A year today, hello Penthouse!: 7.30pm Dec... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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A year today, hello Penthouse!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image
29 Replies

7.30pm Dec 3rd 2012 is etched on my brain forever - I thought “Quit, you’ve been meaning to for ages so give it a go. Billions of fellow humans don’t need it so neither do you mate, just be one of them instead. What’s the worst that can happen? Has anyone ever actually died from quitting smoking? How hard can it be?” My plan was simple - bin the pack, and not buy any more the next day - creative or what? :o

I tried so hard early doors to just be ‘normal’ but the first month was horrid - I was a proper werewolf, a dizzy, grumpy insomniac. In fact this is how addled I was - every morning I used to look in the mirror and resolve to beat a plant. Me against a bunch of leaves, that’s what I’d turned my quit into. Amazing this malarkey, who’d do that for heaven’s sake! :D

Before Christmas I kept going through abject fear - for the first time I found the threat of a smokers death terrifying and literally scared myself into staying quit. :eek: I survived on abject defiance, a point blank refusal to be beaten (yes…by leaves, I know, right!?) and the blind faith that it would ‘all be worth it in the end’. And it really is. I made quitting the single most important thing, and convinced myself that failure was simply not an option.

Over Christmas I found myself searching the interconnected web for the benefits of quitting just to keep my motivation up, and found two important things:

1. This forum - what a font of knowledge and support! I’ve loved your advice and brilliant company on this journey so far everyone! As Kat said weeks back, if a collection of people like this support each other to quit smoking, and smoking can kill, ergo you/we can truly be classed as lifesavers. How flippin’ brilliant is that?

2. Some great articles as a result, including the one I’ve now linked to through my signature that helped me to properly understand my addiction. Sites like these are signposted all over this forum if you look. The NRT/study bit of it is a little dry but the rest makes me smile, and while belittling a plant helped for a while the education to understand and control my addiction made a massive difference.

So if you‘re still just thinking about quitting, then seek out people to support and encourage you instead of going it alone. You’ve already done it of course, you’re here! Great stuff!! Write down your reasons, hopes and dreams and check back regularly, prep for what happens in the tough early days, educate yourself about nicotine addiction. Know the immediate and on-going improvements to your body function and use these as motivation to continue with your quit come what may.

And absolutely have self-belief and pride – you are fantastic, and really can do it, you must believe that! I quit over ten years after I realised I should, idiot - aaargh! So if you’re ready and your head’s in the game, then good luck with your wonderful decision to stop burning foliage. Eat cake instead…much nicer… :)

Oh, I’ve been rambling again? Well that’s enough of that gubbins then, for in my battle that is Man v Plant, today Man wins! Haha, come on the Humans!

I still often think about what it would be like, after 25 years of doing it who wouldn’t? But now I’m busy attending to life, not just experiencing it between smokes. For a whole year I’ve chosen NOT to smoke, NOT to look at life through a blue haze, and to just keep on kicking the pants of that godforsaken pathetic imp that tells you it’s ok to have “just one” – it’s really not. I’m a former smoker that must always obey the Law of Addiction and Never Take Another Puff.

I am really quite chuffed, permission to cross the threshold of the Penthouse and join the party please?? :D

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nsd_user663_54554 profile image
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29 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Welcome Hawkeye, it's fantastic to see you here, although that was never in doubt. No mere plant was going to prevail over you my friend! :D

I’ve loved reading about your journey Hawkeye and am completely chuffed to welcome you to the Penthouse. Your posts have always been jam packed with common sense, compassion and just the right amount of humour to keep the spirits up in my opinion.

It has been an honour to walk this road with you and I’m very proud of your success, as I know you are, and quite rightly too.

Now, the party kicks off whenever you’re ready :D

My, it's getting crowded in here, ain't that just fab :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

pic4ever.com/images/za4.gif Well my babby, that were a fight worth winning, were it not. Congratulations and keep giving nic the dap pic4ever.com/images/worship... I am in awe :D

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

So pleased for you. Lovely post to read. That has certainly made me smile. Lovely start to the day. Thank you and congratulations ! BTW, mind the bubbles don't get up your nose ;-)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Massive well done Hawk, that's fab :cool:

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

There's always room for another in the penthouse.

The same can't be said for the hot-tub mind... :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Congrats on an excellent achievement!!!!!!! I hope the penthouse is everything you hoped for. See you there in 4 and a half months!!!!


nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Well done, Hawkeye.......a brilliant achievement. Feel rightly proud of yourself! :)



hellerscatch profile image

Well done Hawkeye, a brilliant achievement, enjoy your first day in the penthouse :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Aye aye Hawkeye!

Well done, you old plant basher! :)

It was obvious from your very early posts that there was only one way you were heading and that was straight to the top floor.

Seriously chuffed for you.

You had me chortling many a time in the early days, thank you for that.

Did you know that Hawkeye is a Marvel superhero who, although he doesn't have any superhuman powers, was trained in all forms or combat by none other than Captain America!

I mean come on….how cool is that…..Captain America as a teacher……that’s gotta be awesome hasn't it?

Anyone trained in mortal combat by Captain America would get my tenner bet in a battle with a plant surely?

Well, you just proved it mucker…..you've drunk boxed, karate kicked and judo tackled that weed to the deck ….. then slapped it round the chops for good measure!

Of course all of the above is based on Wikipedia's extensive knowledge base so could be complete and utter tosh….tee hee!

(I reserve the “right to be wrong” on all my posts)…..(there’s a song in there somewhere!)

Anyway, I digress, could you imagine a co-written book?

It may not be the greatest, it may not be the funniest, it certainly wouldn’t be the saddest …. But it would most probably be the pigging longest book in the world!

We’d have to write it on toilet roll….or better still …… wallpaper!

In case you can't tell ... this is me saying WELL DONE YOU. :D

Now come and have some cake and beer to celebrate. :cool:

Good on yer mate

Take care


nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Many congratulations Hawk for a brilliant victory for you in the Man vs Plant battle.

Fab penthouse post and hope you will still be around on the forum

the very very best of brizzle to you:D

Donna x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Welcome. So well done my love. So pleased and proud of you. Never doubted you for a minute.

Fi x

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Good work Mr H

Its great up here in't penthouse!

nsd_user663_42390 profile image


Welcome to the penthouse Hawkeye, so pleased for you. Another one I was in awe of, choosing to quit during the festive season, but quit you did, so well done you:)

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Congratulations Hawkeye ;)

nsd_user663_53649 profile image

Well Done Hawkeye, you must be bouncing around the place with pride, I think I would be high fiving everyone if I had just achieved what you have. I am tempted to go back and read all your posts to see how you got on with your battle of the plants......( sounds like that kids show in the 80;s battle of the planets, )

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

1 year of quit.....epically epicer than epic.

Nice going.



Yay! You made it! Isn't it cool up here???

I'm so proud of you and happy for you and thrilled that yet another success story has been written. And I must admit - reading your post is such a treat for this Yank. There's so much English slang I have to look up!

Well, as you already know, there's a huge party being held in your honor (or is it honour?) tonight, so let's get cracking…

During Penthouse Orientation they usually go over everything, but in case they didn't, you have to make a solemn promise to visit the forum every now and then and help inspire the newer pilgrims. So save up some good plant beating stories and post 'em from time to time.

Again, massive congratulations and welcome to the Penthouse!

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Well done you should be really proud of yourself...xx

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

Whoop Whoop Well Done!!

Wow Hawkeye...Congratulations on a year!! You deserve the Penthouse and all its luxury! :D

For me as a newbie, your post is so inspiring and encouraging to read...its brilliant!!! :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_54554 profile image


My first chance to log on over a cuppa and I just spat half of it out! Sincerely, I don't know what I've done to deserve such lovely comments from a great bunch of people (it can't be my rambling posts of nutcaseness), but THANK YOU! All of you!

Max, the penthouse is everything you want it to be, and if that's dancers, well they're in the west wing limbering up for your arrival show. They've asked to borrow Kat's pompoms. If Nifty and I did write a book it would be epic, but we wouldn't finish it until we're in our 70's, in God's waiting room and will have forgotten half the jokes! :D

I also have to say as others have, the best thing here is the view. Completely clear and I can see for miles... :)

Honestly you all just made me feel so moneysupermarket, bless you all. DGee you'll have to youtube that one too. ;)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

A quit notable for style and unswerving commitment - success was inevitable from the start. Well done buddy:)

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

WELL DONE!!! :D:D:D Amazing and i bet you feel so good to know that it was all you that got you here, with a little help from this great please :)

Its good to know your first month was horribale lol I feel on the edge at the moment but reading these achievments lets me know its possible so thanks for sharing!

You can relax in the penthouse now :D xxx

nsd_user663_60833 profile image


Congratulations to you!!! What an awesome inspiration you are!!

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Just brilliant Hawk, well done you....enjoy the Penthouse :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

fantastic post to read!


I don't log on and post fro ages so to come to see this wonderful post from you Hawk is truly fantastic, belated congratulations to you :D:D

By the way, we never did hear what happened to the death machine you set up in the garage under the pretence that it was an exercise machine...I'm sure that was you ;)

congrats again ( if it wasn't so early I would raise a glass but a slug of coffee will have to do)

Trea xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done Hawk :)

Thanks for all of your great posts and support over my last nine months. Keep on rambling, your positivity is extremely helpful!

Enjoy the Penthouse ;) See you soon! X

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

I have 24 days to go :D

Hawk come on spill the beans ,what is it like in there in the Penthouse?:eek:

Is it true that they have naked dancing girls? And other stuff? :D:D

If so,I will avoid those,of course :rolleyes::p:rolleyes:lol

Just took a screen shot of when someone asked me what would I like pre-ordering, tbh I didn't really asked for much, I should have asked for more.



nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Fantastic Hawk! No doubts at all you'd make it, very solid quit indeed! Now where's the party?! X

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Astounding!! I remember u helping me out a lot around this time last year along with weeble aka juju unfortunately I failed that time or I would be nearly Here with you!! BUT you are an inspiration to me and I just hope I can get through this like u did a year ago! Many congratulations absolutely brilliant achievement!!!

Also can I just say very reassuring that it's still one of the best things you did

Enjoy this Christmas and new year free from smoking and not chained to a computer reading up on everything like I and many others will be hahah :D xxxxxx

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