Day 40 and feeling so ill, can't cope :((( - No Smoking Day

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Day 40 and feeling so ill, can't cope :(((

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
27 Replies

It says it all in the title really.... I physically hurting... I ache from head to toe still feel completely exhausted all the time, feeling down and very tearful..... I just want to feel good about myself as a non smoker but I don't, I'm unhappy, hurting and fat... I have appreciated all the support on his forum but I just want to feel like me again I feel so detached and like I'm not the same person.... Why can't I just do this and feel good :(((

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I think I'm just being stupid to be honest.... I have fibromyalgia and since quitting the pain is really bad also doctor said my iron is extremely low which would explain the exhaustion just trying to pin it on smoking as an excuse to give in I think :( giving up has definitely not helped tho

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Donna I know how horrible it is to feel like that. I dont think this time of year helps either. Also u could actually have a cold thats not related to the quit. My love of food has gone back to normal now so the weight is coming off. Why dont you try some herbal pills to give u a boost. It doesnt last forever. Are you still using the ecig that made me feel ill x

Hi Debbie, yes still using the ecig I don't think it's that that's made me I'll I have felt rubbish from the start really but just keep ploughing on in the hope I will wake up one morning with bundles of energy and beautiful skin... I just truly don't feel like the same person I love Xmas but it could pass me by this year I'm just not interested because now I've quit I'm just thinking "what am I going to do all over Xmas without a cig" it's absolutely pathetic x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Your not stupid giving up smoking is hard. Throw in extra complications and it feels inposible. Look at the 1 year thread and u realise its doable x

Thanks will do, but I'm just not feeling it anymore x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I know what you are saying about feeling and looking different. But with me I never had a cough got out of breath always had good skin. But I cant see my insides so god knows what damage iv done x

Nor did I.... I feel lousy now tho.... Pity the leaflets and nhs don't tell us that... 72 hours my a** they don't tell u about the massive psychological addiction...

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi Donna

Hope you are feeling a bit better today Donna! It's not easy and the troughs and peaks seem huge but it will get better!!! Try hang in there you are doing so well. I hit my lowest point around 5-6 weeks in. I was so depressed. I seemed to pick up after 3 days or so from memory.

Big virtual hugs


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Alex76 once said if it's a white knuckle ride get of.

You don't seem to have a clue about the addiction itself despite being in the quitting circle for 5 years. Read everything you can find and then when you want to quit more than you want to smoke you will have a chance.

You are a ticking time bomb. It's not if you will smoke it's when you will smoke unless you educate yourself.

I'm sorry Karri but you really don't have a very good way with words do you? Of course I understand the addiction! I've tried 7 blinking times to quit! I feel extremely depressed and down right now and ur post has not been very helpful I would be grateful if you didn't comment on my posts please, I recall ur input on the ecig post not particularly helpful either!! Again, you are smoking, so please don't comment, thankyou

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Donna

Hope you are feeling a bit better today Donna! It's not easy and the troughs and peaks seem huge but it will get better!!! Try hang in there you are doing so well. I hit my lowest point around 5-6 weeks in. I was so depressed. I seemed to pick up after 3 days or so from memory.

Big virtual hugs


Thanks Sarah I am in bed today with the pain and probably will be all day, I think I need to not be so hard on myself, it's good to know that ur lowest ebb was around this time makes it a bit easier for me to persevere if I know I am going to get through this xxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Sounds like you've hit a real low today Donna but please don't give in to it. I suffer from CFS and the combination of quitting added to a nasty reaction to the Champix tablets messed me up bigtime, bringing with it all the symptoms of a relapse, together with depression and, to top it off, a newbie to the party - anxiety attacks. Fortunately I've been able to compensate by cutting myself some major slack and stopping all activities apart from work, I'm back on Citalopram which I had for the first time four or five years back and came off about three years ago and the anxiety attacks were put paid to by Rescue Remedy.

Quitting the fags really does send not only our bodies into shock but also our brain chemistry so it really does play havoc with absolutely everything. The good news is that it IS going to get better, you really and truly have broken the back of this and you're heading into the territory of it seriously improving very soon. It might be worth you hitting a supplement or tonic to help boost you while your body's trying to rediscover its natural equilibrium (I hit the Berocca) and if you're still feeling very low emotionally then perhaps consider talking to your GP in case you need medication to help readjust your brain chemistry. When I went to mine I was really upset about having to ask for help again but he said that quitting smoking is known to mess up your levels and many people, even those who've never had an issue before, need to take medication for a while to help level themselves out.

Hang tough Donna, you really have come SO far and hey, who would want to go through this cr4p again?!

Thanks Kat, I know what u mean about not going through all this cra* again but I just feel sooo ill and fed up, maybe it is this time of year, I will have to try and push through it

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Of course it hit a nerve in that u are telling me to get off the white knuckle ride and have a fag then try again when I have more knowledge! I have all the knowledge but if u have quit before you will understand that when you are in the s0d it I'll just have 1 fag mood you forget all the times you have tried to just have one fag before and then ultimately failed....

I'm not looking for "your doing so well" I've had my fill of them on the outside world from friends ( saying it with a fag in their hand) :/ what I was looking for was posts from people who might be able to empathise and give me some hope that I will get through it soon as they have particularly people who have felt low and not given in, sadly ur post was perhaps lacking the empathy....the reason I called you a Smoker is I recall in my last post you called yourself a temporary smoker? Whatever that might be....

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Oh dear, I am now talking to myself not cool where's that post gone? X

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Regardless of how poor your opinion is of me I would never suggest that anyone gives up and smokes. I meant that if you understand things you don't need to get of the ride because you can see what is happening.

I may have written that badly and hope things change for you soon.

Yes perhaps that's it then, I don't have a poor opinion of you I don't even know you. Incidentally tho what is a temporary smoker?

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Perhaps that's the answer for me, to become a temporary smoker over Xmas....

Thanks for the idea.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Ladies is this really productive???? I don't think this exchange is helping either of you and it is quite unpleasant to read. We are all here for the same reason - to quit smoking. Can we just go back to offering support to each other??? Sometimes that support involves a kick up the butt, but usually it just involves someone being there with some kind, supportive motivation. We are all in this together so why bicker!?!?! I haven't been on this site much lately as I don't like the nastiness and bickering that is happening a lot lately. I would like to be here to support others an receive support but this sort of exchange puts me off!!!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Ladies is this really productive???? I don't think this exchange is helping either of you and it is quite unpleasant to read. We are all here for the same reason - to quit smoking. Can we just go back to offering support to each other??? Sometimes that support involves a kick up the butt, but usually it just involves someone being there with some kind, supportive motivation. We are all in this together so why bicker!?!?! I haven't been on this site much lately as I don't like the nastiness and bickering that is happening a lot lately. I would like to be here to support others an receive support but this sort of exchange puts me off!!!

I apologise to you Sjt, I am ultra sensitive right now and very near the edge, karri's comments on my posts always seem to be so negative and I guess I e just snapped, I'm sorry xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Karri believe it or not I am being serious! I really so think that may be the answer for me.... To become a temporary smoker over the Xmas period like you

It wouldn't be forever just until I felt mentally and physically well again :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I apologise to you Sjt, I am ultra sensitive right now and very near the edge, karri's comments on my posts always seem to be so negative and I guess I e just snapped, I'm sorry xx

No need for anyone to apologise to me at all. I know how stressful it is to quit. I just found this thread to not be in the spirit of things. I'm not passing blame either as you might both be being a little sensitive.

Hang in there Donna!!! It will get better soon and think how proud you will feel when you haven't caved!!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image


Don't apologise to SJT and then deliberately try and wind me up on your next post!

What are you actually talking about??? I am not trying to wind you up... I am being serious!!! Perhaps it would be better if you didn't comment on my posts in he future...

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Have you given up smoking Karri? You were a temporary smoker a few days ago if since then u have quit then I apologise

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Awww thanks Felic, means a lot I have been in bed a lot today but purely because of the fibro I actually don't seem to bad again now, it's unreal one minute im fine the next I'm either crying or shouting at one of my beautiful family:/

On the plus side I have gone all day and night without a puff on the ecig, I know I've only had it for just over a week but it's surprising how addictive it is even in that short space of time! Going to keep it for absolute emergencies and try to go it alone again, keep up the good work everyone thanks for listening to the rants lol xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Wow what a difference a day can make, today is day 42 week 6 (got my days wrong haha) I feel mentally a lot better still feel cr4p physically but I'm sure it will pass soon, PLUS over 24 hours since I had a puff on ecig :))

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well done! I'm glad you are feeling happier.

Sarah x

Keep going Donna - you've done so well to get to week 6 and it sounds like you've had to cope with an awful lot in your quit so far - and all through it you've managed to stay smoke free. What a strong girl you must be 😃


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Donna I havent read through all your posts so apologise if this has come up, but have you been to your doctor since you quit?

You have a pre-existing condition that I would suggest they would be keen to monitor through this process. Quitting is massive on a 'healthy' body I dont doubt it can be quite a shock for one already in pain.

No idea how fibro works, but if quitting can move a womans cycle (no mean feat, been trying for years!) then I wouldnt be surprised if it is making this quit worse for you.

Hopefully they can help even in the short term to let things settle down. Hang in there though as I am sure the long run it will get better anyway, but if there is help at the docs dont be shy to ask for it!

Hi Teflon

For me all of my fibro symptoms are magnified since quitting, this last couple of weeks I have become very tearful and depressed again down to the fibro and lack of fags and to top it all I have been out on iron tabs as my iron is 17 instead of 100 so I feel utterly exhausted aswell :/ I am persevering for as long as I can in the hope I pick up soon, some people on here have been wonderfully supportive so that helps a lot too, how are you getting on xx

lefoy123 profile image

Day 40 and so ill etc

Good evening Donna J,

As John says your doing so well, play for time as the footballing cliche says.

Around the same time period of my quit I had to seek medical help from my G.P.who prescribed a 10 day supply of one of the well known tranquillisers.

If it is any consolation to you are you aware of the fact that quitting smoking is actually more difficult than stopping drinking which is a fact not my opinion.

I'm a recovering alcoholic being some 23+ years sober and I can vouch for the aforementioned fact.

So hang on in with your quit and have faith in what John has said and I second.

It does get easier believe me.

Good night and God Bless

Mick a.k.a:-lefoy 123 in Glasgow

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Oh I am fine thanks, firmly into my non smoking plod.

Iron issues will explain some of the tiredness, make sure you keep up withyour vitamins as you wont absorb it without, I think c and b12 (that is off the top of my head, check as I could be way out!) so make sure you are making the most of any iron supplement.

Dont think of it as persevering for as long as you can, cos smoking will not make you less tired, it wont make the fibro symptoms go away, if anything it will make them worse (current research suggests anyway, did a quick search when we were talking yesterday) I can promise you two things, it will get better, and smoking wont make you feel better, your mind may make you think it will though, but well the truth I am sure you know already.

Thankyou you are absoloutely right, how long has it been for you?

nsd_user663_60734 profile image

Why did you quit? There has to be some good reason that you chose to quit. You need to remind yourself of those reasons! Also ask yourself.. do you really want to start all over and go through the painful 1st month again?

Please be wary of the e-cigg. I used it to help me quit for the first 20days. I went through nictoine withdrawl a second time when I quit the e-cigg. I really think you are just teasing yourself by using it. It will never taste as good as a real smoke. :-(

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

:eek: e-cig advice

Hahahaha :) and heather I ask myself that question... I wasn't ready to quit my husband kept on at me to join him so here we are 7 weeks later......

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