Day 42 - real bad craves: Hey folks, 42 days... - No Smoking Day

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Day 42 - real bad craves

nsd_user663_40088 profile image
13 Replies

Hey folks, 42 days as a non smoker and 4 weeks without nicotine! quite something for me!

Im really struggling at the moment though. Last couple of days i have wanted to smoke, been very close as well :eek: the only thing keeping me going is the fear that I will have one, it wont be this amazing thing and i will have just wanted all this time and then real cravings will come what is the point in smoking something that you have worked so hard to be rid off?

So why do I constantly want one at the moment!? I have had a real cruddy week so I think thats adding to it. My spots are up and ive gained far not feeling like an amzing non smoker tbh. BUT my bowls are starting to work on their own again, like In my heart i know things have to get worse before they get better and thats also helping me like thinking 'just wait and see, keep going'.

please folks any of your own experiences would be really appreaciated xx

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nsd_user663_40088 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Nikki :)

Remember this:

:mad: The day came where I hated fags and I realised they do NOTHING for me :mad:

I'm really sorry you're having a cravy time, it can be hard but you need to be strong because smoking won't make the sun come out and the birds sing.

You said:

"the only thing keeping me going is the fear that I will have one, it wont be this amazing thing and i will have just wanted all this time and then real cravings will come back"

I can (unfortunately) tell you exactly what it's like.

The first fag after a long period off them is far away from amazing. When you smoke, you get immune to the taste and the smell, you have lost that. It will taste disgusting, worse than that you can't get the smell out of your nose. It stinks, and it doesn't shift.

Then your mouth feels awful, by now yours has got soft like it should be same for your throat, smoking again undoes all that and your mouth feels manky. Then you get a tight chest, the feeling you get when you're wearing a slightly too tight top or dress.

And you know the worst bit?

Your nose as an ex-smoker is very sensitive to smoke - if you start again you are "lucky" enough to be totally aware how bad your hair, coat, dressing gown, tops smell, and they *really do smell*

Final thing, I caved just over a month ago, now I have an annoying cough in the morning *again* my chest doesn't feel tight exactly but slightly restricted and my sinuses are not happy with me in the least, and even though I really want to stop, am just as hooked as I was 12 months ago :mad:

Only saying all this because I hope it will help you to make the right choice and stay smoke free. What I said isn't something in the distant future, like possibly giving yourself something awful, it absolutely will happen if you cave.

Please stay strong, I know how hard you've fought for this!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Still shocked to be honest Gemma,that you caved so close to the 1 year mark. :( Patiently awaiting your new and final quit.:)

I'm shocked too, especially the way it happened.

Have 3 possible quit dates in mind, the second is the most likely, the 3rd is a backup :)

YOu are doing well Nikki,better than well-but you must start blocking the notion that a fag would be brilliant now cos it will NOT be,get rid of the idea of ever smoking again.

What he said, and do it quickly!!

Don't let it get a foothold, I did - my quit was fatally wounded on the day I had my car MOTed because then the idea a fag would help, be nice, blah blah took hold and I didn't squash it.

Use Allen Carr, Kristina Irvings, anything but lose that thought 'cos take it from a smoker - fags aren't amazing. Am under no illsuions this time.

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Theres some wise words in this thread, truly wise.

It is defo the crutch that im longing for rather than the fag. My awful week and weight gain are making me think 'i woundnt be as depressed or getting fatter if i smoked'. The thought of going out drinking...all these things..ill admit i find it scary I really do. I do want to be a NON smoker, I truly do. I know that because i would have lit up by now if i wanted to be a smoker.

Its like when you make a big choice, so you make it and you do it and all is good. then you get that nagging thought 'did i do the right thing' am i really happier? is this reall better? was i happier before? and you really think about these on a deep level. I still feel abit wobbly, ill admit that, but i know that eventually I will feel comfortable in my own skin and life will go on, its just getting there is rough and gotta fight the battles. Its hard graft!

Smoking is not ok, I needed them comments to affirm that. Gemma-lou unfortunately you had to show us the hard way its not great on the otherside or you wouldnt be setting a quit date again! You know you can do it though, pick the best date you have and give yourself that time to heal again xxxx

Ps i refuse to take nicotine in any shape or form! ill have to man up and get on with it felic :) xx

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Nikki I think your amazing, you have fought so very very hard to get to where you are now and to be honest I'm trying to be like you!

Both of us had numerous fails but we always got back on the wagon, you have come so far this time and this has helped me believe I can too!

That demon is trying to get you at your lowest, after a ****ty week! Show him you win Nikki xx

nsd_user663_53649 profile image

Resist, resist, resist , otherwise you will kick your very own backside. I did.

I am back and I won't give into the old brain thinking, nicotine is gone after a few weeks, so all that is left is a romantic idea of smoking, remind yourself it isn't as romantic as all that, try and remember the most stressed you felt when you wanted a smoke, espically when your brain has you remembering the times you were smokining and having fun, believe me most of the time you were outside like a leper and ashamed to be there.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

In my experience the thought of one is always better than having one. i find that after some time of being quit and im doing life on lifes terms i sometimes think a cigarette would go nicely with this or help me deal with that or the other . But i dont smoke anymore so i'll have to do whatever it is without the crutch which was never any good as a crutch anyway. who needs a crutch like that . crutch . crutch .crutch what a foul word .. i dont need a crutch especially one thats got such a ridiculous name like crutch. so eff off crutch with your silly name .i dont smoke anymore its a right mugs game. craves will come and go they never last they fall away easy ,limp and lifeless and i think is that all there is to a crave . flimsy dross and not such a loss. I quit for a reason so why i would agree to start again would be insane, and i definitely would regret it. and i guess anyone would. stay with your quit Nik.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Smoking is not ok, I needed them comments to affirm that. Gemma-lou unfortunately you had to show us the hard way its not great on the otherside or you wouldnt be setting a quit date again! You know you can do it though, pick the best date you have and give yourself that time to heal again xxxx

Hope I helped :)

You really can do it, know how hard you've fought for it and you'll get there - but be careful of getting that romantic idea of smoking going!! It's so easy when you've been quit a while but the harsh reality is nasty, expensive and harmful :/

I'll get there in the end too :)


nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Lol max it is minging! i sniffed my mums 'chipped' off fag earlier to smell how awful it was (as a smoker i thought these smelt rough) and PONG!! its disgusting!

I was reading a thing on facebook earlier from stoptober for people to comment on how their getting on. I had a little read and one lady at the end put 'i couldnt do it but well done guys this is giving me motivation' and it struck me, im not that person anymore, im the one smokers WANT to be! :D

I wont give in! no way! My mum would use my relapse as an excuse not to quit in January, i already said to her 'your not getting out of it, im not going to relapse sorry!' to which I got silence lol

Mrs M, Keep on trucking, If I can do this im 100% sure anyone can! Im a commit-a-phobe, im always weighing up my options in everything...and well this one had no weight on one of the sides...guess which one :rolleyes:

Thanks for the support guys, I think this was a horrible crave hole, those 3-5 day long ones, but im coming out now. Starting slimming world tomorrow as well :) keeping positive :D xxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I was reading a thing on facebook earlier from stoptober for people to comment on how their getting on. I had a little read and one lady at the end put 'i couldnt do it but well done guys this is giving me motivation' and it struck me, im not that person anymore, im the one smokers WANT to be! :D

You really are :)

It's been tough for you, but I think now you've got yourself in gear and are going to make this a forever quit!!

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Nikki your mum will fall flat on her face in January if you don't take the pressure of. I bet your mum won't want to do this if you keep saying stuff like that to her.

well it was actually just abit of banter/ a joke shes a big girl she can take it :p

Roseanne, Utmost respect for quitting and remaining smoke free at your stressful end, I do like to think that being a non smoker makes you better at handling stress, we have to re-learn how to self soothe again almost!

Felic my best attempt was 3 months last year, Worst thing is i didnt even cave at a bad crave moment, i just casually lit back up again :eek:

I still feel abit 'eh sod it' for a split second, and i remember its not ok to smoke! its not like a chocolate naughty slap on wrist, its a poison! It will knock years of my life and it will cost me loads of my hard earned money! theres no 'ah sod it' about it! :mad: I think alot of it is automatic thought to be honest, I have told myself it will be hard for the first year, so im well equipped! :D

Happy quitting everyone :D xx

nsd_user663_61894 profile image

Day 42

Hi everyone new to this forum would just like to say this is day 42 of my quit and my brain is telling me that I'm a grumpy old cow for giving up smoking and that I would be happier if I just had one reality is telling me don't you dare cause you know how ya gonna feel if you do like crap so at the moment I'm doing battle with my brain and reality just wanted to post this and get how I'm feeling out there

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Niki and and welcome to the forum :)

I'd say it would probably be best for you to start a new thread in the month 1 room of the forum. There are lots of people on here who will happily offer some words of advice to help you out.

Well done on reaching day 42! It really is a battle to begin with and you seem to spend a lot of time talking yourself out of picking up a cigarette and smoking. But you've made it over the month mark already, which is amazing. Would you really want to throw that away right now? You'd be back to square one and odds are that you'd soon realise there was a reason you quit in the first place!

My advice would be to ride these feelings out, be kind to yourself and do things that would usually relax you (other than smoking, of course, which is actually not relaxing at all), such as having a bath or going for a walk etc.

this WILL get easier, you just need to have patience and stay positive! :D


nsd_user663_61662 profile image

you are doing really well to get this far, just remember why you are doing this.

I was reading a book last week, it came free for my kindle with a bar of Galaxy, and it was about a group of women who went to a fat busters club, and at the end of each month, they could buy themselves a charm for a pandora bracelet - if they wanted to remind them of each milestone they reach.

You can do the same, use the forum to get you through the tough moments, whilst remembering what reward you are going to get at the end of the 4 weeks. You could get a star chart and at the end of each day, give yourself a star, or a smiley face sticker, at the end of each 4 weeks (even better if this is a pay day) treat yourself to something nice, a piece of bling to go out with, a new top, something that you can feel proud of because you went another 4 weeks without a dirty smoke.

If 4 weeks seems too daunting, take it a week at a time and increase it to two weeks after the first month etc.

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