my quit and in a way this has made it alot easier and has given me more willpower. I have tried so many times before and only lasted a week at most without a cig. I hold my hands up i did use an e-cig but haven't touched that in over 2 weeks. Just plenty of fluids such as water helped me with the cravings but green tea worked wonders for me for some reason you should give it go! But this forum as made it 10x easier for me. Thanks for the comment :)

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

Hurray this actually does make me feel better :) it will be 2months for me in 2 weeks hopefully the cloud might lift a bit and I will feel better!

Congrats again on ur quit ur doing brilliantly :)

I'm glad i made you feel better :) and i promise it does get easier just wait it out. You can do it!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hey hun! like i've said in a previous post i found it hard too at first, but as the months have gone by i'm more determined than ever to get through my quit and in a way this has made it alot easier and has given me more willpower. I have tried so many times before and only lasted a week at most without a cig. I hold my hands up i did use an e-cig but haven't touched that in over 2 weeks. Just plenty of fluids such as water helped me with the cravings but green tea worked wonders for me for some reason you should give it go! But this forum as made it 10x easier for me. Thanks for the comment :)

I too had a little dabble with an ecig not used it for 3 days tho woo hoo lol :) will definitely try the green tea, not heard of that helping before thanks :) x

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

Thanks John, HAzes and Donnaj.

Common sense here would dictate the meaning or reason for my initial response to someone saying their quit was easy. Lulu, im sure u didnt mean it in a 'oh quitting is a breeze, a doddle, no hassle, no biggie, simple, easiest thing ever, nrts - nonsense'. And if that is what u mean, then that is amazing and well done u. BUT... this quitting business has not been 'easy' for a lot of us, me included. This is maybe my 7th or 8th attempt in the last 10 years and my 2nd or 3rd most serious one. Like that, in past quits, I too felt after a while, 'oh this is great, im over it, im now a non smoker', headed out, had a few drinks saw people smoking, had a drag... end of quit! Just in the blink of an eye and without me even thinking, i was back to my 20 day habit again...

Thats what I meant. Not as people are trying to manipulate, that you are going to fail! who on earth would say that or wish that on anyone going through a quit? (baffled). But saying it is 'easy' can appear very arrogant and inexperienced in the quitting process. especially to those of us who are going through hell with it and have full on cravings hitting us from every angle, stress you wouldnt believe, and things going on in our lives that could give anyone a reason to reach for a cig at any second.

So keep up the good work. sounds like ur doing great. but saying its 'easy' might make those of us not finding it so easy, believe that there is something wrong with us or that we cant do this or that we are failing again.

(i hope this explained my point of view to those of thinking i was 'causing trouble' - ive never come across a forum where wires get crossed so easily and that people jump on the bandwaggon to go for the jugular)

I didn't mean to come across as arrogant at all i do apologise for that and no i wasn't implying that my quit was a breeze either. At the end of the day everyone is different it is all down to willpower which i didn't know that i had until i started my quit lol. But at the end of the day i have found it easy i'm not lying. Why would i also make people believe that there is something wrong with them? we are all here for the same thing we will all crave those fags, we will all endure that stress and those moodswings i have had to deal with this too! we are all here for the same reason. I was just assuring people that they can do it.

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

i hear u lulu - and my response there that ur questioning was more directed to members who more or less attacked me on here for saying be careful about saying a quit was easy.

thats all. i was just trying to explain why i was saying be careful with that word on a quitting forum.

i was just saying to a friend of mine that my quit has been smooth enough this time also, (not easy - but smooth) and the reason was that this time I really did wanna quit myself and set my mind to it. thats half the battle

Best of luck with it. ur doing great :) and im not far behind u - 2 days to 8 weeks!

Thats fine. There is no reason anyway to be arrogant over a quit especially when some people are really struggling, but enthusiasm is the best medicine! and your right i still have to be careful i totally agree. Best of luck to you too :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done Lulu :) Keep up the hard work and you'll breeze your way through!

Don't forget to treat yourself along the way, with the money you've saved by ditching nasty Nic! Xxx

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

Well done Lulu :) Keep up the hard work and you'll breeze your way through!

Don't forget to treat yourself along the way, with the money you've saved by ditching nasty Nic! Xxx

Thank you :) and don't worry i already have haha x

nsd_user663_57809 profile image

Absolutely right Kat :D

Lulu, one thing to say to you



Haha thanks max! thank you all :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I am thinking that wasn't quite what was meant, I think the original comment from John was iterating his and Donna's belief that Felic only meant well and Haze was seconding the fact that there are posts we will all disagree with and perhaps the best way forward is to ignore them and focus only on those we agree with.

That is spot on, thanks Jennings:) I would never tell someone they would fail if they were happy in their quit:confused:

nsd_user663_49791 profile image


There seems to be an issue developing that seems to have little to do with quitting smoking.

This forum is funded by the BHF for the sole purpose of helping people to quit smoking.

If you disagree with another members views, instead of arguing please use the ignore feature.

Whilst we all understand that quitting is a stressful business, goading, name calling ect is against forum rules and will not be tolerated.

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